One of these threads
One of these threads
go buck wild
Here's a really shitty one, that I just made
tfw to dumb to know what the bottom three are
Bourbon, Vichy, Bonaparte, in that order
Kingdom of France
Vichy France
First French Empire.
tfw to dumb to know the bottom one
Taiping rebellion.
Heavenly kingdom
my nigga
What flag is the lowest here ? West Florida?
>vichy france over the kingdom of france
le trash man.jpg
Vichy France is cool precisely because it's kind of pathetic. It's trying its best.
What's that last pic?
It was the original flag of the Texas revolution.
It was never a real country but a hypothetical evolution of the PLC by incorporating Ukraine as a third partner rather than a territory of Poland and Lithuania.
I see, couldn't figure out the third symbol.
That's Archangel Michael. It's the coat of arms of Kiev.
I thought it was Belgian Congo.
>no Lone Star
>no Come and Take It
OP Is a faggot, I tell you hwat.
Good shit
fuk u is rightful of palestine
is Lechina Empire bog-tier?
Can you give me a quick rundown?
What's the last one?
looks ottoman to me
The truth has been spoken.
Tho reformed capitalist decentralized Yugoslavia would be better.
Tell me more about that Yugoslavia please, I need new wank material
filthy kuffar
>not posting the correct version
Patritian TASTE
>when you're a fucking roach trying to put your steppenigger people up from the very level of the roman empire
Is the last flag autonomism?
It's the Spartacist flag
wow nice spanish flag
Fil me in on the bottom 3 please
It's Burgundian retard.
Sabbatai Zevi
I don't recognize the third flag. Two state solution?
>americ*n education
Kangdom of Jerusalem
Christian Israel during the crusades
Venetia and then florence!?it makes no sense
rude trip dubs
I think I'll change it to a flag representing a two state solution instead. Fits the progression to glowing radioactive wasteland better.
>average goy in the year of our lord and saviour jesus christ 2k15
It's the other way around buddy.
The Swedes were and are a cancer desu senpai
There we go
>Serbia is anywhere on the chart
Fixed that for you ;)
The spaniards used it longer.
It's theirs now.
the fuck is that bottom flag
go away hippie
Commie shit
I'm triggered now
holy shit. drumpfcucks BTFO!!!!!!!!
>american education
yeah dude i'm sure in european education they teach you obscure communist flags that were never flown for more than 5 minutes
>implying i'm european and not australian
>obscure communist flags that were never flown for more than 5 minutes
You're forgetting that Saint Reagan single handedly took down communism in a single blow which destroyed the DDR overnight