Why didn't Protestants just become Orthodox?
Why didn't Protestants just become Orthodox?
Because they're a Muslim plot to destabilise Europe.
I heard that Luther tried to contact the Greeks, but due to reasons was unable to. Then they became too heavily invested in their own theology (which conflicts with orthodoxy) to go back. Imagine fighting multiple wars for sola fide and then telling the people, heh, just kidding guys.
It's never too late tough.
>escape from being chucked to death by the (((pope)))
>get to have apostolic succession, aesthetics and tradition
Sounds like a sweet deal to me.
Because Orthodoxy is just Catholicism lite.
It's the same shit except without a Pope.
A better question is what would eastern Protestantism have looked like. Probably iconoclastic and less refined philosophically but liturgy would probably be more dank.
>Imagine fighting multiple wars for sola fide and then telling the people, heh, just kidding guys.
Initially there were no wars though, it seems like if the reformers really were interested in going back to the "roots" of Christianity that they'd go to the original church instead of making their own which conflicts as much as they suggested Catholics do.
>Orthodoxy is just Catholicism lite
>It's the same shit except without a Pope
Wanna know how I know you're talking out of your ass?
>what is filioque
That's nice dear. Now, about the religion that by complete coincidence, pops up just as Islam is seriously pushing into Eastern Europe after being expelled from Spain, and caused Christians to spend more time fighting each other than they did fighting the invaders.
>Mary worship
>Works-based salvation
>Creeds more important than scripture
>Praying to the dead
If it makes you feel any better, eastern Orthodoxy tend to be more spiritual than the Roman one.
But being spiritual doesn't mean shit if your foundation and beliefs are wrong. Satanists/Luciferians and New Agers are also extremely spiritual.
Except none of that is true, so...
Nice conspiracy theory dear, how about the religion whose supreme authority is actually welcoming Muslim into Christian lands, saying they don't have to be converted and Christians shouldn't proselytize, kissing their holy book and claiming in their official documents (Nostra aetate, Lumen gentium) that Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Oh, that's right.
Actually, Islam was created by the Vatican.
Satan used Catholicism to stop the spread of the Gospel in Europe, and Islam to stop the spread of the Gospel in North-Africa and ME.
Protestants are free thinkers that built the modern world. Catholics and Orthodoxianites are brain dead cattle from 3rd world countries.
>Protestants go to the new world
>create the greatest nation on earth
>Catholics go to the new world
>create shitholes
Really makes you think.
You mean like how Protestant authorities are inviting Muslims into their churches and taking down crosses to set up Islamic prayer spaces so the poor little tykes don't get triggered?
>one lesbian bishop in Sweden, the most chucked nation in the world
>Protestant authorities
You see in Lutheranism we don't have a central authority and we don't own obedience to men, only to God.
Catholics on the other hand must obey the pope otherwise they're nit Catholics ;)
I fucking hate to post from my phone.
Protestants' original goal was to reform the Catholic Church, not to found a completely new church. Blame the Catholics for excommunicating them and threatening them with death.
Some irrelevant shit on which the protestants agree with the Catholics anyway.
The differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism were much less pronounced back then too.
>Mary worship
What are you smoking mate, nobody worships Mary, she is honored of course, there is nothing wrong with it, much better than bible thumping protestants and their love "foooo Jeesus" its absolutely disgusting equating Jesus to the entire holy trinity, protestants neglect both the father and the holy spirit.
What icons?
This is true, but its much better than Protestant crypto-judaism and old testament worship.
Rest are more a less true.
actually this nigga tried to get into communion with Constantinopole
Was really crafty about it, using the most eastern sensibilities filled greek to translate everything.
But they had already written the Ausburg Confession and theologised on it, so the Ecumenical Patriarch was like "what is this heresy im reading?" when he got a copy, and dropped it, even though the germans were really trying to show they just removed medieval catholic addons and just wanted to get back to the pre-schism form of Christianity like the orthos had, notice me senpai.
Wasted opportunities.
Oh well, now that they've signed some ecumenical documents with caths, and so have the orthodox with caths and lutherans, maybe their conservative, high church side can still mend the schisms of christendom together.
Reading Weber for the first time. According to him Catholics live paycheck to paycheck while Protestants introduced increasing one's profits into peoples' lives.
