when will you losers learn to just hold eth and btc and quit losing sleep over shitcoin pumps which you'll end up losing money on in the end anyway?
shitty sentence but w/e
when will you losers learn to just hold eth and btc and quit losing sleep over shitcoin pumps which you'll end up losing money on in the end anyway?
shitty sentence but w/e
i just realized my portfolio would be worth TWICE as much right now... had I only put all my money in btc/eth
seriously no idea why I keep putting money in shitcoins at this point
ETH is a cetralized shit coin with an overcomplicated contract system , it will crash when someone finds an exploit.
because it's fun?
been holding nothing but ETH since the 20's, seeing people go berserk over shitcoin p&d's never ceases to confuse me
just put that shit in ETH and relax senpai
>seriously no idea why I keep putting money in shitcoins at this point
high risk high reward, whereas eth and btc are low risk low reward short term, medium risk high reward long term. If you can successfully short some pnds and such, you can get more disposable assets and it's just fun. Some of us have nothing to lose and everything to win.
Thats your fault. I bought digibyte at 116 and sold it for 2300
Most of my portfolio is eth. I buy and sell shitcoins just for fun
Yep nothing to lose. I starts from 17$ and now I have 2.2k$.
i just bought a shit ton of reddcoin at a dip and i'm already up big time, i could sell this shit right now and have a pretty good profit and then rinse repeat, put it into eth, whatever. For depressed wagecucks like myself who has lost passion for everything in life, this gives me some sort of purpose. I play retarded paradox games that are basically spreadsheets anyway, why not play a game with real stakes.
Because I'm poor and there is no point in investing £500 into ETH/BTC.
If anyone feels like sharing eth... 0x370c21addc92af248cccd71cb8da5c9d9b883ec3
Please do help my cause anons.
>low reward.
Literally made over $60,000 last week in BTC and ETH.
I could trade and hope to ride to perfection and dump the 40% rises on shit coins. But BTC only needs to raise 1% a day now for $3,000 gains. Not a greedy cunt, more than enough.
Daytrading memecoins can be pretty (((fun))) tho m8
Try it and you'll see
Not everyone has a 6 digit portfolio.
I got in WAVES @2.50
Its almost 7
fuck you mean OP?
because I started with 4 BTC and now i have over 40?
Don't worry OP you have ascended. No matter how loud you shout the proles won't listen.
They'll just roll it back like last time.. It's good but absolutely hate the developers having that control. BTC.
Not gonna lie, former Eth holder here. This is fucking hilarious watching eth crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this coin get the centralized nodes.
I've been holding BTC since they where $50 each, Cashed out a fair bit alone the way to buy house and what not. Have 100 left I'll let ride but for the next 5 years.
Not your right if you want massive gains shitcoins, but weak hands need to continue to hold with drops and hope for the rebound instead of the continually dumps devaluing the coins even more.
But your right* if you do not have the massive outlay. But I consider BTC better gains still than any normal interest gains ways but fairly large buy in now to make it worth while.
Complete trash english after to many drinks.
I consider BTC better gains long term, you might not the get 40% but you also don't get the 40% losses. If people have money they're willing to loose go the top 10 shit coins $5k each and let it ride and pray for the best. People saying there's anytype of mathematics behind any of these coins are in denial.
ETH breaks $300 ATH
"No point in investing"
lol youre retarded
>2 years old
>26.5 billion marketcap