Precession as an underlying principle in the formulae of the Watchtowers.
Corollary - Precession as an underlying formula in the Watchtower system. We posit that one way of explaining the problem of the various assignment of the Watchtowers, to the directions, is that it represents the shift (due to Sidereal Precession) of astrological ages, and that these assignments demonstrate the movement from one active position, that of Age of Aries (used in traditional Ceremonial Magick and Tropical Astrology) to the next active position, that of Aquarius represented by the New Aeon (in Crowley's terminology), i.e. the Age of Aquarius. This process is played out in various symbolic ways in our consecration and so the underlying logic needs to be explained. In our theory it sets the Watchtowers in proper motion.
First - notice that the Watchtowers themselves (and presumably their elemental values) are arranged in 3 different relationships to the directions, and that they are preceded by the Round Table of Nalvage, which has its own basal and positional values.
Round Tablet of Nalvage - If the basal order of the quadrants of the Round Tablet are assigned to the elemental order ascribed to the JHVH formula: upper left = fire, lower left = water, upper right = air and lower right = earth, then the placement of the Angelic 'choirs' each quadrant rules lays out East = Fire, South = Earth, West = Air and North = Water according to horoscopic reckoning (see our own System of Enochian Magick and A True & Faithful Relation pp. 73-78: Apr. 10, 1584).
This is followed by an order of Reception, used in the Fundamental Obeisance (Sloane MS 3191, G. James pp 119-120 and R. Turner Elizabethan Magic pp. 63-64); which is again followed by a different Orthodox order, given in the Roll Call of the hierarchy of the Watchtowers and used in all the subsequent prayers given in Sloane MS. 3191 (James pp. 121 et passim and Turner 65-80); which is finally (more or less) followed by a Reformed order, represented by the Great Table as Reformed by Raphael (James p. 118 and Turner p. 60) and as used in the Golden Dawn and derived systems. These will be explained in detail following.
We use Nalvage when setting the Tables in proper motion and when calling the 4 Ensigns, otherwise not. Setting the Watchtowers in proper motion is a complicated operation, but in my opinion only necessary rarely. Otherwise I adopt a Reformed position for working and adjust prayers etc. accordingly.
Beginning with the Round Tablet of Nalvage we have a set of values that corresponds to Tropical astrological reckoning, i.e. the Sun rising at dawn, in the East, on the Vernal Equinox; which according to Tropical astrology is Aries, with Capricorn and thus Earth in the South, Libra and thus Air in the West and Cancer and thus Water in the North. This is what one finds in the Lesser Hexagram Ritual because the Golden Dawn is modelling a Macrocosmic perspective, to be united with the Microcosmic perspective of the Lesser Pentagram (whose elements are assigned according the Reformed Great Table and its attribution of elements to directions). Nalvage is also the relationship indicated in right hand diagram of the 12 Tribes (Sloane MS. 3191, James p. 103 and Turner p. 58).
Wyatt Cooper
Here then we begin all of our beginnings. We also associate this Round Tablet of Nalvage with the 4 Seals for Platonic reasons probably too complex to go into here (again see my own System of Enochian Magick for some basic explanations), but it may suffice to say that the 4T seal, whose name is Thaoth (Hermes in our Hermetic process) is said in Liber Secundus to represent the name of God and of the Lord and thus almost certainly relates to the Tetragrammaton (the 4 lettered name of God). Thaoth is derived from this letter and is correlated by the angels to the T with 4 flames that stands above the eastern Watchtower (cf. TF&R p. 173, Apr. 10, 1584 with Liber Secundus Mar. 20, 1582 Peterson John Dee’s Five Books of Mystery p. 93).
