What is morally wrong with degenerate sex? Why do nihilists and ancaps argue "let people be with their business" "why you gotta try to control people man?"
What is morally wrong with degenerate sex...
Sex, any kind of sex is inherently disgusting. 100 gay men getting into a room and having a giant fag sex party with muscle relaxers and crystal me and leather and whips makes it all so much more disgusting.
>implying implications
>degenerate sex
This board really is other /pol/ isn't it?
That mask really needs to be used in Anubis themed role-play sex.
>no opinions will be changed.
Crawl out of your own ass for a second and realise that debates are held for the sake of the onlookers not the participants.
Well it is mostly way of punishing those who break social norms. There isn't much of moral argument against unless it leads to something else that is immoral (snuff, real torture ect) or you have a system based around a God with laws against it.
>anyone's opinion will be changed with content like that
god you are stupid
can someone help me understand why so many people are ok with other people doing disgusting things. the other day i read a comment about some gay old man who goes skiing and wears a buttplug all day while he skiis. It affects me because I'm gay, and if degenerate nonsense like that spreads: where will i find non-degenerate love? I deserve someone who takes sex seriously like I do.
Subjective moral frames become more objective with an intense enough autistic screech
Based Uganda.
I think the best course of action is to seek out that disgusting man and kill him, it's the only moral thing to do.
hes a professor at my university and he is married with another man or woman im not sure but has sex with students
is this it? no one wants to give their opinion? this is just another non-issue for you?
what does that mean
do they kill gays. i just want to live a monogomous life with my husband. we would never do anything affectionate in public other than eat out together and go grocery shopping. would they still kill me?
How could they tell?
Also why do you want to live in Uganda.
dam uganda woke af
i just want to know where i would stand with these people, hypothetically
It makes me icky even if I think you do it behind close doors. Therefore you should be killed.
none of those pics advocate violence they just say that the /act/ is despicable
i can only argue that it doesnt get any more degenerate than occasional anal, and mostly HJs and BJs
Because sex with women who are into degenerate stuff is tantamount to encouraging dysgenics.
how would you tell a normie
All homosexual acts are done without chance of conception, so it is for pleasure only. Therefore you must tolerate all forms of sex preformed for pleasure only, otherwise you are a hypocrite. This also applies to people who are straight but don't have sex for kids.
but thats not fair, there is a line that must be drawn for gay people as well as straight. sex for reproductive purposes is too orthodox. i deserve a man who respects and takes sex seriously as much as i do. how am i a hypocrite?
1. Why do you have sex?
2. What are other people doing differently than you that is contemptible?
3. What is serious about your sex compared to others?
I don't want to strawman you, so I'd like to know your answers to those questions before I respond.
1. i have sex because i need it to function as a normal human
2. i dont like toys, i dont like suits, i dont like the vanity and narcissism and the AIDS
3. i dont have casual sex, i get in a relationship first. i will never objectify you and make our relationship more about looks and sex. yes ive had relationships with fatties. my current count of partners is 3. i plan on committing with the next person no matter what.
you know, why should i settle for someone who carries heavier sin than i do? i need someone to appreciate what ive decided to do with my life so we can have a clean relationship. its hilarious because we now live in a time where people think that giving a blowjob isnt sex that youre still a virgin. ok sally gave 50 blowjobs growing up, she still a virgin.
youre generalizing many different sex acts that dont fit the norm
I think some are degenerate and some are actually beneficial
I think homosexuality has a function in giving oprhans adoptive parents for instance, but birth control leads to rampant casual sex that ultimately makes the birth rate plummet and economies crash.
we are discussing morality. which is a subgroup of philosophy. its not my fault humanities is such a broad term.
which are beneficial? and how?
No, it's just nipmoot's fault for including it in the title and giving carte blanche for discussion of whatever the fuck anyone feels like. "& Humanities" sealed Veeky Forums's fate as far as the "/pol/ with dates" fear was concerned.
You can say literally any political discussion (and more) is humanities.
my rule of thumb is that it's degenerate if it violates the social contract becoming a blight on other people for your own short term gain
thats exactly what im saying! toys lead to more degenerate sex. it leads to break ups. it leads to using toys on more people. those people start using toys. they become desensitized. then it becomes this gradual fall into more degenerate acts, and eventually they get the children involved. thats why i hate when people say: its none of your business. IT IS MY BUSINESS because it eventually makes it out of the bedroom and destroys societies.
deviancy leads to more deviancy
If you fuck a degenerate woman you are approving of her lifestyle choices and accepting the consequences thereof
Banging a sloppy drunk chick means you're okay with fetal alcohol syndrome. Banging a clinically underweight chick means you don't care about pre-term labor and reduced life expectancy.
If a woman doesn't respect herself then you shouldn't respect it admire her either. Sex is a form of approval.
