Let's have a thread making fun of Capitalism
Let's have a thread making fun of Capitalism
As a Marxist economist, I know what a failure capitalism is
russkies commited even bigger genocide on natives in east siberia tho
In communism there are no breadlines because there is no bread.
The marxist flood is coming! Do not relent, Veeky Forums!
>failure of capitalism: bread queues and homelessness
>failure of planned economy: massive famine and death
As a real economist, I know it isn't
Private Property
Small Government
You own what you work for
Judeo-Christian Godly Civilization
State owns everything
Big Government
You don't own what you work for
Depressing Atheism
>Western civilization
If Japan turned communist I would throw up
There were both unemployment and prostitution in the Soviet Union
t. butthurt fedora
Judeo-Christian = Zionist meme.
She can still be all that and a lot more, without the government dictating what, how, when and where she works
read solzhenitsyn
The west was founded on secularism you fucking moron.
0/10 poor bait
But it is tho
Dukes whose power was given by God were secular. Monasteries which were the hubs of learning were secular. Christian art and architecture are secular. The Bible which is what the West is built on is secular.
The West wasn't built on the Bible you fucking idiot.
>what is separation of church & state
>this thing that came about late in forming western civilisation and then only in parts of it made the West
There was no unemployment in the USSR.
You'd be employed moving boxes from Room A to Room B, and tomorrow moving them back, but you WOULD be employed.
Zero unemployment rate, the state will create a useless job for you to do if need be.
>reading propaganda
Kermit pls.
So when did 'The West' begin?
White Man's Burden is what most people consider the beginning of "the west".
So "the west" were the people who were given the word of God, and the factory, and guns, and were asked by God to spread these.
Nothing says western values quite like inperialism.
Imperialism was the conclusion that western values are very good and worth sharing.
Reminder that ethiopia was under a communist goverment during the famine
Undeserved Wealth
Big Government
You own what you can, even if it is through treachery.
Abrahamic Sandnigger Retardation
You everything is shared
Fair Government
Social Progress
You have what you need
Post Religious Enlightenment
No the market will dictate where it's more profitable or even possible to work a certain field, it will also influence the what, when, where, and how.
Western Civilization as we know it was founded on Catholicism, and was only retroactively associated with ancient Greece and Rome. Until the split between Catholic and Orthodox, there was no real tangible difference between Greece/Rome/Persia outside of cardinal directions.
Undeserved Wealth
Big Government
You own what you can, even if it is through treachery.
Abrahamic Sandnigger Retardation
Everything is shared.
Fair Government
Social Progress
You have what you need.
Post Religious Enlightenment
No the market will dictate where it's more profitable or even possible to work a certain field, it will also influence the what, when, where, and how.
>>what is separation of church & state
An American concept from the late 18th century?
>28 points
I'm don't know a lot about Reddit, but surely that's not a very popular post.
In reality, the problem is that there are people who are still stupid enough to believe in communism.
>Marxist economist
Stopped reading
>hurr durr if you don't like anything about capitalism it means you're a commie
its funny how even socialist brigading tactics are stuck in the 20th century
jesus i wanna fuck that city
1. No, it was some other sort of authoritarian minority rule over state owned everything. They still do that.
2. What does that have to do with anything regardless? The image is about humanity as a whole, not states.
>HURR planned economy = gommunism
>DURR look mommy i can put my own pants on like big babby now :^)
capitalism doesn't allocate resources in non-capitalists states
>Trickle down economics
>"Business majors"
>"Business" psychology books
>"Business" philosophy books
>The "Buy Gold Now" people
>Libertarians calling for fewer restrictions
>"True Capitalism has never been tried before!"
>The Mike Rowe-esque idealists who think Capitalism is a meritocracy and if you just "Work hard" you'll be rich and powerful too
>The people who think that minimum wage is driving up the prices, despite wages remaining stagnant for decades and a ridiculous increase in productivity
Love these memes
How does it feel to take away human life?
I don't know, I've only killed Communists.
Breadlines were the norm in communist countries though
Only for a short period during the great depression for capitalist countries
Yes, the commies are the real bad guys!
I don't get why this is called a failure. It's how the system works. It's not possible to avoid it.
I'm sure there's a Socialism version of this. Someone needs to modify it by including Hitler in it (National Socialism, make him say simply Socialsim).
Communism doesn't work in theory.
Communism doesn't work in practice.
Communism goes directly against human nature.
Why make fun of something that works. Commies are braindead.
thank you. some rationality
Capitalism works and is awesome.
Socialism doesn't work.
how about waking up to the real world?
>pretending like capitalism has worked for a reason other then colonialism.
>this thread
>militant opposition to imperialism
How the fuck is that a bad thing?
Might makes right.
except when you're kicked out of the country