Fuck you. Why is nobody shilling GNT? It is going for new ATH. Some major walls were already broken. Bought in at 21300.
easy 40% profit
Fuck you. Why is nobody shilling GNT? It is going for new ATH. Some major walls were already broken. Bought in at 21300.
easy 40% profit
this beautiful 1 week flatline and then the pop now. could go to 30k
Doesn't need shilling.
5 min chart not in parabolic mode yet = there is still time to buy in
i also advice you to look at LBC. i think its going insane today or tomorrow
I thought LBC already mooned
This desu.
Just went all in.
keeping up good with ETH. I am still down on the ETH/GNT ratio though.
>Bought with half my portfolio
>Immediately fucking dips hard
Brass at the end of next week and coinbase adoption at the end of the month it will rise to $3.5 in a blink of an eye, I'm going to retire on this.
It's already mooned, shilled hard and it's also extremely overvalued.
People won't... "sell the news" will they?
My alarm hasnt triggered so clearly it hasnt broken ATH, so until then, its just a cock-tease
>already doubled my investment and anything else is gravy
ty based polish jews
Aaaaand its crashing
I trust in this coin. When wil brass golem come out?
"very soon"
I don't get the question marks desu
can't find news about it anywhere, where do you guys get these info?
I've traded this shit in the past. Made some ETH from it.
At the moment the Golem team seem unreliable. They've pushed Brass release date back, their marketing is terrible, and I have no faith in them actually delivering.
They're all sketchy slav neckbeards.
GNT just seems like a risk right now.
The less a coin is shilled here the better just look at dgb
DGB went x25 before its ultimate demise. I'd give anything to have the next x20 coin relentlessly shilled to me.
Yeah 1 out of the 50 coins constantly being shilled here, you can't honestly think dgb went up because Veeky Forumsfags bought in with there $50 capital
Definitely not. Despite all the shilling I felt it was a shitcoin and didn't buy, and I can't make sense of how it mooned. But all that missing out made me a little crazy and irrational
if you're retarded then yes , if you can read you'll see what's ahead and look into what the golemfactory is producing.
More news coming, clay is 38% complete.
plebbit and github where it states how much of the project is complete.