Dumb question.
Why didn't the Japanese or Chinese colonize the west coast of North America before the Yanks got there?
Dumb question.
Why didn't the Japanese or Chinese colonize the west coast of North America before the Yanks got there?
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Because sailing across an entire ocean was literally impossible for most of humanity's existence and why do it?
The Japanese of the time or even less aware of the world in the Europeans were. They didn't have the maritime technology to sail to the new world shit they didn't even know a new world existed. You're assuming facts not in evidence, as a modern-day solicitor might say
Because ruling China itself is a big enough clusterfuck.
Also, the Qing Dynasty was a broken, dysfunctional tumor for most of its existence.
You mean to tell me between 1492 and 1803 the Japs were unaware of the ton of unclaimed clay just an ocean away?
>what is the polynesians?
Too far.
Pretty much. Also Pacific is much bigger than the Atlantic and the Japs were feudal disorganized 3rd world shithole until mid 19th century.
And China, in whatever dynasty, had no real desire or reason to colonise.
Wasn't possible until the Meiji Reforms were complete, and they were completed after the US took the West Coast
Plus the US probably wouldn't be too happy about the whole affair even if it could happen
Climate was not kind to Asian sailors. They never developed seafaring capabilities that allowed their vessels to stay at sea for months on end. Furthermore, massive winds almost NEVER favored them heading east, and continually pushed them inland.
I don't get it
I recommend you watching Kon-Tiki.
Zheng He discovered the Americas before Colombus. The chinks had no need for colonies in the new world because mainland China, unlike the colonial powers of Europe, is pretty rich in resources.
We've had this thread before, at least 3 times in just this fucking month alone.
China didn't need to colonize, because it had every resource it essentially needed in order to maintain a rich society and, in the eyes of the Chinese, a perfect one. Why would you need to go to a different continent when you had everything at your front doorstep?
Plus after the fall of Constantinople the silk road was effectively completely cut off from Europe by the invading Ottomans, so Europeans had to find a different way to find their rare spices and Asian silks. What better way to get that than colonizing?
In terms of Japan, how would a feudal society that killed foreigners because they thought it destabilized the country leave their borders? They never had the technology to cross an entire ocean with harsh climate because there was no single Japan to make that long trek.
is this why columbus ended up in the carribean instead of virginia
Look at the distance and the currents. The Europeans were in a much better geographical position to colonize America.
It's fucking far.
Jsyk like Japanese sailors didbin fact make into the West Coast but it was on accident and usually they died unless they were carrying rice.
A few ships did end up landing with no one surviving but with tools and large amounts of iron which is why PNW natives in some parts had pre existing metallurgical traditions.
Tardo mcshitforbrains pulled back the one guy who could totally have found America.
About about them?
>And China, in whatever dynasty, had no real desire or reason
Many European colonisers had no reason to conquer other than to have their name in history. You think alexander the great, napoleon or hitler had to go east because they had no other option? it's because they wanted their place in history.
Well... to argue the other case, the Japanese have known about (and visited) the Kuril Islands for centuries.
They knew about Kamchatka as well.
Had they kept going up Kamchata, it wouldn't have taken much to have island-hopped down the Aleutian chain all the way to mainland Alaska, as the region's natives regularly did.
The main drawback being that the weather in that region is often horrendous.
Chinese merchants took any opportunity to expand and sometimes the state did as demonstrated by Zhenge He's voyages which travelled a shorter distance than the circumnavigation of Africa and could make frequent stops
the silk road is very long and generally ends in the easter Mediterranean not the black sea or constantinople, it had declined a century earlier after the fragmentation of the Mongol empire
Japan only started evicting foreigners long after the Spanish had arrived, by this time they could not compete.
>You think alexander the great, napoleon or hitler had to go east because they had no other option? it's because they wanted their place in history.
Probably some other reasons as well but I see your point. Makes me think about modern day politics
>what are the Dutch
Please never post on this board again.
