>Catholics aren't God's chosen peo-
Catholics aren't God's chosen peo-
>medieval sources for statistics
>simon de montfort
Just the eternal anglo angloing it up slaying a king that was one of the greatest defenders of Christendom.
If you look the same battle in other languages the forces change a lot, and there are only 2 featured articles.
ah yes, such an anglo name indeed
you're an idiot
England had been so cucked by the French that I can't even distinguish Anglo names from French ones desu guys
Yeah, because spaniards totally arent know to be butthurt revisionists
Should had used a fight that doesn't boil down to papists killing other papists.
That's not about england being cucked by France, it's your fault
So why is the english true and the spanish one that is even featured false
the reformation wouldn't be for another 400 years ya dip.
>Yeah, because spaniards totally arent know to be butthurt revisionists
That article is in Catalan
>Catholics are God's chosen peo-
>de montfort
Seriously contemplate suicide user.
Um . . .
That's a fucking meme
If we're God's chosen people, how do you explain the loss of North Africa and the entire Middle East to Islam in the span of about 50 years? Where was God when the Jews sold out the Christians of Jerusalem to the Arabs?
Sweden had a German army that was obliterated by the spanish army.Which forced Catholic France into the comflict.I don't know why people meme Sweden so hard in this board given that they just won some time for France IRL
>England had been so cucked by the French
BS, the word England wouldn't even exist if Richard the Lionheart had not died so prematurely.
English nationalism came from the Glorious Revolution, before that Britons were Britons.
>Simon de Monfortr is Anglo
He has French ancestry, was born and lived in France, and spoke French
How can you link him to the Anglos ?
mysterious ways :^)
He is the Earl of Leicester. His sons were prominent figures in the Barons' Wars.
> en.wikipedia.org
You're welcome
And Queen Victoria was empress of India. Was she a poo in loo?
Are Catholics Jews? No?
Then Catholics are not the Chosen People.
Do the Catholics have a long and bloody history of murdering people in and out of wars? Why yes, yes they do.
Protestants present history as entirely English. I've often argued with some retards about the Tudors being Welsh, English Protestant nationalism cannot into not having an English identity before the Glorious Revolution.
t. kike
And Richard Coeur de Lion was King of England
Doesnt make him English
You're inept.
Nice argument there my friend :)
Back to your ghetto shlomo
Explain these papist
Those are merely tests of faith :^)
t. kike
Guys what's with the fucking Catholic shilling on this board 24/7
Can we stop this
Did you actually read the Bible? God torments his chosen all the time and is quite fond of propping people up just to knock them down and prove a point.
Not that I believe this stupid shit, but seriously, read your own fucking holy book.
>those super exact casualty figures
calling bullshit desu senpai
>Guys what's with the fucking Catholic shilling on this board 24/7
>Can we stop this
It's part of history, and it continues into the present. If it is 24/7, then obviously it's a relevant topic.
People who speak out against rape are honorable, brave and courageous. These people earn their self-love, by trying to protect others from the same fate (as I did). Has anyone but your mommy told you you were brave or courageous? Anyone say you were their hero for speaking out on rape? For sharing your wisdom? Anything? Anything at all?
Cowards and rapists don't care if children are raped and definitely don't want it exposed or talked about or be a "revelation." Naturally, I sanely have to wonder which one you are.
It's important to see, accept and talk about the fact that many preachers rape children, while they babble they're saving them: most often rape/assault happens to boys in the catholic religion and to most girls in the islam religion. Denying it won't solve the problem: it will only make it worse. Children don't deserve to be raped, no matter how bad they've been in past lives. They deserve to be protected from those who would assault, traumatize and terrorize them.