Should a husband be allowed to physically discipline his wife?
Should a husband be allowed to physically discipline his wife?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Should an antidote for all social evils be allowed to exist?
But only allied with the criminalization of adultery and divorce.
>discipline coming from someone who is undisciplined
I actually have a sexual fetish for this sort of thing.
So I hope so, simply for that reason.
>physically discipline his wife
In what way? Teaching her how to lift weights properly? Making her run 10km every day? What do you mean?
Are you playing dumb? He means beating her.
No more than i think it'd be acceptable for laws to be passed based upon whoever wins in massive fight, civil matters need to be resolved with civillity you fucking retard.
Where does the husband derive his authority to discipline his wife?
For clarity, spanking.
No, what's with all of the fucking Turks on this board?
If she disobeys, yes
The relationship between man and wife is modeled after the relationship between Christ and Church
woman cause the downfall of civilisation
>Tfw feminist
>Tfw really into BDSM
Back to pol
Of course. A husband is allowed to discipline all of his wives.
If he is the paterfamilias then yes
From his status as head of the household.
Women are different to men but they aren't fucking children
(but beating your children leads to worse outcomes as well.)
Well you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some million years of evolution make you stronger!
There is a contract between husband and wife.
No, a man should not hit a wife who upholds her end of the marriage
>tfw I will never have a stern but loving husband whi disciplines me
Of course.
As long as there is a safe-word.
To an extent if she breaks her marriage vows or something like that.
>No, a man should not hit a wife who upholds her end of the marriage
Obviously a man shouldn't hit his wife for no reason. Only if she is being disobedient.
Can the wife's father hit the husband if he's being disobedient?
Don't be ridiculous.
Why? Who's going to discipline the discipliner?
Why would anyone need to?
The man has been given dominion over the woman.
Eve came from Adam, not the other way around.
I suggest reading Henry Makow's articles regarding marriage and the jobs of husbands and wives, a lot of wisdom and knowledge.
>Henry Makow
>Henry Makow's official web site. Exposing Feminism and the New World Order.
>People also look for: David Icke, Jeff Rense, Fritz Springmeier
Sounds like a wise knowledgable man, indeed.
>Eve came from Adam, not the other way around.
>conveniently ignoring Lilith
it has been scientifically proven that women like a man that is dominant and protective.
you will notice that feminists always have daddy issues, and secretly desire an alpha male that puts her in her place.
>you will notice that feminists always have daddy issues, and secretly desire an alpha male that puts her in her place.
>my memes are always reality
If that's allowed then marriage is just a form of bondage that shouldn't be allowed in society.
For the same reason that anyone needs discipline
A man needs discipline because he is an uppity woman that is not obeying her husband? That doesn't make any sense at all.
What if the husband is being uppity and not obeying his wife?
Is this some kind of a trick question?
I'm just asking why a man gets to discpline his spouse but a woman doesn't.
Is this?
Because that's not the wife's job you retard.
Ever heard of biology?
Ever heard of family roles?
Ever heard of the Bible?
Oh wait - you're probably a cultural Marxist, in which case your opinion is discarded.
>Ever heard of family roles?
>Ever heard of the Bible?
Spooks, these are sufficient enough reasons for me to believe that ALL women should be submissive and receive discipline.
>Ever heard of biology?
I don't know much about biology (missed a lot of lessons). Can you give me a rundown on the biology backing up your case? Genuinely curious.
Not an argument.
Was that?
If she is into that sort of thing
Fine, I'll explain it a bit more.
Both of those concepts (bible and family values) require one to place faith into them, they have little physical bearing, they're just concepts (obviously the bible is a physical book, but I mean the ideas within.) They're spooks because I don't see any reason to follow them personally.
Law office intern here.
No, i need to make money somehow.
>Because that's not the wife's job you retard.
No it's the job of other men. They should get to discipline the husband if the husband gets uppity. That's logically consistent with your view.
>Because that's not the wife's job you retard.
Lets see what you have to back up this statement...
>Ever heard of biology?
Not an argument.
>Ever heard of family roles?
Not an argument.
>Ever heard of the Bible?
Definitely not an argument.
>Oh wait - you're probably a cultural Marxist, in which case your opinion is discarded.
The lack of arguments must really be getting to you.
You seem to have a strange idea of "logic".
Typical women.
It's a scientific fact that traditional family roles (which you liberals/modernists despise so much) creates a succesful and happy life for all involved.
The man feels loved by the wife.
