*Blocks your path*

*Blocks your path*

*Pushes over*

m-muh yooman nachu


but it isn't real socialism


Poor bucket of bourgeois blood on him and laugh as his skin melts

>They said it so it must be true!

Do classcucks think eastern bloc dictators are some paragons of truth?

nothing personnel

I'm pretty sure that would just give him an erection

>no true scotsman fallacy

*wait until he collapses on his own*
*comfortably pass*

I'm Scottish. I wasn't actually born in Scotland, have no Scottish ancestry and have never lived in Scotland.

But if you tell me I'm not Scottish that's a no true Scotsman fallacy.

>implying anyone of them claimed they are doing communism or that their country is communistic


Not him, but you're dumb

>When you produce enough food for 12 billion people but you end up throwing away half of it

I drop a few pennies at his feet and carry on walking as his poverty stricken ass scrambles to pick them up.

That is one next level non-argument.

le epic meme dude lolololol XDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

>if it succeeds it's communism
>if it fails then it isn't
Is communism the perfect ideology.

No but that's a perfect straw man.

Venezuela isn't poor because of socialism, it's because of their dependance on oil. If Venezuela was capitalist, it would have the same problems.

>still not a communist

How is living in past, brainlets?

Fuck off classcuck, everyone knows bread and toilet papers are bourgeoisie constructs.

Communism is a combination of Socialism, Authoritarianism, Globalism, and Atheism.

Also socialism is not just one ideology. In some ways, the United States is quite socialist.

>public schools
>minimum wage
>public roads
>unemployment insurance

Basically any public spending from the government is socialism.

>public spending from the government is socialism.

Daily reminder that Hitler was a socialist for /pol/acks.

classical ameritip stupidity

Hitler didn't care about jawb creaturrs?

Into the oven you go, Marx.


Communism is basically a nation committing suicide.

Classic Marxist revision

>gets called out for being dumb as a stone
>"b-but you're a marxist!"

Not an argument.

>not an argument

I see no arguments suppporting this argument.