What was the most corrupt a Christian church ever got?
What was the most corrupt a Christian church ever got?
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In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence is "a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins".[1] It may reduce the temporal punishment after death, in the state or process of purification called Purgatory. This temporal punishment would not be considered "time", as Purgatory, like Heaven and Hell, is said to exist "outside of time".
There is literally nothing wrong with indulgences.
Pope Francis takes money from KSA to flood Europe with rapefugees and kiss their feet
As a protestant, I'm inclined to say our churches.
Yeah, the Catholic communities sometimes have rough issues in the past, but nothing matches our devilish theology.
You know, maybe there's something to apostolic teaching that Martin Luther may have glanced over, we should at least look at better theology if ours is failing, right? And the Francis is kinda a cool guy.
Can you save my heavy dirty soul?
Constantine was responsible for bringing the Roman worship of Mithras—the religion of the Mithraic mysteries—into the churches. The idea of a pontifex maximus, the worship of saints, the "holy mother", the priests' vestments, the rituals, the extravagant decor of the cathedrals, etc, etc were all transposed from Mithraism (which had been the official religion of the Rome Empire for a couple of centuries) into Catholicism (which, under Constantine, became the new official religion of the Roman Empire.)
>As a protestant, I'm inclined to say our churches.
The Popes literally organized armies and assassinations to suit their political goals. I understand that Murican Megachurch Pastor Billy Bob is bad, but stealing church money to buy a ferrari is a much smaller level of corruption than starting wars.
>hey guize i'm a prottie
>btw our theology is "devilish", Martin Luther got rid of apostolic teachings, Catholics have better theology, and Francis is 'cool' so let's all become papists
Is this your first day in the Society of Jesus or something?
You're a fucking Catholic.
>as a protestant
This is like making a post on /pol/ starting with "as a black man"
Except /pol/ hates blacks while Veeky Forums is Protestant
/his is about as protestant as Pope Urban II
Catholics aren't Christian
>Pope Urban II
That's an odd way to spell John Calvin
Veeky Forums was Orthodox while everyone could leech off of Constantine, then when that tanked people went back to being Catholic. Of course none of them were sincere, it's all just reactionary memery, but it's the perspective "theological" discussions take around here aside from a handful of Protestants and two Muslims.
Veeky Forums is Protestant. Heresies have come and gone (like that time the board groaned and was astonished to find itself Arian), but the majority remains Protestant.
/rel/ when?
Veeky Forums - Heresy & Heathenry
We have had way too many religion threads lately.
>it's an argument
The post was clearly wrong. Meme harder, please.
>The post was clearly wrong
No, it was clearly right
>Meme harder, please
k, here you go
I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove in this image. You seem a bit confused about a religion that centers its doctrine and teaching on Jesus Christ and his disciples. Let's examine your image, and break it down.
>Pope Francis quote
I'm not really sure what this trying to prove. Are you suggesting that gay people cannot have any sort of relationship of with God? The phrase, "is of good will" would seem to suggest this is possible, but clearly it's also a caveat with theological implications.
>some random people with signs
This is called cherry-picking and proves nothing, actually.
>muh statistics
So you've effectively shown that most American Catholics (not Catholics as a whole body by the way) follow trends similar to those in society at large:
So you've proven that American Catholics are in-line with most other denominations in some way. You also didn't include any sources in your images or how it compares to other co-religionists. You also never, at any point, made any theological argument supporting your statement that "Catholics aren't Christian" and so I - based on an examination of theology and practice - said you were wrong. Arguments do not occur if one side enters immediately with a statement that is patently false.
>tfw Catholic
Jesus Christ, my fellow laypersons are awful. Whatever happened to fearing and obeying the commands of the Church? These people might as well not be Catholic. Drive them all out, tell them all to go be Protestants and atheists. I don't want them shitting up the cathedrals on their pathetic Christmas-and-Easter roundabouts.
You know, as bad as the Catholic Church can get, at least it's never promoted anything as awful as the Prosperity Gospel.
Catholics aren't Christian
Word-faithers aren't Protestant
>muh No True Scotsman
They're not Catholic, they're not Orthodox, they're not Coptic, what are they?
Unitarian Universalist by far.
Catholics might fuck children, but at least they don't show children hardcore gay porn in Sunday school.
They're Word-faithers, that's what their religion is called
Barack Obama attended this church by the way.
Whats wrong with indulgences?
It's heresy
There's no need to buy a peace of paper to remit sins, sinners are justified by faith alone
female bishops officiating gay marriages and importing Muslims, while relying pretty much entirely on government largesse due to their empty pews.
