What country is most at fault for the Black Plague?
What country is most at fault for the Black Plague?
Obviously China seeing as the conditions of squalor were so appalling that it created the Bubonic plague to begin with.
considering it was brought to europe from China over the silk road after the Mongols reopened it I'm gonna have to go with them
How Eurocentric
Do you understand what the black plague was?
haha parathensis meme! :)
The Turks
you don't poison your own wells
What the fuck are you trying to do? "(w)"?
That's an awful fucking map, god damn. Why is Copenhagen in Pomerania? How is Warsaw relevant when it was a small town and not a capital of anything at the time? Why is a 17th century plague doctor depicted?
Warsaw spared?
Nobody wanted to go to fucking Poland? lol
everyone who uses echoes or inverted commas meme is retarded
But you can apparently poison wells in countries you have been expelled a day ethnically cleansed from,
There you have a motive too
But not the means.
They didnt wear yellow stars then
Where do you think the Nazis got the idea?
Hygiene level was much higher compared to the Western states at the time
also this map is shit cause area of Western Europe wasn't spared, it was less influented by Black Plague. And the Polish capital was Krakow
I obviously meant area of Eastern Europe, pardon
What the fuck are you on about, all the major trade routes went around poland and poland itself was largely sparsely populated.
based judeo-polish alliance
Kazakhstan, here's why:
The plague came from Kazakhstan, specifically from gigantic rat colonies that exist there.
Nowadays the colony populations are measured regularly. Why?
Because when the population gets too large corpses and poor hygiene will inevitably cause a disease outbreak which can sometimes be
the plague.
If such a surge is discovered the population is culled and If they were
too late they try to contain it.
And the cycle starts again.
Clearly the rat cullers took a vacation in the 14th century, but the Mongols didn't.
Oh yeah the corpses and poor hygiene cause rats to move out and potentially spread the disease which causes the disease outbreak, forgot to add that.
Kinda counterproductive to place fault or blame on a country for a plague that wasn't engineered or intentionally spread by an acting party, don't you think?
it originated in China, spread from the silk road to Constantinople, then Mediterranean trade did the rest, I wouldn't fault a party for what wasn't intentional, or even fully understood by the traders spreading it.
Beat me to it.
Cry me a fucking river you Commie retard. History IS Eurocentric.
a terrible Judish sect
The black death happemed during the reign of Casimir the fucking Great. He defended Poland through strict border control and better hygiene
delet this map
>even the black plague doesn't want anything to do with poland
Really gets the synapses on auto-fire.
The plague didn't come from China, you idiots. Stop projecting your contemporary perceptions onto the past.
Silly Poles, everyone knows they use the blood to make bread, not drink it
>routes went around poland and poland itself was largely sparsely populated.
There were major trade routes through Cracow and Danzig
And I would like to source for
>sparsely populated
as plague didn't spare bigger shitholes than Poland at the time - Northern Europe, England, etc.
> implying countries existed at that time
the black death never happened (((they))) poisoned the wells
I would say Venice and Genoa, as their ships were the ones who managed to spread the fucking thing into every Mediterranean port within a couple months.
The Plague spread through the coastal ports inland, because fuck quarantine, I have deadlines to meet and spices do deliver.
the eternal venetia with jewish help
what these anons said.
We don't know exactly where, but somewhere in the steppes between the Caucuses and eastern Mongolia there were huge rodent colonies (fuckin marmots) that were disease sponges.
Now some Tartars wanted to take the port city of Caffa from the sea-jew Genoese, and decided some biological warfare was in order.
Some of their men had already died from picking up the plague from the steppe marmots, so they chucked them into the city.
Now the Genoese started to flee the city when people started dropping dead out of nowhere, and their boats landed as far away as Marseille in southern France.
so basically fuck marmots