>established the epa
>pulled our troops out of Vietnam
>ended the draft
>initiated détente and the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the soviet union
Why do we hate him again?
>established the epa
>pulled our troops out of Vietnam
>ended the draft
>initiated détente and the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the soviet union
Why do we hate him again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he looks like an Arab.
because he was a corrupt drunk. whether or not any of his hate is justified when compared to his good deeds, that's up to debate.
soviet propaganda, while king nigger and hillary gets away with surveiling half the country and bombing 3 innocent countries in the ME that starts a refugee crisis
redpill me on watergate
His only crime was getting caught.
Get a job hippie
>established what would be the first step toward deindustrializing america
>soft on commies
>ended the draft when he should have made military service compulsory
Pretty good reasons to hate him
>signed HMO act of 1973
Destroyed medical care in America
>he should have made military service compulsory
not constitutional
The president has the power to override the constitution in times of national crisis, the civil rights movement and hippie movement were clear communist plots to undermine american culture and values
>nixon campaign attempts to bug the democratic national committee and gets caught
>congressional investigation inadvertently reveals evidence that nixon administration has been abusing power & breaking the law
>nixon resigns in face of likely impeachment & removal from office
Because he was corrupt and cheated for his re-election (even though he would have won anyway). Also, he wasn't as charismatic as some other presidents. Look at Reagan, who was caught over Iran-Contra but it's ok because he made America feel good.
>soft on commies
Bombed the shit out of Laos simply because they were probably helping the commies, and he decisively split the Sino-Soviet Alliance. Plus he built his political career on leading anti-commie witch-hunts. Not sure what part of that strikes you as "soft on commies".
Forcibly suppressing the civil rights and counter-culture movements would have undermined American culture & values.
So he'd declare martial law nationwide because some hippies were acting up?
>being drafted to die in another countries civil war
>an American value
He set the precedent for getting away though, as much as I like tricky dicky.
gotta save murriga and throw them gommies out da hellogobders XDDD
True patriots stand with Israel.
It started well before him. US presidents have been getting away with surveillance of its own population and attacking innocent countries for nebulous reasons since Wilson, at least.
And if they had been caught doing so, they should have faced the same scrutiny.
>attacking innocent countries for nebulous reasons since Wilson, at least.
Now, that's a traditional American value there.
That has nothing to do with what he's saying. We're talking about Americans being drafted into the Vietnam War. The US never fought alongside Israel in its wars with the Arabs, if anything, the US government actually restrained Israel (Suez Crisis, for example).
>And if they had been caught doing so
It was public knowledge. Do you think Wilson kept the fact that he sent to marines to Veracruz a secret? It was in the newspapers for christ's sake.
The "Black Chamber" from WWI was also public knowledge, which is why Congress publicly withdrew funding.
Also a traditional value of basically every country ever tbf
*he sent the marines to Veracruz
>Also a traditional value of basically every country ever tbf
Yes, but you guys are good at it so I have to get my 2 minutes daily hate spinning.
because he broke the law and used his office to try to get away with it
>"The Jews have certain traits,”
> “The Irish have certain — for example, the Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks. Particularly the real Irish.”
>The Italians, of course, those people course don’t have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but..."
> “The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious"
What did he mean by this?
He was a middle-aged man in the 1960s, so he said racist things in private conversation. Honestly, this isn't even all that bad, you can hear worse things today. I think his beef with the Irish, Jews, and Italians might have had something to do with them supporting the Democratic Party, though.
Because he said in private conversations you need to be an American first, a Jew second. The (((media))) never forgave him for this.
you but parentheses there cuz they jews lol
>most trusted advisor was Kissinger
>Nixon tapes talks about how good Israel is
Fucking hippies hated him because they were fucking cowards and burned their draft cards.
Didn't Kennedy say something similar about Catholics? The real reason for Nixon being hated today is that he broke the law.
Lyndon Johnson routinely referred to blacks as niggers, boasted about how he was manipulating them into voting Democrat ("I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years"), and nobody is up in arms about it today.
>I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years
There's no evidence he actually said this.
