That if you see a surge in pro-communism threads IT IS NOT NATURAL, IT IS A FORCED MEME
>implying it's not these people making those threads
those are the same people who says "back to /pol/" in every thread when somebody have a non-lefty argument, i'm sick of them
It's funny because it's not even said to people using /pol/ memes/lingo just right wing opinions in general. It's literally "This should be my hugbox reeee"
yeah those liberals am i right?
displayed right in this thread lol
>uses ironic and satirical humor and sarcasm as a substitute for actual critique.
Speak English, Nu-user.
We use satirical and ironic humor because we are simply more intelligent than you. The fact that you do not like our superior humor but we do is proof that we are the more intelligent enlightened side while you are ignorant men of no intelligence.
There is no use arguing with you because we are smarter and more enlightened then you brainwashed fools. We do not need religion, sky-daddies or arguments when we have science on our side. Reality has a liberal bias.
>a single, frequently re-posted screenshot of some redditors is proof that anybody who disagrees with me is a communist infiltrator
Is that easier to understand, or are you still triggered because I greentexted it?
>5 posters
>7 posts
>poster count didn't increase
really makes u think
I haven't seen anyone dismiss right-sided ideas on here.
What I DO see too much of are "was it autism", Hitler threads, and the same "Civil War: was it REALLY about slavery?" threads posted every day. Those are blatantly /pol/, and they're annoying.
Also, these guys can go screw off.
I can't tell if you're being funny, or serious.
Not that user, but it's pretty obviously bait.
people can post more than once in a thread /pol/tard
Because you alt right types are to dumb to even interpret my speech.
Typical /pol/tard. Anyone who BTFO's him with is just "baiting"
In my experience there's virtually no pro-communism threads any more.
There's just /pol/ retardation that gets corrected by the learned anti-communists of Veeky Forums. But /pol/ being stupid thinks the reason they lose arguments is because of /leftypol/ conspiracies.
If you're going to pretend to be what you hate, you could at least put more effort into making it look genuine.
/pol/ B T F O
You aren't fooling anyone /pol/baby. Everyone can see right through your disguise. This is a common /pol/ tactics where once they start losing they start PRETENDING to be neutral.
Reality has a liberal bias. Go listen to Rush Limbaugh instead of posting on the internet ( a liberal invention)
Every so often, when rightards on Veeky Forums notice that people are disagreeing with them too much they go dig through Reddit/tumblr/etc. and find some retards talking about a raid so they can pretend anybody who disagrees with them is part of the alleged "raid" and therefore an illegitimate "shill".
It would happen all the time on /pol/ (a board with very little genuine left-wing discussion) except back then it was "srs" instead of "lefty/pol/"
It's also worth noting that they've been complaining about this since Veeky Forums was created and the first "i'm a completely impartial observer but this .jpg actually disproves muh six gorillion" thread was nuked.
This. The rightards are so intellectually inferior that they keep using this tactic unaware that men of higher enlightenment can see right through it.
Liberals and atheists are intellectually and physically superior to rightists. Reality has a liberal bias and they just can't stand this.
False-flagging in such an obvious way isn't exactly fooling anyone.
>Those are blatantly /pol/, and they're annoying.
No they aren't. We don't want that shit either, we already have more than enough.
This guy is your typical (((left-wing shill))) on Veeky Forums.
Typical /pol/ution. When faced with a post that absolutely destroys them they scream "FALSE FLAG ITS NOT REAL HES JUST PRETENDING HE ONE OF US" This is to make it look liek they are smart when they are not.
I just intellectually destroyed you and outdated right wing thinking with that post. Now run off to your Rush and Limbuagh safe space little snowflake.