Cultural differences. Western culture is obsessed with the idea of infinite expansive space, which comes ultimately from the Christian religion not just in the form of the Great Commission but also the tearing of the Temple curtain, whereas Eastern cultures care more about the distinction between inside and outside because of the strict ritual purity required by Buddhism and other Eastern religions. As a result the West developed the idea of the frontier spirit whereas countries like China, Japan, and North Korea shut themselves off from the world in order to retain purity. Also they have Asian women while we have white women so they have no reason to try to get away from their women.
Chinese coins were pretty common novelties among precontact natives all the way to the east coast, probably from recovered from shipwrecks.
But they have?
why colonize america when you have the most fertile, populous, advanced civilization on earth right in front of you?
Japanese scholars of the time were fine to read texts saying that greenland was a short little ride away from britain and that turtle ships could fuck up european navies.
They weren't aware of a lot of things.
Zheng He never went to the Americas, all of his expeditions went to the indian ocean.
That and trade winds, yes.
>Many European colonisers had no reason to conquer other than to have their name in history
After the fact maybe, but the primary impetus for colonization in the beginning was finding a route to Asia that didn't involve going through muslims, and mercantilism. China had achieved autarky and didn't need colonies, and considering themselves to be the center of civilization didn't really care about far-off barbarian lands.
euros need to colonize overseas to find resources because none of them were able to dominate all of Europe's resources, whereas China which is comparable to all of Europe as a civilization was able to unite.
>In the 1890s, lawyer and politician James Wickersham argued that pre-Columbian contact between Japanese sailors and Native Americans was highly probable, given that from the early 1600s to the mid-1800s several dozen Japanese ships were carried from Asia to North America along the powerful Kuroshio Currents. Such Japanese ships landed from the Aleutian Islands in the north to Mexico in the south, carrying a total of 293 persons in the 23 cases where head-counts were given in historical records. In most cases, the Japanese sailors gradually made their way home on merchant vessels, but in 1833 one Japanese crew crashed near Cape Flattery and was enslaved by Makahs for a period before being rescued by members of the Hudson's Bay Company. Another Japanese ship crashed in about 1850 near the mouth of the Columbia River, Wickersham writes, and the sailors were assimilated into the local Native American population. While admitting there was no definitive proof of pre-Columbian contact between Japanese and North Americans, Wickersham thought it implausible that such contacts as outlined above would have started only after Europeans arrived in North America.
>able to unite
Into several warring kingdoms, various royal rivalries, and constant wars. Not unlike Europe.
1. The Pacific is bigger than the Atlantic, so colonizing America from this side is harder.
2. Japanese and Chinese intentionally closed off from the world, rather than exploring it.
3. No White Man's Burden, no cultural desire to go on expensive expeditions that were 90% of the time not worth it.
4. No tech, Japan and China fell behind just before the age of exploration and had lower quality and smaller vessels.
5. No need, Japan and China had not reached their carrying capacity, and didn't have hordes of disgruntled people who want somewhere else to live like Europe had.
Yes, but unlike Europe they actually alternated between unity and division (so much so that the dynastic cycle became a mystical meme), whereas Europe was never united in between the fall of Rome and the foundation of the EU.
This reminds me, why is Russia still stubborn about that one Japanese island they have been illegally occupying for 80 years?
>China fell behind just before the age of exploration and had lower quality and smaller vessels.
The Japanese, at least the decisionmakers, would have been well aware of the Americas by 1800, dunno how much earlier but it's very feasible that contact with Dutch/Portuguese traders would have transmitted maps/knowledge.
The other points in are still valid though.
Because Russians as a rule are autistic.
I meant to write "lower quality and smaller fleets", not vessels. Regardless, even if this is a giant piece of shit, its still a piece of shit. You can't sail that across the ocean.
Also, this is the suggested size. We don't know how big it was, other than chinese imperial propaganda. Compare the myth of the treasure ship with this myth: en.wikipedia.org
And by myth I don't mean it was all false, I mean that we believe things were like that, but really we are only repeating what we are being told, without confirmation from other sources.
Normally in history to confirm a fact you want more written sources, from different periods and different cultures/languages, and you want a physical confirmation by archeologist. Having just the written word isn't considered good enough, because hurrr durrr the celts had one million people army and our brave three thousand legionnaires defeated them.