>Why do Europeans can claim the achievements of the Romans, but Africans can't claim Ancient Egyptians for themselves?
Checkmate, stormfags
>Why do Europeans can claim the achievements of the Romans, but Africans can't claim Ancient Egyptians for themselves?
Checkmate, stormfags
Did all of African inherit any culture or knowledge from Egyptians?
Not all Europeans claim to have Roman descent like kangerz claim they was actual gypshins n shiet.
It has more to do with African in America and europe meaning "dark black dude" than anything else.
Pan Africanism is retarded but I can't blame people, the slave trade allowed people to feel "African" without having any kind of actually African identity and most African Americans probably have no idea where they actually come from within Africa.
Why are you projecting?
A Swede is more genetically similar to a Greek than even Sudanese is to an Egyptian.
If anything Egypt had more to do with the Mediterranean than with subsaharan Africans. So it's pretty absurd claim by ex congoid slaves whose ancestors were living in the Stone Age to want to have anything to do with Egypt.
Germanics don't claim the achievements of Romans
they claim the achievements of Germanics, like modern civilization and science
Nigga WE built them pyramids.
Because basically all Europeans then and today come from the Indo-European family.
The same is not the case in Africa.
>Why do Europeans can claim the achievements of the Romans
Only idiots do that.
>Africans can't claim Ancient Egyptians for themselves
Because ancient Egyptian culture, language, politics, religion, genealogy and history are all tied to the Near East and East Mediterranean not Africa, and only Egyptians are allowed to claim it.
Egypt's nearest "African" neighbors, the Nubians, didn't even invent a written language, and I don't mean a "writing system", I mean the whole culture was illiterate.
Italians and Greeks are Europeans in the same way Gypsies are Europeans.
That is a white supremacist lie.
You can see whatever you want but it don't change the fact that Egypt is in AFRICA. See the map?
Lol you don't even know geography.
ugg i know its race bait but why do these these threads always boil down to absolutes? the population itself was probably a mix of multiple races of people and as for the pharaohs there were Nubian dynasty's and there were Greek dynasty's and the classic Mediterranean/middle eastern look being the most prevalent.
Also, this.
"European" is neither a race nor an ethnic group.
Same goes for "African", nigger.
Egypt is not subhuman Africa
*sub saharan
you were right the first time
Freudian slip lel
>subhuman Africa
I'm gonna start using this.
>Why does OP keep posting the same thread every other day?