What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?


Why do you think it has to have a meaning.
The purpose of all life is to multiply itself, the organisms who didn't have that goal died out.



What is the meaning of your question? What do you mean by a 'meaning'?

To explore the unknown as much as possible and then produce offspring to carry on such traditions until our species reaches the end

To fuck.

The meaning ? If you already know how random and insignifiant our civilisation is, I think you would relativize about this question. There is no meaning, just causality and entropy.

finding more creative ways to shitpost irl.

to be remembered so that after death people would pray for you to go to heaven
in other words to leave a legacy behind

There is no fate but what we make

Spread your genes then die

Go to bed Sarah Connor

To justify its own cessation.

have babies

The perpetuation of one's genes, but not really, more like a natural inclination.

Life is a rare genetic mistake there is no point

Life is a sandbox. Normies want to make it a linear corridor.

pessimistic is the way its that or existentialist view of life theses are the only real or logic truth's with out faults (besides both of them being depressing as fuck)

To realize the glory of simplicity

Serving to nation, the emperor and mankind!

speak english





What do you mean by "life"? why are you talking to us right now? how are you talking to us right now?
>inb4 energy transmitted through the air

What the fuck is energy?

Words are flowing out like
Endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe.
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai Guru Deva. Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light, which
Dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on across the universe.
Thoughts meander like a
Restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe.
Jai Guru Deva. Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter, shades of life
Are ringing through my opened ears
Inciting and inviting me.
Limitless undying love, which
Shines around me like a million suns,
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai Guru Deva, om.
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai Guru Deva
Jai Guru Deva
Jai Guru Deva
Jai Guru Deva
Jai Guru Deva



It hurts that all these petty reasons is what this big universe is for.

To safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.

To loveth and renderth Service unto the LORD thy God.

"Just remember, life is like a box of chocolates." ... "You know, they've got these chocolate assortments, and you like some but you don't like others? And you eat all the ones you like, and the only ones left are the ones you don't like as much? I always think about that when something painful comes up. "Now I just have to polish these off, and everything'll be OK.' Life is a box of chocolates."

There isn't one.

You can make one for yourself, though. You have that ability.

OP did not say "What is the meaning of existence?"

He said "What is the meaning of life?" Life and existence are two different things, but obviously not entirely separate.

to make the world a better place before you die to assist in the propagation of our species.

>ours not to question why
>ours but to do and die

there isn't one, sorry

I don't like being the only animal smart enough to understand death.

>what is the meaning of this abstract term i just made up.

Misery and despair

desu what i've deduced from my years of living is this
the meaning of your life is when you acquire something worth dying for. in most cases its your offspring. so the meaning of life is to eat, sleep and reproduce



Survival, reproduction, death.

You don't have to reproduce and you can't survive and die at the same time.

To grow and prosper.



I have two brothers and like 30 cousins so does to really matter if I join in on the reproduction? I used to be quite clucky but it is diminishing as I get older and I see the futility of it. I'd rather not have such a great responsibility with so many variables out of my control (what if my kid is a retard or a psycho?). My life will be better if I don't have a kid, though I know I will break my mother's heart if I tell her I don't want one

To create AI and colonize the galaxy and then sovle the problem of heat death.

Anything else is a dead end meaning.

The fire fades, and the lords go without thrones

I dunno man, the only thing I enjoy in life are smoking weed and masturbating


I seek to understand, not to incite

it helps to think of life as chemical reactions fucking with eachother