The wife feels loved and protected by the man.
The man works and provides bread on the table.
The wife cares for the children and cooks.
One only has to look at how perverse western civilization has become now (thanks Cultural Marxism!) to see how devastated families have become. A family is the building block of a nation.
Why change something that has worked for pretty much all of history? Feminism has made women unhappy and depressed.
>You seem to have a strange idea of "logic".
English must not be your native language.
>Why change something that has worked for pretty much all of history?
Because we found something better than your Disney fiction
>(which you liberals/modernists despise so much)
Making some assumptions there, I have nothing against traditional roles (they actually appeal, on a personal level.)
Anyway you still haven't made any arguments. You say it's a scientific fact, well can you provide a source or something to back this up? Which scientists said that traditional family roles are happier across the board?
And look how it is destroying western civilization and tearing apart families.
Great job dumb ass.
It's perfectly acceptable to use logic in a sentence like that. You truly are a very stupid women.
>And look how it is destroying western civilization and tearing apart families.
>It's perfectly acceptable to use logic in a sentence like that.
What? That makes literally no sense. You said my logic was faulty you dumb cunt
Not an argument.
>reality is fiction
wew. Just because you're buttblasted doesn't mean you can make shit up.
well spotted!
Was your family torn APAAAAAAAARRT by degeneracy or something?
>fiction is reality
wew. Just because you're buttblasted doesn't mean you can make shit up.
>men and women being unhappy is better
>divorces being at an all-time high is better
>families being destroyed is better
t. Cultural Marxist
Your logic is non-existent.
That fact a man can discipline his wife does not logically lead to other men can discipline the husband. There's no logic there, just a completely spurious leap.
He's a sick, insane, psychotic Leftist.
Just ignore him, don't bother.
You can't argue with libtards and commies.
>higher divorce rates are bad
Or it could mean people are getting out shitty marriages which they couldn't get out of in the past.
>men and women are unhappy
>being in an unhappy marriage is better than divorce
>families aren't being destroyed but I'll pretend they are in an appeal to emotion
t. 15 year old in bible camp
>There's no logic there, just a completely spurious leap.
But it's completely true. Have you heard of the law? What do you think that is? Dumbass.
>That fact a man can discipline his wife does not logically lead to other men can discipline the husband.
Yes it does.
>a person requires discipline
>person b can apply discipline
>person b requires discipline
>person c can apply discipline
But the premise of the original claim is not "a person requires discipline".
It is a "a female requires discipline".
What law would you be referring to, dearie.
I remember when I was an edgy moral relativist, but then I grew up.
Not an argument.
You are mentally ill.
I've noticed this aggressive conflation of the several different sociopaths hatreds (blacks, jews, women, etc) on this website.
Why are kids these days being recruited into decades-old culture wars? Unhelpful distractions when we need to be most focused on the future. I feel sorry for these kids.
What about that observation leads you to that assumption? What is your response to the claim that higher divorce rates are indicative of our ability to freely remove ourselves from shitty marriages, which is a modern liberty unlike marriage law and practice in prior centuries?
You are clearly not a Christian, so your opinion is worthless.
>You are clearly not a Christian, so your opinion is worthless.
Not an argument.
Lust for violence cultivated by videogames and movies; the fact men are aggressive when desperate and ever decreasing attendance at church.
We can be happy they are just spewing vitriol for now. If they were succesfully targeted by Mohamedans, the problem would be much worse.
Go back to the cuck shed
>What law would you be referring to, dearie.
THE law. Law is men disciplining other men.
>It is a "a female requires discipline".
And a female is a person.
Being bigger
sage this cancer
Oh noes I hurt your monkey mythology feelings.
>Lust for violence cultivated by videogames and movies
t. jack thompson
But Allahu committed suicide long time ago.
>lmao evolution is literally a religion based on faith
>therefore christianity is true
>also dungeons and dragons is the work of the devil.
the left do it first with university activists and tumblr proto SJWs, which leads to gamergate
all thing start from there, the whole right wing counter culture literally start as reaction for feminist criticising "sexist" games, not even joking
>implying I am wrong
Subculture we are talking about is literally just a result of young men playing games too much. There's even some user ITT suggesting the whole """right wing""" counterculture came from political arguments about videogames.
>And look how it is destroying western civilization and tearing apart families.
He's right
But the wife's brother's or father normally beat the shit out of the husband if he abused his wife. And if it wasn't them it was the male neighbors
And not a single one that should be taken seriously.