Because the Simpsons and Futurama told us to
Really? My mistake, I was under the impression that it was a verified quote.
I remember at least one Nixon joke that was fair to him though.
The quote appeared for the first time anywhere on page 33 of Ronald Kessler’s book, Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful Institution, published in 1995:
Johnson, like other presidents, would often reveal his true motivations in asides that the press never picked up. During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
“That was the reason he was pushing the bill,” said MacMillan, who was present during the conversation. “Not because he wanted equality for everyone. It was strictly a political ploy for the Democratic party. He was phony from the word go.”
So the only source is some disgruntled aid? Not very compelling evidence.
How else are we supposed to convince poor black people that accepting financial aid makes them slaves?
Back when the Democrats called the shots and the Republican had to compromise. Kind of like what happened to Obama but with the roles reversed.
>be supposedly liberal democratic president
>declares seven wars
>deports millions of Mexicans
>lowers taxes for the rich
Yet Republicans still hate him.
The fuck did you think such evidence would come from? Natural rock formations?
>I don't like this so I'm going to ignore it.
God forbid having an actual source.
Well, since you put it like that, I don't see how he couldn't have said it.
>be Nixon
>propose single payer healthcare
>support a negative income tax to replace the struggling welfare state
>Democrats block you because they don't want a Republican to score a political victory
>fast forward 40 years
>Democrats all screaming "why don't we have single payer?! Damn Republicans!"
The Democrats have always been deporting illegals tbf. Look at Bill Clinton's big speech on immigration back in the mid-90s, the rhetoric he uses is bizarrely similar to Trump's.
>I like this so I'm gonna believe the words of one man that's not corroborated by anyone else
>people never have their own agendas
Nixon didn't want single payer, but as a compromise, he proposed a program to subsidize private health insurance with government money. Sound familiar?
>It's not directly from the source.
>I can't see it for myself so I'm going to ignore it.
Yeah I don't think history can do you any favours.
>This man made a claim that I do not support
>Better pretend he's in league with the boogeymen that are responsible for everything bad in the world
The only evidence for the quote is a lone individual's (alleged) recollection of a conversation that occurred 30 years earlier.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept that as fact just because it might be politically convenient to do so.
Because the media decides who's the good guy and who's the bad guy.
Obama for example is a good guy because of this.
>>Better pretend he's in league with the boogeymen that are responsible for everything bad in the world
Nice strawman. It's more likely that he made it up to create controversy to help sell his book. It's seems it's working since we are still discussing it more than 20 years after his book was published. But please, if you have any other sources that corroborate LBJs motivations behind the civil rights act, I'm all ears.
In fairness to that user you do rate historical sources based on a variety of criteria such as bias and whether the information is verified by more than one route.
If the source someone said something is one book, by an author who has been criticized for partisan bias, who claims THEIR source is one guy claiming something was said in private then you are a very, very long way from having something anyone with an education in history would claim is a definite fact.
How is it politically convenient if he has been dead for 40+ years?
>and nobody is up in arms about it today
I wouldn't say that, it seems to me like Johnson is considered to have a very mixed legacy. On the one hand he ended Jim Crow and greatly expanded the social safety net, but on the other he was pretty damn racist himself and he used a false flag to escalate the Vietnam War.
you think there's nothing wrong with the president breaking the law then trying to cover it up?
I most often see that quote in the context of conversations alleging that progressive support of black Civil Rights is/was insincere or even harmful.
There's a bizarre tendency for some on the American right to allege that the Democratic & Republican platforms have remained essentially unchanged since the mid-19th century, and that anti-poverty programs championed by progressives in the former party are a modern form of the chattel slavery that Southern Democrats once supported.
I should add, the alleged L.B.J. quote is often presented as the "smoking gun" that the very President who oversaw the passage of significant anti-poverty & Civil Rights legislation was himself merely an opportunistic white supremacist, and therefore anti-poverty programs and Civil Rights laws are actually harmful/illegitimate/racist.
>wonderful people
Thanks Nixon :3
Which history has borne out as the truth.
I don't think so.
