How do we get rid of this fucking bot keeping the price down?

How do we get rid of this fucking bot keeping the price down?

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Cant only strong hands win

why would you drive up the price
im still accumulating

Pls no, I haven't fully bought in yet.

we profit from it and also get cheap ARK before he removes the sellwalls and we moon ?????
he is doing us a favor..

shill. post pics or stfu

Sell faggot, you lost already

i only put it $75 at 60 cents, fuckin wish i put more, got a lot more now but not at that price point....heh

I'm holding Ark and I'm starting to doubt my own sanity. Why the fuck is everyone claiming it's a PND or scam? Do they just want to get people to panic sell?

>tfw bought 10,000 at $.40

I think I'm doing okay, cocksucker

you iron handing it son?

Yupp. This is easily a $10+ coin so I won't sell until then, minimum.

but this is what anarcho-capitalism looks like; either deal with it or go buy some ETH

very nice. i can def see this coin going places, it's got a hell of a lot more going for it than 99% of these other fuckin coins

Agreed. Less than 3 months old, good tech/code, innovative ideas, solid devs, sleek website, cool name and logo

It's a diamond in the rough imo.

How much you guys holding?


750 and voted for biz
as soon as I start seeing a change in the trend I'll double that

about 560

around 200. was going to buy another 1000 but started to have doubts desu

3850 user.
I want to take out 1000 if this and diversify.
The whale is winning I guess.
Looking at the chart from the last year something similar happened. Was a bot left on for a whole 6 weeks from the last pump? Anyway.. HODL ME TIGHT

for it to be $10 dollars each it will need to have a $1b market cap, this is easily possible but why do you think it will happen in a week, we new this from the start. everyone just chill the fuck out go about your day in 6 months come back

Been watching the price all night.


This. It's still up like 300% in a week, and the coin is barely 2 and a half months old.

Get in a staking pool, go play some video games or something and just forget about it for a couple months. ETH was sub-$10 for over a year before going supernova.

I think this is great, actually. You can use the bot too to make gains and accumulate Ark, then just Hodl.

Okay I might be stupid as fuck, but why have I not been doing this all along?

Because you don't know when the whale will let it moon, and the longer he keeps it up, the more likely he'll be done accumulating by the time you start day trading.
This is why I won't, but you can certainly make profit if you're more ballsy than me.

Why would someone set a bot up too keep the price low and lose money doing so?

Plis explained

Honestly, he's been doing this for so long. Might be a bit late to start now. But I might as well throw my 3k ARKs in. When it jumps to $1,15 I'll buy back in.
He wants to buy more cheap coins before the coin's value inevitably increases.

because one you have millions of dollars you find that you want more, so you manipulate the price of coins with potential to keep it artificially low, right, allowing you to accumulate thousands more daily at a low price. When the interest of the product gets enough traction, the whale will be holding hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets and can cash in bigly

This is getting seriously fucking ridiculous. Pic related.

Ive reported the issue to Bittrex. Bot manipulation is against their Terms of Service. I encourage everyone here to do the same.

Still waiting on a response from them.


Then we get hit with the real twist: Bittrex are using the bots

whales are FUDding trying to get cheap ark

I believe in ARK

3000, bought at under .40


wanted 10k but i'd have to sell more ETH for that and i feel i can't be having that

Balls deep.

Forgot to hit reply

We'll make it.

lawdy, you brave motherfucker

help me out ark bros, i'm holding:
Digix DAO

i bought all of these for fomo. should i liquidate any and buy ark instead?

>tfw holding ARK and DGB
It's been a wild ride these past couple of days.

I'm not familiar with some of them, so I'd dump these:
APX, Trustcoin, Tokencard, Digix DAO, Guppy, Lunyr

ETH and ARK is what I'm doing.

Stop reading Veeky Forums for awhile. People thought ETH was a scam and they still do, the only difference is Eth was 20 bucks then and it's 275 now. Price can be whatever in this market, don't forget fundamentals don't matter(until they do).

Don't bother user, another user already complained and the support admitted they're letting him do it.
I don't know why people think the price will rise if he gets banned, without his volume it might fall for months until it gets listed on other exchanges.
I made 8 Ark last night selling at 38 and leaving an open buy order at 34, not willing to do it again but there you go.


How do you think they make money? With fucking bots that's how.

is ark only on bittrex?

there's a 0.25% fee for each trade

I'm that.

I am still trying to come up with a way to beat their stupid pattern. Unfortunately without the large amount of BTC they seem to have, it'll be hard to compete.

Basically the bot creates artificial buy/sell walls to cause price swings. It then buys and sells on those swings so that it can't possible lose. It has a shit ton of BTC behind it so there's only 3 ways to win. Either don't play (give up and move on to something else), It's people decide to stop liking easy money, or a friendly whale with more money then them comes in and just buys them out of their shit and destroys all the sell walls for us.

