because of Coinbase?
Is Ethereum going to crash in July
yes sell now
Lel, keep your head cool user :) It's only a small volume. You muricans think you're so powerful when you're not.
coinbase only started offering eth in late april early may... it hasn't been a year for "whales" to cash out yet
i don't think so but that's not bad analysis
nah they offered it july 21 last summer
>income taxes
>"cashing out" as actual cash rather than buying heroin on the darkweb
correction: Jul 21, 2016
was when they first started offering Eth
Regardless, I doubt whales will cash out all their eth at the end of July...they may hold until the end of the year to not lose any more gains.
wait even if I hold it I have to pay for tax?! no right?
Stop shilling your shit youtube channel faggot.
>No comments
So you just came accross this video huh? Gee.
Reported for shilling :^
just like and subscribe ok
I'd put some stock into this theory if the guy that made the video wasn't a complete idiot.
ETH is going to crash when EOS drops
Seems logical.
Though the amount of people willing to hold for an entire year I would assume is low.
But I suppose if you're an early adopter you don't give a shit.
don't make an ass out of u and me senpai
Fucking kill yourself you faggot ledger shil;ling piece of shit. I open your video and all I get is an ad saying use my affiliate link.
Fucking die you scum.
i hope your pleb crypto positions get liquidated by hackers you poor retarded faggot