Imagine if every American had the authority to decide what the US constitution means. Each person could do as he wished, saying that his actions fell under his own interpretation of "freedom of religion" or "freedom of association." What would come of this approach? Anarchy. Fortunately, the founding fathers created an institution called the Supreme Court that was entrusted with interpreting the Constitution. That way, through the court's decisions, a uniform legal code would be created that would treat all citizens equally. Just as a personal interpretation of the constitution would lead to chaos for the rule of law, relying solely on one's personal interpretation of the bible as a guide to Christian doctrine leads to chaos for the rule of faith.
If Americas founding fathers were wise enough to foresee the dangers of individuals engaging in private constitutional interpretation, then wouldn't the church's "founding fathers," or Christ and the apostles, see the danger in relegating Christian authority to private biblical interpretation? We read in Peter 1:20 that "no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation," and the author later warns his readers that some passages in the bible are "hard to understand, which the ignorant and the unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures" (2 Pet. 3:16)
Why do Christians claim that their religion is universally true when in fact it has historically been defined by massive schisms and interfaith fighting?
our only rival (in terms of numbers and influence) is islam, and they only got that way by copying some of what we do.
Do you think it follows that a universal truth doesn't exist just because some people disagree over what it is?
This is some lemming tier logic.
>Comparing the foundation of the world's oldest modern republic which exist precisely thanks to the emancipation of society from religious authority with your autistic skydaddy institution.
I'm saying the evidence of Christian History doesn't suggest that Christian dogma has Universally True qualities.
If it was Universally True in a supernatural way, it wouldn't be subject to the exact same machinations that any mundane institution would. Instead the Christian church seems to operate identically to any other form of worldly authority, which means that it's not reasonable to assign it some special quality.
What if malicious people were to infiltrate the Supreme Court with justices that had another agenda in mind, with a view to "interpret" the constitution so as to mean what they want it to mean, and then this new "interpretation" we're to become binding to all citizens, wouldn't it be nice to have an educated citizenry that could read and understand the constitution and stand up against their bullshit rare than slavishly obeying because they are supposedly infallible and God's representatives on earth?
>Referencing pseudepigraphical epistles.
Better question: why don't Protestants DON'T just convert to orthodoxy?
There's nothing wrong with having an educated citizenry that can read the bible. That's not the problem. If you look at Matthew 18:18, it seems like Jesus is telling Peter and the apostles to teach what they believe to be true when he says "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven," furthermore, in 1 Tim. 6:20 you'll see that Jesus promised to “guard what has been entrusted." This means that the apostles are protected from teaching error by the holy spirit.
>(((modern world)))
So everything is safe because the thing that says it's safe says so. Ishygddt
>apostolic succession
>choosing a religion for "aesthetics" and "tradition" rather than to worship God
>hierarchical bullshit instead of equality under Christ
East Syrian Christianity is probably the best option for people with a Protestant leaning.
Apostolic tradition
Allegations of heresy (just like Protestants).
Non use of iconography, statues, or crucifixes.
it's funny to me how protestants call him jesus and not Christ or the Christ
I don't even know what this means or what your misconception implies
>philosemetism confirmed
What do protacucks have against God and beauty? Also the singing is too sacred to Protestants who spit on the sacred while exalting the mundane.
>Cucktocuckoldists exalt beauty.
>Catholics don't exalt the mundane and the ugly.
>create dozens of splinter sects since everyones biblical interpretation is valid
Funny didn't Jesus say something about kingdoms divided failing?
>mfw cuckto-licks say they like beauty.
no two people see the same rainbow
>the church is a political entity
Catholics everyone.
The bible on the other hand says
>But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light
>Haha racism is totally the Christian way
Really convinces me proteshit
Jesus is more familiar, Christ sounds more grandiose.
The politically correct term these days should be Yeshua the AnnoinT.
>philosemetism confirmed
That may be true but I also feel that their worship resembles the early communal house style of worship more while other churches have gone on to become more pompous all but replacing the displays of Pagan worship.
As for art obviously any bird with half a brain could understand that there is nothing wrong with it rather it is with the silly notion of prayer to it.
God has called us OUT of the darkness. You live in the darkness, and are of it.
Jesus is more familiar, Christ sounds more grandiose.
The politically correct term these days should be Yeshua the AnnoinT.
>philosemetism confirmed
That may be true but I also feel that their worship resembles the early communal house style of worship more while other churches have gone on to become more pompous all but replacing the displays of Pagan worship.
As for art obviously any bird with half a brain could understand that there is nothing wrong with it rather it is with the silly notion of prayer to it.
Welp according to protestants your view is just as valid as mainstream Luthernism.
But not really since Luther was a hypocritical piece of shit who urged German princes to massacre peasants revolting against abuses and who happened to have a non Lutheran form of protestant Christianity.