By modern standards, Nixon is actually one of the most liberal presidents we've ever had.
It's a shame the war on drugs was an utter waste and his own paranoia led to watergate but overall he as a decent president.
He didn't want to eat at the same table as Kissinger because he was a Jew.
You mean like drone striking US citizens? Like Obama did?
Yes I think its wrong to break the law and then try to cover it up. However I'm just answering the OP. Nixon is remembered as a bad guy because the media says he is. Had the media decided Nixon was a good guy, the Watergate scandal wouldn't have changed that.
Seek professional help.
Nixon was lionized at his funeral.
The media couldn't figure out where all the love was coming from. they thought they had destroyed him.
Fucking asinine. You're a real asshole, you know that?
But for Nixon, Israel loses in '73.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I just stated a historical fact.
He empowered a non-white hellhole (China) and now it's came to bite us vack.
You can be pro-Israel and racist against Jews. Just how Lincoln freed the black slaves, or any number of racist American generals defended China in WWII.
Had to split the Soviets and the Chinese. It worked out pretty well.
Soviet and the Chinese were split ever since the 60s, they even had a minor war over it. We should've sided with the Russians over the insectoid dog eaters anyway.
Not an argument.
>American generals defended China in WWII.
Any more evidence that a complete and utter lack of historical knowledge is required to post here?
>We should've sided with the Russians over the insectoid dog eaters anyway.
Not really an option, you know, because of the whole "locked in a struggle for global dominance, two radically different economic/political system, disagreements over basically everything, etc.".
I know Veeky Forums is pro-Russia now, but that doesn't mean that the US being pro-Soviet in the 1960s/70s made any sense at all.
Japan invaded China in the late 1930s
The US went to war with Japan, while Japan was still fighting in China, and defeated Japan.
Therefore, the US defended China. That might not have been its reason for getting involved in the conflict, but it's still true.
Not sure what part of this is hard for you to figure out.
It's not a "Veeky Forums" thing, it's a white thing. As it stands right now, China owns most of the American bonds and sits pretty on a fat stack of dollar reserves while also gobbling up American manufacturing industry thanks to globalization and cheap labor. They're the worst enemy the white race has ever seen and we're gonna be sorry as fuck for ever empowering those shits.
Spooky post
>ended the Apollo program
>is responsible for everything in the US being "on sale" all of the time
>took US off the Gold Standard (libertarians hate him for it at least)
>something something about a water gate
Hmmm really jams my ham
China doesn't even come close to owning most American bonds and if you honestly think having iPhone parts etc etc made in America at US wages wouldn't cause massive inflation that would eat away at the living standards of Americans, then frankly you are silly.
>is responsible for everything in the US being "on sale" all of the time
>China owns most of the American bonds
No it doesn't. How fucking hard is it to take 5 seconds to use google before making a post?
He's a crook.
I think that user is a communist or something
you forgot
>opened relations with China and permanently shifted the balance of the Cold War
If dubs, Nixon was a good president.
If dubs, he was a criminal.
Richard Milhous Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California, in a house his father built.[2][3] His parents were Hannah (Milhous) Nixon and Francis A. Nixon. His mother was a Quaker and his father converted from Methodism to the Quaker faith. Nixon's ancestor Thomas Cornell was a Quaker; he was also the ancestor of the founder of Cornell University, as well as the ancestor of Jimmy Carter, Bill Gates, and Grover Cleveland. [4]
Nixon's upbringing was marked by evangelical Quaker observances of the time, such as refraining from alcohol, dancing, and swearing. Nixon had four brothers: Harold (1909–33), Donald (1914–87), Arthur (1918–25), and Edward (born 1930).[5] Four of the five Nixon boys were named after kings who had ruled in historical or legendary England; Richard, for example, was named after Richard the Lionheart.[6][7]
If you consider active terrorists organizations like the Weathermen "acting up," yes
The 1800s is a stretch. But the platforms of the two parties has been more or less the same since FDR. Once FDR's broad coalition started to fracture with the election of Eisenhower, Democrats chose to shed their White Southern base in exchange for the more or less permanent support of American Blacks.