Were National Socialist racist or is that a Jew meme?

Were National Socialist racist or is that a Jew meme?


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Back then there was no 'white race', there was a German race, an Italian race, a Chinese race ect.

Races divided based on continents are an American meme.

>only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently, no Jew can be a member of the race
>whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest, and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners

Honestly that seems fair to me.

>not accepting multiculturalism means racism

The were ns ideology is racist if every Nazi was racist we don't know.
Rassenkunde (racial-sience) was a big thing in the 30s in Germany.
They divided into aryans/ germanics,Slavs, mongoloid, negeos, indians, semitics. All with subraces from the nordic german at the top with it's artverwandten (related) groups like the brits or the skandinavians, down to the jews as worst part of the semitic group.
If one nation/people was part of a race or not was often dicided on Realpolitical reasons rather than sience, see japan or the croats and serbs.
Btw sry didn't watch your vid, I have no time for an hour of apologetic altright propaganda

>the alt right wants to convince people hitler wasn't racist.
>implying that's not exactly why they like him.
Fuck off retard.

It has nothing to do with multiculturalism, and yes it's racist.

Both are true. The same way they want the holocaust and deny that it happened.

The alt-right is a group of confused individuals who don't know much about Nazi's racial policy and ideology.

The alt right isn't much of a thing to begin with.

>download mein kampf
>control f

Idk family. If you show /pol/ something claiming hitler liked muslims they get defensive

It very much is.
Your own lack of knowledge is not proof.

Hitler didn't "like" muslims. He was at best indifferent about them.

>inb4 bullshit quote from the bullshit forged Table Talk

Nah it really isn't, it's just a meme term Richard Spencer invented 7 years ago and now the libtard media are using it as a synonyme of "nazi" for some reason.


>inb4 wikipedia
>inb4 can't inb4
>inb4 excuses

No proof of this.

No proof it was genuine either. And it just magically happens to mirror Bormann's views and contradict everything Hitler did or say in public, just pure coincidence.

Won't even bother.

degenerate shitskin detected

Nice brain aneurysm post there.

>contradicts everything
No. I think the only truly controversial statements are the ones about religion.

>not about religion

>shitskins like to blame their problems on anyone and everyone other than themselves
>Hitler was the master of this
>as a result of this, shitskins are the world's primary Hitler supporters

It's not that complicated,

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>decent painter
>had a scat fetish because he's German
>practiced this fetish on his cousin whom he married
>drove her to suicide
>was antisemitic and was literally Hitler
>sparked a war with Russia that he could have won if it wasn't for fucking around in Stalingrad
>was literally Hitler

*tips fedora*

Did Hitler have a penis? If not, then why was he assigned male at birth?

I posted this yesterday and I will repeat it today: In WW2 my village was occupied by a legion of Muslim Turkmen Wehrmacht soldiers, so I laugh whenever anyone tells me Hitler hated everyone who wasn't a blue eyed blond haired aryan.