Why do people on the left tend to be fixated on escapist media like Harry Potter, Star Trek, Batman and Star Wars?
Harry Potter & Ideology
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They think it's fun to roleplay as "La Resistance" now that the guy that they've been calling literally Hitler has been elected.
Who are you talking about?
Just seems weird that they're so emotionally attached to bad fiction.
All the strawman he has envisioned, what with their degenerate and simplistic values which are easily countered using logic and strong reasoning from his sources. They learned a thing or two today that's for sure.
Alt-rightists are literally paranoid schizophrenics.
They rant about delusions and then become enraged when nobody else agrees with their conclusions. That's why the flock to congregate on these zero-consequence websites where they can form hugboxes and enable their conspiracy theories.
Because this is the highest form of art they consume.
Embarrassing attempts at damage control:
>The same day Trump was sworn into the Oval Office, O’Grady changed her Facebook cover photo to the logo for the Women’s March in opposition to the president. She also changed her profile photo to an image of Star Wars’s Princess Leia with the words: “A woman’s place is in the resistance.”
So this O'Grady is the leader oh "them"?
So... This thread is about Kerry O'Grady?
What does this have to do with history?
No, O'Grady is a leftist. Just like Laci Green.
Low-tier escapism.
So O'Grady changed her profile picture to Princess Leia, and Laci Green made a Harry Potter reference.
There's a truly vile conspiracy afoot.
Thank God OP blew the lid right off of it.
You rethuglicans had better fucking believe it.
Fuckin hell boys our leftist conspiracy has been uncovered thanks to this internet sleuth, we had a plant in the secret service but now it's over for us. This is just like when Harry Potter used the horcrux to kill Voldemort!
Can we really stand idly by, while, in the words of Commissioner Gordon: "This.... Evil... Rises....!"?
muggle borns should be massacred desu
Exactly. The bigots had better get used to it.
does that mean Rousseff likes Harry Potter, Holland is an avid star wars fan and Corbyn is a trekkie?
I was making fun of you OP.
fun is a leftist neo-marxist concept and is a form of degeneracy
it was probably invented by jews and so on and so on
I am avid Troper, Trekkie, Harry Potter fanatic and Marvel/DC fan.
I have made over 70,000 edits to wikipedia on the subject of cape comics you fucking white male. How dare you doubt my sincerity to the cause.
that pic is cringe inducing
you're not fooling anyone zizek
>>>/reddit/ you fucking /pol/, we don't need homosexual here
Harry Potter is literally about desensitizing children to witchcraft and the occult.
In all seriousness it's the same reason they use words like "douchecanoe": Their development was arrested at some point in adolescence and they basically continued that way long into their late 20s/30s. Some never recover. They spend their entire lives watching anime, playing video games and making crude analogies based on these things.
But yeah, the one unifying factor behind a lot of millennials is infantilism. Look at Buzzfeed or even the more "upmarket" lib rags like HuffGlue/Salon/Slate's prose some time, hell even the Graun, headlines such as "This...? Is not ok. That...? Is ok", "How is this even a thing?", "Um yeah, that's not cool" etc. Childish basically. These are people who had no expectations to raise families or lead functional lives placed on them, no standards whatsoever - and they end up imagining themselves as characters from bad science fiction films fighting "evil" because it gives their life some sense of meaning.
Shit's sad more than anything else. This is what happens when you listen to authority figures on what to do with your life in the modern west.
Becky this site is the work of Satan, please leave
Would you find it strange if I've made a simple typo in my rapidly constructed shitpost?
Nah, I'm just pulling your leg, of course I'm not a dirty anglo!
Why do people on the right tend to be fixated on escapist media like anime, Paradox games, The Dark Knight Rises and PC gaming?
On the right of what?
>Jay Kuo
I can't take chinks who pretend to be leftists seriously.
Just take one good look at any East Asian country and tell me these people are serious. There's no way they'd want what is going on in Europe for Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea etc. They're so dishonest.
Fuck Ho Chi Ming.
George Takei is even worse.
Lefties go for Rowling, but Tolkien is /ourguy/, right?
It's, as you guessed it, & Humanities.
>a diverse companionship of hobbits, elves, dwarves, maiar and men
>orcs are elven too, they're just corrupted by magickal ideology
Tolkien is a marxist jew degenerate.
