Is there any worse Veeky Forums meme than being a Vietnam War apologist?
Is there any worse Veeky Forums meme than being a Vietnam War apologist?
Being a Mao apologist
Being a tankie
Being a wehraboo
>t. Trotty
I forgot to add being a Marxist or actually being Communist unironically.
Weaboos crying over Hiroshima&Nagasaki.
>Is there any worse Veeky Forums meme than being a Vietnam War apologist?
Thinking the U.S. should have allowed Communism to spread in Southeast Asia, I reckon.
And yet the failed to stop it and it literally made zero difference.
Gets your noggin' a joggin' don't it?
HEMAfags with a longsword fetish
People who throw autist fits whenever 1. You praise an aspect Islamic civilisation 2. You imply Imperialism wasn't the best thing that ever happened to the world
>Gets your noggin' a joggin' don't it?
Considering that you're probably a simpleton who fails to understand yhe Vienam War in the grander scope of Cold War geopolitics, I'd say no. Nothing you've said has intrigued me whatsoever.
>made zero difference
>blew the country to shit so hard that it would cost more to rebuild for the Communists than they would have gained
It did work. Put an end to that shit right there and ensured Vietnam would never be able to be anything other than a liability and cash sink for them. And showed we would be willing to go and fight Communists even if they did overtake a shit country.
And that was the goal. We never planned to win in Vietnam, just deny it to the enemy. Hence why they even considered the nuclear option at one point. By denying that to the enemy, America did achieve the goal.
>And yet the failed to stop it and it literally made zero difference
You realize that SEA is, in fact, bigger than just Indochina, correct?
>we never planned to win in Vietnam
>"heh we weren't even TRYING to win! jokes on you!"
*flees country to leave ally to lose resoundingly*
It's a fact the US lost the war in Vietnam. North Vietnam was never defeated no matter what "bs policies" or "held back by rules" you cite. The fact remains they weren't defeated. NVA objective was to take the south and complete the Vietnamese communist state, which it did.
"The US won every war and battle it ever fought" is a Roman Empire level meme that's dangerous to actually believe, because it's factually incorrect.
There's always that one group of Americans who come in to explain how that war they lost actually wasn't a loss, but was overall a victory in every way for the US.
Carl von Clausewitz said war and soldiers are just an arm of politics achieving their particular agenda. In this case the NVA agenda won, no matter what reasons you cite or how disadvantaged America was.
hmmm yes indeed snort snort
Islamophilia really is a thing though.
I always love asking those guys who claim that the U.S. "really" won Vietnam to come up with a criteria for U.S. victory there that doesn't also lead to the conclusion that the Soviets "really" won in Afghanistan.
Islam apologists.
Communism apologists.
Edgy atheists.
Moral relativist "spook" shitposters.
These are cancer that plagues Veeky Forums.
>We never planned to win in Vietnam,
Really made me think
*revisionism intensifies*
Ever hear of the Khmer Rouge, user?
While yes, it is true the North Vietnamese won in this respect, something to remember is, by the time of the liberation of Saigon, the US troop presence was nowhere near where it was at the height of American involvement. While America itself was finally thrown out of the country, revolution did not spread through the rest of SEA, and the US military itself escaped, technically, undefeated.
A regime so extreme the vietnamese intervened.
I just wanna stay in the sun where I find
I know it's hard sometimes
Pieces of peace in the sun's peace of mind
I know it's hard sometimes
Yeah, I think about the end just way too much
But it's fun to fantasize
On my enemies who wouldn't wish who I was
But it's fun to fantasize
Oh, oh, I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my ride
Oh, I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my ride
Taking my time on my ride
"I'd die for you," that's easy to say
We have a list of people that we would take
A bullet for them, a bullet for you
A bullet for everybody in this room
But I don't seem to see many bullets coming through
See many bullets coming through
Metaphorically, I'm the man
But literally, I don't know what I'd do
"I'd live for you," and that's hard to do
Even harder to say when you know it's not true
Even harder to write when you know that tonight
There were people back home who tried talking to you
But then you ignored them still
All these questions they're for real
Like "Who would you live for?",
"Who would you die for?"
And "Would you ever kill?"
Oh, oh, I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my ride
Oh, I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my ride
Taking my time on my ride
>Losing a war while you have one hand tied behind your back
Hanoi would have looked so lovely remodeled Nagasaki style.
>misunderstanding the point of the war in the first place
If you're in a fight with your neighbor and I come to help you but instead kill both of you because "lol", what was the point of helping in the first place?
Being a tankie is probably worse.
>the Communists
I like how this implies that they were some unified group, when the "Communist" Chinese invaded "Communist" Vietnam not long after the US left.
Turning Vietnam's cities into smoking craters would have kind of defeated the purpose of fighting in Vietnam...
Wehraboos need to be locked in a room and shown film of the Germans using horses and bikes to get around/carry supplies until they get the point.
We were only there because Monsanto wanted to test out their new chemicals.
At least in my experience, Wehraboos usually try to glorify precisely that angle of the Wehrmacht, as to how they were so poor and only lost through material expenditure, so as to highlight the aryan supersoldier meme they adore.
>revolution did not spread through the rest of SEA,
Except for the parts that did go communistm and in fact would have to be taken down by other communistss, showing that they had a lot of influence in the area.
>and the US military itself escaped, technically, undefeated.
What? You can't say that the military was undefeated but the political structure was because the military is itself an extension of the political structure.
Really? I've usually run into the "super duper advanced Germans!" wehraboos. I need to spend some more time on /pol/ so I can keep up with the new trends.
Cambodia is part of Indochina, user.
You had me until "Evolutionists".
There seem to be quite a lot of unironical tankies on Veeky Forums
t. Jerry Falwell
t. weekend Waffen-SS LARPer
>hating commies makes you /pol/
Go back to Veeky Forums, shitdick
>reading books
t. Eurofag
all i need to need are the words U, S and A
>tfw you drew the original nazi version of this years ago
That's why he's wearing a Stalhelm desu
Spookposters easily, full cringe. The best part is that a lot of the spookposters here are unironic marxists who are pretty far away from egoist anarchists like Stirner. It's funny to see them launch into a tantrum when you remind them that class is also a spook.
>le nazi xD
spotted the tankie
Yeah, and trigger nuclear war with USSR.
Totally worth it.
I saved it when it first cropped up on /pol/ many years ago.
Good times.
t. unironic monarchist libertarian neo-nationalist authoritarian contradiction eventual suicide
>implying the Soviets would go full WW3 over a jungle shitstain of a country like Vietnam
Notice only commies use this autistic prefix.
When you stupid cunts pass moral judgement upon the countless occasions in which states act in their own selfâinterest (dropping the nuke on Japan was wrong, X country invading Y was wrong, why werent the Soviets willing to die for Poles, waaa waaa boo hoo etc) shut the fuck up you are like children before me.