Do you go to Renaissance Festivals?
Do you go to Renaissance Festivals?
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i do but i dont dress up, it was alot better when i was younger
I went to a few about a decade ago. I'd love to go again, but I just never have the time anymore.
I haven't, but might, someday.
doth thou have a small penis ?
I worked at one last year
I would call it average, why do ye ask?
I wish I could, but I'm asian so people would give me weird looks and ostracize me.
>tfw u could be Subutai and Jebe traveling from Mongolia to conquer the euroshits
do it.
or you could wear an eyepatch and just claim your good eye was wounded in battle
>dream milf
Whoa. If she's there I will ;)
>asians are the most nerdy people
>The type of people who go renaissance fares are generally supportive of Asian culture
Why would any one think anything of it? In fact aliens taking an interest in our culture is welcome so long as they're respectful and don't wewuz.
Nobody can tell I'm Asian underneath my dog-faced bascinet.
its ok, friend. I'm sure theyd just be glad to have another willing participant there to buy shit
What's the name of this milf?
Afaik we don't have anything of the kind in australia.
We didnn't have time to develop a strong culture before it was crushed by soulless american sitcoms and the like.
What? You realize it's Larping, right? Like comic-con or a town fair that comes by once a year.
Dress up like a samurai.
If I was a fun, outgoing, attractive person i would
>he doesn't want to cosplay as Genghis Khan
I am really jelly that I am not Asian right now.
She scares me
yes but i go to real Renaissance Festivals or
Whoa nice cosplay, she messed up the coloring though
Aren't they full of slutty cosplaying "nerd grrls"?
Stop fishing for approval and affirmation you faggot.
White people are orders of magnitude more welcoming than Asian ones.
>White people are orders of magnitude more welcoming than Asian ones.
Only to niggers and muslims.
Meanwhile asians love whitey.
>Aren't they full of slutty cosplaying "nerd grrls"?
Go find some shit to wear, say 'thou' a lot and get thyself laid.
as a historian and occasional reenactor, I've yet to see a photo from a renfair that isnt ye olde timey muddyeville buxome wenchy uttere bullshitte.
In all, they're about as accurate to reality as "Braveheart."
Dude it's for fun chill out, it's just a place to go enjoy history/fantasy shit and get drunk.
T. A history/archaeology student who still manages to have fun at Ren faires
I kind of want to grow a Fu Manchu and go in full mongolian attire. But its all normies there and people who want to wear kilts because they are 1/10th irish. They won't understand.
Don't over think it bro just go drink beer and look at tits
Dress up as an Asian silk road trader
Yes, but usually as part of education demonstrations as done with the not-for-profit educational groups I am part of.
Occasionally, my gf, friends and myself will go to the little local ones for grins and giggles. We do not go for the same reason we do historic events.
Your point? There were Japanese envoys in Rome during the 15thC. The Italians had travel guides to China and India since the crusades, and maybe earlier.
>There were Japanese envoys in Rome during the 15thC.
You got a citation for this, and ideally the thing about travel guides to China/India as well? Could be useful for Veeky Forums stuff, explaining monks and all that. It always bothers me when people say they can't fit into medieval Euro settings because I'm aware of stuff like this in the abstract but don't know of many specific examples.
You should read the Travels of Sir John de Mandeville, then dress up as somebody from the lands of the Great Khan or Prester John. That would be fun as fuck.
I am on my phone, but I'll send what I got.
16th/17thC: Hasekura Rokuemon Tsunenaga, baptised "Francisco Felipe Faxicura", samurai and retainer of Date Masamune, the daimyĆ of Sendai.
1508 Italian guide to india
There is more, but i'll have to dig. Whats your background? You basically have carte blanche as the Portuguese were everywhere in Asia.
i used to go to medieval fairs when i was a kid, but nothing renaissance
the renaissance always seemed a bit gay to me
dumb slutposter
If only to look at women with corsets, yes.
Otherwise I'm pissed off by all the cunts in Wizard & RPG clothing and other shit that has nothing to do with history.
Pic related. Middle one is me.
Post more milky beer mommas
Is that a QINGZ battle armor?
I went a few times. There is a pretty good one in my country.
It's good people watching.
it should also be called the High Medieval Fair.
>They won't understand.
If anyone understands it will be the Renfair people.
In my town they have an "oyster fayre" every summer which is sort of like an American renaissance fair but most people don't dress up, only the people working their.
The festival is based on a festival that used to held to celebrate the oyster harvest and has now become a general medieval market with a few performances
LARPing as an adult