Why aren't you planning for your retirement, user?
Why aren't you planning for your retirement, user?
I will get a 2500 euros pension based on the job i am doing plus i got 4 flats which get me 3000 euros a month
No need to plan anything
ah yes let me just plan something ahead 40 years when the geopolitical and technological future is as uncertain as it is now. get fucked
4 flats only get you 3k? what city?
I am 80% of my networth is in crypto
Already have 100,000 in 401k and IRA and I've only been working for 3 years. Company offers an awesome match and profit sharing and the market has been good to me
I invested 20,000 in crypto and made 100,000 in 2 weeks LOL
Also fuck retirement, why would i care about my old age? I need to enjoy life NOW.
I will just jump out a plane and die in the ocean in my old age. Why live lol
But I am. With crypto. If you think government pensions will still work as is for another 30 years, you're in for a rude awakening.
Nevermind the youngfags around here who will need to contribute for 40 years and hope the system doesn't crash for ~80 years. Yeah right.
In my socialist country, rapefugees already get more gibs than pensioners who contributed 40 years on minimum wage. When economic pressure increases, the government will placate the young and strong (who can rebel) over the old and weak (who has to take it). More and more cuts will come as the African population boom brings hundreds of millions to Europe. Pensions might be an OK idea if you're a burger, but then again you guys are bound to be outbred by hispanics as well.
I am a fat alcoholic smoker. I won't live long enough to retire.
As much as I dislike spics coming and taking jobs for shit rates driving down wages at least most of them actually work, you guys are really getting fucked.
>most of them actually work
most are still net negatives economically. they can aggregate thousands of dollars in gibs while also using all tax funded services and hippocratic oaths make their health problems a cost on an already stretched healthcare system. It's funny that everybody I knew grewing up knew we woulnd't be getting shit from social security or medicare by the time we hit retirement age, the funds simply will not be there in 30 years.
because I don't care about old me
fucking sick, old, faggot sleeps all day, and his everything hurts, he should be dead already
The assumptions are retarded and completely unrealistic. On top of that, you can't live on less than 1m at retirement, more like 2m+.
I'm want to move to Cambodia and have lots of dirty unprotected sex before I turn 60.
Much will likely mean I won't live past that ago.
>35 years
Fuck that. I'm aiming to be financially independent by age 35. After that I can do whatever I want. Keep working for awhile, maybe do some consulting gigs, or just fuck off and retire.
The biggest variable for me is what health insurance looks like in by then, who fucking knows?
This guy knows what's up.
>+1 eth added to your wallet
What exactly am I shilling for? I'm a nocoiner, anyway.
Kek I'm 23 and literally made that in a few months.
lamo @ these cucks thinking retiring at 70 is acceptable
financial independence by 25 or im killing everyone and then myself
how boyo?
crypto of course
what you holding right now?
>35 years for 4x gains
Hahahahahahaha. I did this in literally 2 days with BTS.
That's the sad life of a normalfag, user. They don't know any better.
The majority of it is in 47 BTC and 230 ETH. The rest spread among DGB XMR WAVES SC RDD LTC GNT DGB BURST ARK ANT LBC
Ok but since you got crypto gaina, does anyone know how to avoid uncle sams jew ass from fucking our gains and taking a portion of our crypto retirement gains
Probably better to just establish a bank account in a crypto-friendly country desu senpai.
fuck inflation and deficit spending
this is literally why i'm going in crypto
Buy GBTC in a Roth
>thread devolves into the memecoin ponzi talk
Veeky Forums is a ruined board
>no coiner complaining about crypto talk on a crypto containment board
>Veeky Forums is a ruined board
fuck off then desu