Why is it in an increasingly atheist America, it has become based more upon emotion than empirical evidence, e.g. the rise of PETA and equal outcome, despite all science proving the contrary to be true
Why is it in an increasingly atheist America, it has become based more upon emotion than empirical evidence, e.g...
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You know ((who)) it is
I have this suspicion that humans are naturally ignorant and superstitious, and this tendency will manifest to some degree within any belief system.
Also, America has the most and the best bullshit artists on earth.
current events do not belong on this board
For some reason many people don't think of facts as facts, and that their feelings matter more. We also have a large culture of anti-intellectualism.
>PETA was founded in the 80's
>this less than 25 years ago
>the height of the civil's right era was the 2000's not the 60's
But why does that culture exist
>the rise of PETA and equal outcome, despite all science proving the contrary to be true
What does this mean? What does PETA have to do with science?
I feel like OP already has an ideology firmly installed in his mind and is asking a leading question not to seek an answer but to prompt acceptance from others???
The protestant nobility persecuted the Quakers and Puritans, Americans have always been suspicious of nobility and intellectuals
>increasingly atheist America
America is the one developed country that has yet to go full secularist.
How would I phrase it then if I wanted to show I wish for open discussion and not an immediate polarisation of the debate
PETa says humans shouldn't eat meats, when Science says meat is required to regulate the diet
Yes that's my point, it's not gone secularist yet but more and people are
It's becoming a bluier purple if you want to see it in the face of politcis
>when Science says meat is required to regulate the diet
You can get protein from plant sources though, like beans
>atheists are logical meme
Nah, they're feelgud bleeding heart liberals, the militant logical positivist atheist is just a loud minority in a minority.
you can also inject nutrients straight into the blood doesn't mean you should
There are certain amino acids that cannot be gained solely from plant life. Eating only plants is a good way to get rickets and other nutritional diseases.
False equivalence, you actually digest beans when you eat them
This meme is retarded as fuck. America is not and never has been broadly anti-intellectual. This idea was pushed by butthurt Marxist academics because people here wouldn't blindly accept their shitty social theories and economic models.
Modern man is comfortable, that's why.
The so-called Puritan influence on American culture is complete bullshit meme of the highest order invented by Max Weber and not grounded in reality whatsoever. The WASP elite has always been Episcopalian, the lower caste British migrants were Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians and the German/Italian/Polish/Hungarian immigrants from late 19th century were almost without exception Catholics. Fucking Puritans were strictly confined to New England where they slowly died out, and this meme should as well.
You can get every amino acids from a plant source. I'm a dietitian.
Because abandoning religion is just as bad as putting all of your energy into it. Atheism isn't the answer to to religious extremism and ignorance.
>correlation equals causation
I sure do love sweeping generalizations made based on broad suppositions with no evidence whatsoever.
this thread deson't belong on Veeky Forums
Not carnetine nor taurine. Just dont do that, you're perpetuating misinformation. Especially tedious when you try to come from a guise of authority
nuts, seeds, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, garlic, mustard greens, okra, parsley, kale, apricots, bananas, bee pollen, brewer's yeast, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, rice bran, rye, and whole wheat.
You can get this from sea algae. However, your body can make this with cysteine and methionine.