The time that corrupt Argie antipope got elected by the lavender mafia who crushed all dissent, took Soros money, called for the capitulation of Christendom to the Islamic hordes, engaged in open apostasy, normalized divorce and sexual deviancy, and praised Martin Luther and his teachings.
The one in Rome is pretty bad.
We're dealing with Francis. Give us a minute.
>the pope cannot lead us into error when speaking on the subject of faith or morals
>unless he says the wrong things about faith or morals
No, don't you see user
If the pope is wrong all that means is he wasn't speaking infallibly. When the pope is right that means he was speaking infallibly
The RCC teaches that the Pope is only speaking infallibly when he invokes the authority of his office (i.e. is speaking ex cathedra) to back up a doctrine on the topics of faith or morals. In other situations they believe he isn't necessarily correct. Catholics don't even believe that it's just the Pope who can speak infallibly. They believe that the Church itself is infallible in much the same way, as they believe its doctrines are protected by the Holy Spirit. Obviously that doesn't mean everything every clergyman has ever said or done is correct at all times. No one believes that.
No, the Pope is only infallible by doctrine when he specifically claims infallibility for a statement. This has only been used twice, and both times regarded Mary.
Sounds like an upgrade as opposed to a corruption
Purgatory doesn't even exist.
And you think God gives a fuck about a piece of paper?
There's a /rel/ board on Infinitechan along with /christian/, /islam/, /christ/, Veeky Forums, /cucktianity/, and /atheism/.
As you can see, like socialism allegedly, it dusn't work.
Catholicism now
Imo Putin should invade Italy, force the Pope to lick his feet and made him sign that Catholicism is a heresy and from now on the Roman Church return in communion with Orthodoxy and engage itself to make autocephalous every former Catholic(Now Orthodox) countries.
Using the money you earned doing evil to buy your way into paradise...yeah, right.
Fuck yeah to this. buy this user a drink.
>You seem a bit confused about a religion that centers its doctrine and teaching on Jesus Christ and his disciples.
How can anyone on Veeky Forums especially pol claim this ?
Christians have little to do with Jesus for a long time now.
He is literally the worst Pope
Gay people can be Christians. Take that beam out of your eye before you go around pointing out the mote in others
Pick one
If not being a sinner was a prerequisite for being a Christian than no-one would be. As long as they recognize their urges as being sinful then a gay person is no different than someone who is greedy or glutenous.
did you know that you don't have to actually sodomize people if you're homosexual? Chastity is a thing you know.
Idiot. Are you forced to fornicate just because you're heterosexual?
Oh wow, the denomination that reduced themselves to being government bootlickers, having ascendancy with a truly independent branch of Christianity.
As fABULOUS as this may be, it shows the height of Catholic material excess. Made with looted gold.
Veeky Forums is a Jewish board.
>theists argue over which imaginary friend is better
Veeky Forums is a Heathen board.
>the majority
you mean two shitposters.
>having ascendancy with a truly independent branch of Christianity
>Lick feet
>Kiss Quran
>Say Atheist will go Heaven
>Hold Marxist Cross
Pick one
>Oh wow, the denomination that reduced themselves to being government bootlickers,
The Church of Christ always Worked with the Government because "all authorities come from God"
Anyway your cucked laicity can hang herself cause she has no say in Orthodoxy, now go back licking negroe feet while being sodomized by Achmed
>BTFO by Catholics.
>BTFO by Muslims.
>BTFO by Mongols
>BTFO by Atheists.
>Reduced to doing Kremlin's will.
>"Catholics are Cucks! Catholics are Cucks!"
>yfw Cucktholicism is dying
>yfw Cucktholic countries are invaded by shitskins
>yfw Orthodoxy is growing
Catholicism is a meme at this point, do you even go to Church or are you just LARPing ?
>Lick feet
>Kiss Quran
>Say Atheist will go Heaven
The alternative is go full 1871. Tell me how well that went.
>yfw Cucktholicism is dying
>What is South America
>What is Africa
>yfw Orthodoxy is growing
You mean in the same exact fucking place it has been for centuries, or do you think a few hundred assholes on white supremacy forums meming count as "growth"?
>>What is South America
>>What is Africa
Shitholes producing the subhumans who are invading our White Homeland
>yfw Cucktholicks are so bluepilled that they're happy of being outbred by their shitskin brothers
>You mean in the same exact fucking place it has been for centuries, or do you think a few hundred assholes on white supremacy forums meming count as "growth"?
Growing everywere in Europe
American Orthodox 1 million
French Orthodox 300k
Belgian Orthodox 80K
British Orthodox 10K