>keep prices low
>get big fees from large transactions
>remove bot
>high prices and you got's the fees

This and ETH are my 2 long-term holds. I'm confident that the price would be higher in the future so I'm not too worried about it. As the project hits more milestones it is bound to hit other exchanges. While the bot is extremely irritating, it's nothing compared to how much I'd be kicking myself if I sell now.

Wew lad. That's a future millionaires amount right there.

Get rid of NEM and Ripple. Theyre not going anywhere any time soon. Make some money with other coins and then buy back into those projects later.

If enough people complain and biz raids their support requests, then maybe something can get pushed through.

bittrex is well aware of this guy and his bot service. he hangs out in their support IRC. they aren't going to do shit about it.

we'll never know who the people are the are using the service, but wouldn't it be fucked if it were the coins admins.

what we need is more and larger exchanges so we can have a balance and bring in more funding sources.

>all this FUD
>all this FOMO
>all this hype
>all this buzz
i can't tell who is jewing who anymore

The positive side of this is that the coin can't be hijacked by PnD shills.

I don't see other exchanges happening soon. Poloniex are a bunch of fuckers and I wouldn't be surprised if they disappeared tomorrow. Who else can compete with Bittrex's volume?


this makes me want to buy into decentralized exchanges' ICOs

>can't be hijacked by PnD shills
You mean teenagers and 21-year-olds on Discord can't manipulate it with their shit-tier buying power. It's still being manipulated like crazy.

like who, WAVES? (((BANCOR)))?

As much as it sucks I don't think we can really fix it unless someone lurking here has 100btc to break it's shit with

May as well just ride the waves

Decentralized exchanges are far past the ICO stage. They are coming sooner rather than later.

BlockNet (BLOCK)

a collective OY VEY is heard in the distance

What if someone here much cooler than I can DDoS attack

shits probably running on some kinda cloud service, good luck ddosing amazon

ARK is a great project with great fundamentals but seems to attract the shittiest, greediest fucking whales. Thats why you see all the differing viewpoints on this coin.


Yeah and its coming from shitty, cheap, backstabbing exchanges like Poloniex and Coinbase.

Whales want the biggest slice of the cake and they know Ark will become a very big cake

I wouldn't bother, just sell high buy low, the bot is clearly the majority of the volume. I thought they would push to 40k but now it's 38k, they are either pushing the price down or trying to make it stable before the moon. I figure we'll see 34 or less again today, buy in then.
I don't know what you're talking about, bittrex is the small fish here compared to any exchange. The most trusted is kraken, polo is the most popular in the west. Bittrex is popular on Veeky Forums but they don't have the volume.

I guess I wasn't thinking about kraken because I don't see them adding it anytime soon. What exchanges are you thinking of then?

i'm starting to recognize this bot on more and more coins lately. it's going to be the cancer that kills bittrex

desu it made me almost 0,3 BTC by regularly swinging STRAT

so sad I didn't get on BLOCK train while it was around $2

what kind of behavior does it do that you can take advantage of?

Its still at a steal my friend. Its supply is absurdly low and the product isnt even out yet, nevermind the fact that it doesnt even have a any userbase yet. Just wait till it gets released and it becomes the go to exchange, the price will go to fucking pluto.

it made STRAT fluctuate by 30ksats regularly; the floor was obvious by the buy wall, the high likewise

of course it can m8. how much is the Veeky Forums node thing worth now?

445558 ARK and rising

so it fluctuates it up and down like crazy? well i'm seeing the pattern now when i look at the chart.

right but it's tiresome and consumes a lot of your time

i'm continuing to write my bot to compete with this shit. at least ride on it's coattails.

Only whales can beat other whales. Your bot will amount to nothing.

don't just buy and hold. ARK is a solid long-term coin

what would happen if we all used bots and they all just start competing with each other?

not talking about beating, but trading on the swings they create works. i've done it by hand. i can detect the walls they setup and undercut/overbid just enough to make a profit each time.

you'd always be susceptible to fail any time there's a change in target bot's operating parameters

I'm currently doing the same. What's up with that guy? He can't even pump to 38k sat

He's killing the coin lmao

i've been studying the bots patterns for literally 4 days. i can recognize when the bots are active on any coin at a glance now.

i'm a software engineer handling big data and statistical analysis professionally.

You might be right...

I was surprised when he sold at around $1.04. He had another, bigger wall up behind that one. How can I predict that?

ooohhh my god

im guessing he just takes those sell walls off once he reaches a support line

i'm gonna do a full writeup so everyone can recognize the patterns and have an understanding when to buy and sell. if the word spreads to enough coins/people, we might be able to reduce these fuckers profits enough to drive em away.