>Look at me I'm the vicar of Christ!
Because Orthodox are also a false religion
The Reformation was about removing western innovation, not embracing eastern ones
It exists
Some eastern churches embraced the Reformation
The "holy father" producing Catholic theology.
>protestants neglect both the father and the holy spirit.
We do not
Do the Orthodox believe in justification by faith alone?
Protestants have the same Christology as Catholics and Orthodox, so they'll consider them heretics too
>Protestants are philosemetic.
>Welp according to protestants your view is just as valid as mainstream Luthernism
No, that's completely wrong. Even when the mainstream was conservative and believing, we never considered each other equal, only sufficiently similar.
Pick one.
I didn't mean they'd agree with Protestant doctrine just that it was more preferable. Also the Church of the East has in recent times apparently renounced any beliefs that could be considered Nestorian. Many Protestant sects are more dissimilar to Catholicism and Orthodoxy while the COE has more in common being apostolic. And many Protestant theologies are even more divergent than Nestorianism.
Catholics are not Christians.
Catholics practice Baal and Semiramis worship. It is the same old Babylonian religion sugar-coated with Christian clothes.
Roman pantheon traces itself back to the Greek pantheon, which traces itself back to the Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian mystery schools.
Ultimately it all began at the Tower of Babel, where paganism was born.
>the Church of the East has in recent times apparently renounced any beliefs that could be considered Nestorian
Which one, Assyrian or Ancient?
>cuckto-licks like beauty!
Nothing wrong with middle eastern culture as long as your not buddying up with the most treacherous scum.
another calendarist split
>Spewing psuedohistory.
Greeks are Indo-European and have cognate gods with Germanics and Indo-Iranians and might share some influences from the East.
>Das right muhfuga we European nao were da white women at? Gib food stamp! Gib monei! Whitey be like raycis n shit...
Because the Orthodox church operated similarly to the Catholic church. Protestants didn't want Christianity to operate under a single authority.
t. retard. STFU if you don't have a clue about the topic at hand.
All pagan cultures trace their beliefs back to Babylon.
Same pantheons, different names.
>ooga booga I iz b catholick nao I believe in the trans subway station an all dat shit but seriously nao where de white womyn at?
William Penn was the first great Quaker prison reformer. In his ‘Great Experiment’ in Pennsylvania in the 1680s he abolished capital punishment for all crimes except murder. He also stated that ‘prisons shall be workhouses,’ that bail should be allowed for minor offences’, and ‘all prisons shall be free, as to fees, food and lodgings’. He provided for rehabilitation, as he stipulated that prisoners should be helped to learn a trade, so that they could make an honest living when they were released. These were radical reforms for his time, putting into practice his Quaker faith in equality and the possibility of nurturing ‘that of God’ in everyone.
Actually that is one reason Protestants didn't go east
There's no way Congregationalists would ever do it
>The protestants are the hard working rich meme
>I swear u b my favorite bitch
BLM on a conversation with Pope Francis
Stop /pol/ posting you autist,
U scared W H I T E B O I? LMAO!
This. Same shit, more popes. Two legs on the same doomed statue.
I'm a little skeptical about the orthodox cross. It also looks like a cross and an upside down cross fused together, like the catholic's. Not buying the whole "it's a foot rest" thing.
Doesn't really matter though. The "schism" is already a thing of the past. The two are one abomination again.
Glad someone else is up on their Hislop. Feels lonely sometimes.
>ooga booga protties b like u gotta read the bibel
>I'm like nigga I ain't reading none o dat shiet!
No, it is just a racially-charged argument implies a racist audience for effect, which you don't have. There is nothing wrong with black people being Christian. The Ethiopians were among the first of our Christian brothers, and many of the desert fathers were black. A large amount of Protestants are also black.
Retarded. Several river valley civilizations arose independently.
Hislop was a pseudo-historian
>The message is utter devastation for us. Let's try to kill the messenger.
Yeah, no.
Some milkshakes are vanilla.
The message is a lie. Just pure bullshit, Hislop made all sorts of things up
>not glorifying God through badass aesthetics
>no chain of command so anyone can believe whatever bullshit they want
It's an absolute kind of disgusting
>Mary worship
Retard alert
>a Catholic parish actually did this
t. FSSP parishoner
>>not glorifying God through badass aesthetics
I am the LORD, that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another nor my praise to idols.
Isaiah 42:8
>>no chain of command so anyone can believe whatever bullshit they want
That's not how it works
Yeah that's a catholic parish. St. Mary's Catholic Church in Seattle.