tell me about the unique circumstances that formed the Russian soul and the Russian mindset, Veeky Forums
Tell me about the unique circumstances that formed the Russian soul and the Russian mindset, Veeky Forums
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p much this but "steppe" added in 3-4 more times.
Tyranny, Tartars, vodka, and terrible, terrible weather.
they are drunken manlets
Have you ever met a russian woman? They never stop talking.
>And then it got worse
After Ussr major part of Russian ain't Orthodoxy.
Russia don't have Mongols.
Modern generation of Russian prefer beer instead of pseudorussian vodka with Arabian and Holland roots.
Forest is often than steppe.
Russians should switch to Monarchy as Belgium and Saudi Arabia for shuting up faggots talking about tyranny.
Orthodoxy, Mongols, westaboos, communism.
>After Ussr major part of Russian ain't Orthodoxy.
Yes it is, unless you're implying that "muh Third Rome" and the war against the Swedes and more generaly the various against the Catholic and Muslim powers aren't relevant for Russia's history ?
Anyway, he asked what formed the Russian soul, not what Westernized Russians look like
>Russia don't have Mongols.
Mongols destroying Rus' and forcing Novogorod to change his organizion is faily relevant and yes Russian have Mongol blood in them
>Modern generation of Russian prefer beer instead of pseudorussian vodka with Arabian and Holland roots.
Once again he didn't ask for Westernized Russian, we don't care if you're cuck who suck America's BBC
>Forest is often than steppe.
What is Steppe Mentality ?
Is that image supposed to be uniquely russian? They have a kind of culture of stocism and #yolo degenerates but they're pretty unremarkable
I don't get why altright fags worship Russians when they are all gaudy consumerist whores and wiggers
They are basically white mideast/Indians
>Russia don't have Mongols.
opinion instantly discarded
>Russia don't have Mongols.
God fuck, this. Late last year I met a Russian/Kyrgyzstani woman and she's one of the most annoying people I've ever met. She's not even mean or anything either, just so goddamn annoying.
The story of the Varyag is a pretty good example.
There's tgat meme word again
>Russia don't have Mongols
Please look up the Golden Horde
>White supremacist retards rebrand themselves as the "alt-right" to try and alleviate the stigma of being a white supremacist
>Mainstream gets wind of this, eventually sees through it
>"alt-right" becomes synonymous with "white supremacist" in mainstream discourse
>white supremacists reject the label because it's lost its utility as a nonthreatening euphemism to normies
>white supremacist
Yet another media created meme term. So fucking easy to spot the 90 IQ normies.
>People who believe white people are better than other people don't exist
>We're not white supremacists because we don't call ourselves that
>Don't label me REEEEEEEEE
Mysterious slavic soul
wisdom of eagle
Let's dissect this bullshit: a white supremacy would basically be a system where whites rule over non-whites who are considered second class citizens. Think colonial Africa or Haiti or American South. I prefer a country where there are no non-whites at all, call me a white onlyist if you have to insist on a label.
>I prefer a country where there are no non-whites at all
>I prefer a country where there are no non-whites at all, call me a white onlyist if you have to insist on a label.
Nope. Because you're changing definitions to avoid calling yourself by a label that already describes your ideology but is heavily (correctly) stigmatized.
I'm not as insecure as you so I don't care about stigmas, it's all about accuracy.
Furthermore, I don't care about supremacy or superiority. To me, an illiterate white coal miner from Kentucky is more precious than a Chinese physics professor, simply by the virtue of being of my kin. I don't care about who's "better", I care about who's my tribe.
>I'm not as insecure as you so I don't care about stigmas, it's all about accuracy.
>Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
>Furthermore, I don't care about supremacy or superiority. To me, an illiterate white coal miner from Kentucky is more precious than a Chinese physics professor, simply by the virtue of being of my kin. I don't care about who's "better", I care about who's my tribe.
>It's not about supremacy or superiority
>All people that look like me are better than people that don't look like me
>To me, an illiterate white coal miner from Kentucky is more precious than a Chinese physics professor, simply by the virtue of being of my kin.
That is genuinely the stupidest metric to judge the value of your fellow man by.
Putin pls go
You're so fucking stupid. I'm glad faggots like you are NEETs who will die virgins.
This will really rake in the (Yous). Anime picture is a nice touch
Your education, your capitalist values and your adherence to race-blind meritocracy won't save you this time around, and it terrifies you. Fiercely.
>capitalist values
They wrap their babies up so they cannot move. This supposedly causes their passivity.
Save us from what?
I'm not even very capitalist. And it's not like everyone who doesn't just universally hate all other races is race-blind.
that's the video in op's picture. This video gives me so much anxiety
>save us from what?
Right wing deportation squads.
>not realizing that liberal values of free speech and non-violence are the only things keeping you from being exterminated while simultaneously severely overestimating the amount of popular support your ideas have
Just checking ALL the boxes huh?
Now that's some heavy duty projection
In that case, you definitely shouldn't watch this:
>>not realizing that liberal values of free speech and non-violence are the only things keeping you from being exterminated
Cringiest thing I've read all day
I shiggy diggy