Respect or admire*
and am i a hypocrite for rejecting so many people
? because this is basically how i see sex. an act as a form of approval of people's lifestyle choices. some people call it self-righteousness. but i have the proof.
give me data and i might believe you
no data. i wouldnt know where to look. just observe the world. look at how ideas are spread. and how they lead to more ideas. some of these ideas are harmful (deviancy). if it wasnt ok to molest children in washington DC, less politicians would be doing it. if anime never existed, hentai wouldnt exist. if people never hear about an idea, the more likely they will never associate themselves with the idea because they never heard of it before. imagine a world full of people who dont know what a cigarette is. cigarette culture wouldnt exist.
imagine if less people knew about tindr. less people would be having casual sex. its all in the spread of ideas that affects our world.
> a grown man replies with memes
just look at the horizon, the world is flat. You don't need any stupid ass "data" or "science" to prove to you what you can clearly see.
>1. i have sex because i need it to function as a normal human
You claimed that sex for reproduction was too orthodox for you to attain pleasure from. If other people need less orthodox means to attain like you do and function, why is this a bad thing?
>2. i dont like toys, i dont like suits, i dont like the vanity and narcissism and the AIDS
Why are toys and suits inherently contemptible? Again, if someone needs that to get off and "function as a normal human", how is this bad? Why is their sex for pleasure narcissistic and vain but your sex for pleasure is holier than thou? All sex carried out that way is for the individual to feel good or to derive pleasure from pleasing their partner. Thus everyone is having sex for their own satisfaction, and you shouldn't criticize other people for doing the same.
3. i dont have casual sex, i get in a relationship first. i will never objectify you and make our relationship more about looks and sex. yes ive had relationships with fatties. my current count of partners is 3. i plan on committing with the next person no matter what.
You may claim to put the relationship first, but if the relationship was void of sex would you pursue it still? If it isn't about sexual characteristics then why do you only have relationships with men? Also, there are plenty of married couples who engage in the raunchiest practices and have a very solid relationship. Is their sex not degenerate?
You cannot simultameously partake in deviant sex to "function as a normal human" and deny others this privelege. The extent of deviancy is irrelevant when other people need varying degrees of orthodoxy for fulfillment. A straight ,married couple could pass similar judgement on your practices and their deviancy. You arbitrarily set the line exactly where you stand, and that is wrong. In the famous words of a meme man, "It's either all okay, or none of it's ok"
you fell for the meme, we ancaps arent degenerates, we just dislike the idea of a big brother taxing our shit.
well its no secret that tindr revolutionized casual sex. now imagine an innocent girl who gave into peer pressure and tries tindr, she gets hooked up with a 40 year old man who is into BDSM. she then likes BDSM because shes been exposed. and one thing leads to another she is now a meth head.
you fucking idiot he was mocking you
Fuck off
But other than that, you have a point.
>You claimed that sex for reproduction was too orthodox for you to attain pleasure from. If other people need less orthodox means to attain like you do and function, why is this a bad thing?
no i meant that people do have sex for pleasure. not just for reproduction. the only thing i require is the sex be monogamous.
yea with the flatearth meme , hes mocking that my evidence is as fake as flat earth. again its no secret tindr revolutionized casual sex.
Why? Science has proven that sexual pleasure has diminishing returns with the same person, so forcing monogamy dooms them to an ever-bleakening sex life.
Why do ships disappear over the horizon then?
you know what? no. u dont know what your talking about. ur just a person who wants people to be degenerate. i know how these acts harm people. i know the current state relationships are in. you just dont want to be judged. grow up and accept your perversions for what they are, you have no right to defend them because they ARE perversions. youre just as messed up as they are, rot in your personal hell. you dont know what its like to hold something dear and you never will.
im not going to get in on this because were coming at this argument at too many angles, ill lose from every angle.
it's also shown a negative correlation between number of sexual partners and overall happiness
At some point people decided that what I find gross = immoral.
Also, spreading of stds was an issue and monogamy was useful for a stable society.
Lol I'mean a straight guy whose extent of fetishism is for petite women. I just don't reprehend people who need other things in their sex life.
call me a pharisee then. someone has to stop them. what if i have a daughter? i dont want her marrying some sicko.
In those cases, it is not fulfilling for the person. However, if a person needs to have multiple partners to be happy, what is inherently wrong with that? All I ask is that you not pass judgements. Drinking liquor doesn't help anyone, but I don't judge people who do it. Likewise, I don'the pass judgements on people even if they don't act in a way most people do to be fulfilled. As long as it's consensual, I'might cool with it.
then perish for you have no impact on this earth you are a nobody with no convictions
if it doesnt affect you, why do you care what other people do in their bedroom?
Which means there is absolutely no reason to be against whatever perverted stufg someome is doing in a monogamous relationship.
This is also why gay marriage is good btw. It promotes gays forming monogamous family units, basically adopting the straight lifestyle, just with another man/woman. Keep in mind that being gay earlier in the 20th century meant hanging out in bars and bathhouses and fucking a dozen random guys every week, mainly because it's hard to have a stable relationship if you can only meet in secret due to the social stigma.
