Why aren't you buying QRL right NOW?

Seriously, this is your best chance to get a lambo by the end of june.

>propably the most secure public blockchain
>got on bittrex just today (the only exchange which offers QRL atm)
>paper thin walls
>guarantee of multiplying its value in a few days/hours

Get in now or stay poor user.

Just bought some, hope you are right.

best technology in blockchain atm

fomo has started

Becuz I am busy buying MAID at the dip and hodling my ETH

It's already 11% up. Think wisely.

Put in $200 on this. Would be nice to walk away with a few thousand.

The impressive volume is what swayed me. Good for a quick buck at the least, if not a potential long-term hold.


It's already up pver 1000%
ICO price was $.08 Now it's over a dollar on the first day.

So what's next? A dip?

Why should I invest in this? Im thinking about it but im not sold yet

I listened to you fucks when you said to buy zencash and lost over half my shit. Will i be down to 25% of my initial investment if i buy this?

Just put in something small like $100-200. That way if it goes parabolic you'll make some decent cash and if you lose it then meh.


price is fluctuating so much, too risky to buy. I'll take a look tomorrow!

OK - I taking a shot at 500 of these.

Veeky Forums set me up with
eth at $19
rdd at like 20 sat
start at 55 cents
dgb at 141
screwed on cpc (actually just about even)
but lets goooooo

What is so good about this coin? Is it a long-term investment?

Ok im in, 180 qrl at 30000. after checking it seem like a good coin

What is so good about this coin?

tl;dr: this coin aims to be cryptographically secure against quantum computing attacks

I got 150 at 30k sats

If any anons here know much about quantum computing, please chime in

DO NOT buy this scam, discordfags are trying to bait you into their PnD schemes.

>Why aren't you buying QRL right NOW?
because you (and probably your discord buttbuddies) are shilling it, that's why

I missed the last moon, I'm not missing this one.

Buy before it's 10x .

Because I have lots of iota. Btfo

>LE I MISSED X, MISSED Y, MISSED Z....BUT I AINT GONNA FUCKING MISS THIS ONE FOR SURE!!! *throws life saving into shitcoin* FOLLOW ME, BIZBROS!!! *bizbrofists*
fuck off and die

y u heff 2 b mad

because the board has become 95% of shilldiscord threads over the last few months?
and no mod is doing anything about it?
it's fucking annoying, repetitive, and boring

fuck off and die you wretched faggots, everyone knows what you are doing, consider suicide by drinking bleach after smashing your nano ledgers you wannabe fucking jews

the coin just came out on bittrex; shouldn't some hype be no surprise?

>call out blatant shilling so other people might not fall for their epic p&d meme
u fucking what?

>Trying to bait desperate poor people into your PnD schemes
>Somehow I am the jew
Except the typing style and word choice of these faggots is always the same. Next time they will be saying how you have to be literally retarded to not buy this.

how is this a Pnd? when did accumulation happen? it's not fucking possible. it's not how that shit works.
these posts trying to warn others are by butt hurt bitches that got fucked over by chasing pumps.
I'd be pissed if I bought a fuck ton of some pajeet-magnets too.
Buy in or dont.

was waiting for the price to drop saw it when it was about 97 cent

Python-based blockchain ledger utilising hash-based one-time merkle tree signature scheme (XMSS) instead of ECDSA. Proof-of-stake block selection via HMAC_DRBG PRF and a signed iterative hash chain reveal scheme.

Hash-based signatures means larger transactions (6kb per tx, binary), longer keypair generation times and the need to record 'state' of transactions as each keypair can only be used once safely. Merkle tree usage enables a single address to be used for signing numerous transactions (up to 2^13 computationally easily enough). Transactions have an incremented nonce to allow wallets to know which MSS keypair to use - currently Lamport-Diffie and Winternitz one-time signatures as part of merkle signature schemes and XMSS/W-OTS+ are natively supported.

>buy now or cry later

Look at walls again. HAHA see u in 1000 sats

inb4 Zencrash

these guys got invited to Google's upcoming Quantum event.

definitely worth putting 10% of your portfolio into them. very anti-fragile investment.


this coin is being artificially manipulated by traderdaddy.com bots, pay attention to the sell orders. see the wall locations. they create 2-3k price swings and siphon btc.

These fucking cancerbots. They're in biz now? They're all over crypto now. Fuck it was only a matter of time before some shit like this happened.

shitty fucking bitches ass pussy little bots fuck i hope they die of cancer

13 btc wall when its got potential to reach 30k, i hope this motherfuckers loose all their coins

>promise to make a quantum resistant ledger
>look up the name of the head developer and not even one hit that isn't related to the project