Get that muhfuggin racist ass cracker out of here.
>Mr. Kim has wielded his Twitter account to point to dire statistics and boost Asian-American creators. Last year, he posted a cheeky tribute to “the only Asian face” he could find in the entire “Lord of the Rings” series, a woman who “appears for a glorious three seconds.”
>germanicboo who thinks the nazis are a bunch of autistic degenerates
Patrician A.F.
because they're a people who have been severed from their cultural traditions and only feel a connection to the corporate global mass culture they were raised with.
oh also, RACE MIXING!!??!!???
Honestly, as an Asian American person (PoC by definition) I can understand his anger.
The anti-asian racism is more insidious than anti-blackness and takes on many diverse forms. One of the most common is blonde girls telling me they don't want to date me when I send them messages on Skype, WhatsApp and other instant messaging services about whether they want to date. It's aggravating stuff.
>I'm ugly because of racism
That's actually pretty cool. Another reason to like Tolkien I guess.
It's hilarious watching leftists play dumb when confronted with their own behavior.
>n-no you're just imagining things!
>h-he he you discovered our CONSPIRACY oh noes!
Emergent group behavior is not a "conspiracy", it's a sign of a group of people who share a similar thought process acting in a way consistent with that thought process, and no amount of snark on your part will deflect from that.
So it's a safe bet to assume about 50% of humanity plays EU4?
Johan must be swimming in money...
If you haven't lived the Asian American experience (I strongly recommend cultural figures and luminaries of Asian America such as KevJumba, NigaHiga and Eddie Huang on this front), then you simply cannot comment.
If you are a white man, even a white man in a place like Appalachia, then you simply do not know what it is like to be an Asian in America. No fewer than three times over the past 24 months have older white people asked me "where I was from originally". I am a strong, proud Asian American who does not ask for acceptance but DEMANDS it. If white women do not date me, then that needs to be addressed as a problem in the racist superstructure that currently dominates American society and oppresses PoC, but particularly Asian American male PoC, in these sorts of insidious ways.
Harry Potter is just a badly written analog for NS Germany and muh racial conflict.
One of the things that retards contemporary western culture's ability to grow and develop is an obsession with turning everything into some sort of analog about racial conflict, see: Zootopia as the most recent example I can remember, but there are literally hundreds upon hundreds for the past decade alone.
More than anything it's just creatively bankrupt. It's partly why I like that Jet Li film, Hero, so much. At least the values it presents are actually somewhat novel by modern western standards.
He says on an alt-right manga forum
>fetishizes blondes
>complains about racism
Settle down Eliott
>omg can you believe these cuckberals are doing _______?
really? where
>*autistic screeching*
I'm neither white nor asian, I am slavic and constantly opressed by the privileged western europeans.
No fewer than three times over the past 24 motnhs have the westerners told me "so, just like russia". I am a strong, proud Central European who does not ask for acceptance, but REBELLS over it. If germanic women do not date me, then that needs to be addressed as a problem in the geographist superstructure that currently dominates European society and oppresses PoS, but particularly Central European male PoS, in these sorts of insidious ways.
No, it was a joke. Likewise I don't think 50% of humanity are Harry Potter loving tumblrites
>Johan must be swimming in money...
He's Jewish enough.
>75 shekels for EU4
If this is a parody of Asian SJWs I'm honestly laughing. It's really well done.
[snark intensifies]
>Why do people on the right tend to be fixated on escapist media like anime, Paradox games, The Dark Knight Rises and PC gaming?
False correlation
>paradox games
Autism magnets that instill a sense of historical revanchism
>Dark Knight Rises
Literally memes newfag
>PC gaming
Gamergate was the Kronstadt moment for an entire generation
Goddamn just when I thought we beat you you pull out that insightful argument and completely sweep the rug out from under us. We just wanted to say that Trump was literally Voldemort and we're the good guys and you're not but then you hit us with the emergent group behavior FACT. Fuck.
You're mocking me, but you haven't watched KevJumba, or any of the other Asian American YouTubers who define our Asian American generation, so you can't comment with authority on things you do not know. That's sociology 101, take a step back and examine how you can become a part of whiteness in a way that Asian American bodies of color such as myself and my brothers cannot.
Asian American men are not fully accepted by white America, our sexuality is feared (see the yellow peril narrative), because we are seen as mysterious and strong and we have very deep cultural practices such as Kung Fu and lantern festival that inscrutable to a lot of white folk.