Your daughters would be a person, wouldn't she? You can view practices as unhealthy and recommend people against it, but I firmly believe you should allow people to live by their own standards. Otherwise, only the most conservative interpretations of fulfillment survive and people are locked away from what makes them happy. People have different needs, and letting people explore those needs is the crux of maturity.
but everyone has those urges, even i do. im just more matured and have self-control like everyone else. its like a vice. people need to eat. people need to have sex. i dont eat and indulge until i get heart disease. same with my sex life. we are at a point in time where the modesty of sex is being shifted into a more liberal and sex-positive stigma. its not different from fat-positive.
>. im just more matured and have self-control UNlike everyone else
I have convictions to exclusively my own life. You're right that I don't care what other people do that doesn't impact my life. Moral busybodies should never exist and their existence is frightening. Maturity is being content with living a good life yourself and allowing others to find their way too.
because there is a very finite amount of partners unlike liquor
if it's an open relationship with multiple partners happens
thats where i know youre wrong you cant help me you cant handle none of this
Wow I guess I'm 100% roasted
>Moral busybodies should never exist and their existence is frightening
people are actually afraid of meaning. this is what is frightening to me.
you havent provided anything outside of what i already said in the OP
>ITT: people who want an excuse to hate someone draw false equivalence between an act between two consenting legal adults and pedophilia/bestiality
Get back to me with your "all or nothing" bullshit when animals and immature children can give informed consent about sex.
Yeah man, standard fuckparties are clearly inhabited by people who are right in the head. Nevermind their depression rate, suicide rate, drug abuse rate, std rate and so on. They're just people like you and me, and you're a bigot if you think otherwise.
Wow, ageist much? You're a fucking bigot, that's what you are.
Ultimately, I say let people make their own mistakes. What people generally want is good to encourage, and I think encouraging marriage and children is important. However, supressing different lifestyles which potentially make people happy is wrong. Leave doors open for the people who need alternate methods to be fulfilled. There is no one formula for happiness, and restricting deviants only blocks those deviants from their own road to happiness.
have you not seen the pizzagate pictures? there are gays out there who do hardcore sex with each other who have developed a taste for children. this is the world we live in. its not wrong to associate degenerate sex acts with more extreme acts.
Swingers parties and straight orgies 100% non-degeneracy, tho. Gay monogamous relationships are the REAL degeneracy.
are they truly happy?
Okay then, by that logic, there are straight people who fuck kids too.
Therefore all straights are degenerates too.
Fucking BRILLIANT plan
>Okay, let me apply my universal theory of meaning. Anyone who disagrees with me will be stoned.
Find meaning individually, no need to force that meaning onto others. Everyone has a different sense of the world.
there are straights out there who do hardcore sex with each other who have developed a taste for children. this is the world we live in. its not wrong to associate all sex acts with more extreme acts.
yes there are straight men with underage girls. its not just gays. look at john podesta, hes straight. you are limiting yourself with how you analyze arguments.
>Swingers parties and straight orgies 100% non-degeneracy,
Have I said that? Where, exactly?
Unfortunately for your point, straight people don't commit degenerate acts at the astounding rate of homosexuals.
>Gay monogamous relationships
They barely exist. Only like 10% of faggots want to marry and among those who marry a majority openly cheats.
>b-but muh anecdote
Nobody cares, I'm talking about rates of clearly malfunctioning behavior in homosexuals vs heterosexuals.
shut the fuck up meaning is meaning and we all know what that is. its like pretending you dont know what the english language is.
I have enough trust in human nature to say they know better than I do.
maximization of net happiness is the ultimate goal
one deviant who needs 3 partners is depriving 2 others of those partners
>there are straights out there who do hardcore sex with each other who have developed a taste for children
Except the most common act of pedophilia is man with boy. But I guess that doesn't count as homosexua because muh bigotry or something like that, right?
Okay, tell me the meaning of life. If everyone in the thread agrees with you then I'll admit you're right.
>They barely exist. Only like 10% of faggots want to marry and among those who marry a majority openly cheats.
ok now that you understand the problem. here is where you, user, help me someone who wants monogamy and non-degeneracy in a relationship find a solution and you give me tips on obtaining my goal. the one requirement is that i end up with my man forever and i dont have sex with anyone but him. how do i do this when deviancy is such a problem in the world today?
>it's not just gays, but i'm going to go ahead and single out gays in this discussion specifically
it's not wrong to associate disingenuous deflections with being a pathetic subhuman
Not if those 3 other people could only be fulfilled by a polygamous situation too.
I've re-read your post 3 times and I still have no idea what you're asking exactly.
really? with how they satirize their life and say things like: kill yourself, i woke up ugly again today, not to mention the high drug abuse and SSRIs these people take to stay happy. its all an illusion. you can only obtain happiness with moral fulfillment.
How do I find love in a degenerate society user? no memes. that is ultimately the point of my post.
that is an immediately verifiable lie.
has there been a single point in your life where you weren't pathetically incompetent?
john podesta also likes little girls and hes married to one
which simply isnt the case
almost every instance of polygamy is brought about by bride prices and lack of female choice