I got a white girl's phone number from a friend in class once, well actually I got it from her facebook profile, and I called her and asked her if she'd like to come to my place and she said she was "very perturbed at my behavior". I tried to call her back to explain how implicit racism was raising barriers and she threatened to go to the campus police.
Please tell me more about how Asian American men of color do not face racism in this society. Thanks!
Erriot Rodgers prease
I'm in tears.
This is every chinkmerican NOWAG I've ever met.
>tell Nazis to fuck off with their pseudoscience while being a Germanicaboo
>openly support just nationalism in cases like Finland and Spain while recognizing imperialism to be the harm it is
>devout Catholic, brought CS Lewis to Christ
He isn't /pol/'s /ourguy/, he's Veeky Forums's /ourguy/.
/pol/ isn't exclusively NatSoc you moron. Veeky Forums's main userbase are just Veeky Forums lefties with generic socdem opinions, so he absolutely isn't Veeky Forums's guy.
Is /pol/ even NatSoc nowadays?
Did all of those reddit immigrants actually assimilate?
>Veeky Forums's main userbase are just Veeky Forums lefties
>Veeky Forums's main userbase are just /pol/ righties
so, which is it?
um Veeky Forums is classical liberal sweetie not that hippie garbage
X to Doubt
Try as you might, but Veeky Forums is just a historically-informed right wing.
We're /pol/ if they opened a book.
Anti-Communism as well as Anti-Nazism with Nationalist and Christian tendencies is right up our alley.
Classical liberalism leads inexorably to modern liberalism, especially without any sense of religion.
hot opinions babe how bout you use them to make me dinner
>historically-informed right wing
You mean the sort of right-winger that desperately wants to be called "moderate" by the talking heads on liberal TV?
Sounds spooky.
>historically-informed right wing.
kek, reading wiki articles and listening to two podcasts doesn't make you historically informed
the biggest problem with the modern generation is that people aren't told they're incredibly stupid and raped in the ass by the priest to shut the fuck up
>reading wiki articles and listening to two podcasts doesn't make you historically informed
You'd be surprised.
We don't have to buy into your goofiness to not be a yesteryear cuck.
If half the posters on Veeky Forums read a few wiki articles post quality would probably increase by several orders of magnitude.
No different than libertarians and rand
Suprised about the stupid shit half-informed people come up with to pad out the missing half with their ideology?
Well, it does make for funsies like this...
Meanwhile, people on the right unironically refer to the US president using Warhammer 40,000 quotes.
It's just normie shit. Normies like shitty comic book movies and liberal politics.
I hate society.
Fuck off Fascist, I bet you voted for Drumpf too, which as we all know, is literally Voldemort and Hitler rolled into one person.
Kek, I know this is a troll, but /r/asianmasculinity is full of micrococks who really think like this
No, he's actually Pepe the Frog and he's gonna stop white genocide by throwing SJWs out of helicopters.
The "alt-right rising" is literally just a boogeyman the left invented to justify its extremism. It is some random trolls with no actual political pull and if you think /pol/ actually affected the election you must be delusional.
who says i might not steal your girl?
In a diverse society, you can't refer to your own cultural heritage, but have to cling onto popular memes to further enforce your point of view.
This. /pol/ is the /x/ of politics.
>there are people who think pepe the frog exerts influence in real life
NEETs on Veeky Forums are 0.1%% of the entire right wing population.
Tbqh, LOTR is the right wing version of Harry Potter.
Of course it does, it's not 1995, this isn't some sekrit club.
That said, it's not nearly the only factor (and relatively small) to influence the political atmosphere that lead to the recent rise of the right in the west.
And also, the "alt-right" is far broader than just /pol/, you have that cock-gobbler milo, youtube neonazi worshipers like Sargon with hundreds of thousands of followers, alex jones and so on and so on
The alt-right is not even a thing, a loose coalition of anyone to the right of the establishment is not a coherent ideology.
well, it's not an ideology is it...
Because it satisfies their world view.
>Star Wars
Evil imperial nazis defeated by diverse rebellion that includes aliens and strong womyn!
>Star Trek
Fantasy about hyper advanced socialist utopia.
>Harry Potter
Nerd overcomes le evil bullies and poor familial conditions to be a powerful wizard