The next arrangement is that in which the 4 Watchtowers was received (T&FR pp. 175-7 et passim, op cit Apr. 10, 1584) so in consecrating our Watchtowers we place them in this order, which is the Order given in the Fundamental Obeisance (Sl. 3191, James p. 120, Turner p. 62-64). The Order in which they were received is Air, Earth, Fire and Water and are so given in the Fundamental Obeisance, they are placed clockwise in this order in the arrangement of the 12 Banners in the Great Circle of the Quarters (Sl. 3191, James p. 119, and Turner p. 63) . Note that from the first iteration of elements to the directions (the Round Tablet of Nalvage: East = Fire, South = Earth, West = Air & North = Water) to the Fundamental/Received Order (East = Air, South = Earth, West = Fire & North = Water) one shift of attributions has occurred. Fire and Air have switched places, by the placement of the Air Watchtower in the East (whose 3 Godnames proceeding from the line of the Holy Spirit are Oro Ibah Aozpi).
Evan Jenkins
The third arrangement then is that represented on the Roll Call of the principle hierarchies of the Watchtowers (Sl. 3191, James pp. 121-5 et passim and Turner pp. 65 et passim): This arrangement is: East = Air, South = Earth, West = Water & North = Fire. This is the set of values in left hand diagram of the 12 Tribes, and demonstrates rather soundly that Elemental Attributions are what they are; for if one has doubts regarding the actual attributions of the elements to the Tables (that is in Dee’s notation that the ‘r’ Table, ‘Oro Ibah Aozpi’ is Air, the ‘T’ Table, ‘Mph Arsl Gaiol’ is Water, the ‘b’ Table, ‘Mor Dial Hctga’ is Earth, and the ‘d’ Table, ‘Oip Teaa Pdoce’ is Fire then one has to explain away this arrangement of the Tribes according to the Status Perfecti, in which the tribes attributed to the Air signs are in the East, those of the Earth signs in the South, those of the Water signs are in the West and those of the Fire signs are in the East. Given it’s placement in Sloane MS. 3191 it seems to serve no other purpose than to assign value to the Watchtowers. Again there is a single switch and again that switch involves the movement of Fire. Fire has moved from West to North.
I term this arrangement Orthodox to distinguish it from the Fundamental or Received order previously set forth and from the Reformed order which will follow. It is the Order in which all of the subsequent prayers in Sloane 3191 are given, and thus the bulk of the Watchtower materials in both James and Turner.
((I should get on making pdfs of those copies of Sloane MSS 3191, etc.))
Ethan Miller
The fourth arrangement deemed the Reformed Order after Raphael’s Reformation of the Great Table. Although no explicit correlation is given in the Spirit Actions, it would seem to be based on two presumptions, that of the association of the Elements to the particular Tables previously attributed by virtue of the arrangement of the 12 Tribes in the Status Perfecti, and the colors assigned in Kelly’s Vision of the Watchtowers (T&FR p. 168-171, Jun. 20, 1584). These colors are the colors given to the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (in both Zechariah and Revelation) and have traditional astrological associations (see D. Jones, System of Enochian Magick for a detailed demonstration of this).
The Reformed Order is arrived at by moving Fire again, this time from North to South, switching Earth to the North; so that Air is in the East, Fire is in the South, Water is in the West and Earth is in the North. This is the standard arrangement in most modern Ceremonial Magick, derived from the Golden Dawn and ultimately having its roots in Sloane MS. 307 (Skinner & Rankine, Practical). It represents the values used in the Lesser Pentagram Ritual, Wicca, BOTA, Thelema etc.
As stated above, these seeming movements can be explained by an underlying theory that they represent the movement from the Age of Aries to the Age of Aquarius, the age we are now entering. If the theory is, correct then Fire should move again and take up its necessarily opposite position to Air. This would be a switch from South to West with fire completing the circuit in a crosswise fashion. And may explain the apparent error of directions found in the 13th Key as instructional/prophetic/indicative, as rotational assignment would indicate that the 13th Key should refer to the West, where Fire will theoretically move, so that Leo can properly be astrologically opposite Aquarius, not where it is in South.
Samuel Bailey
O you swords of the South which have 42 eyes to stir up the wrath of sin, making men drunken which are empty. Behold the promise of God and his power which is called amongst you a Bitter Sting. Moue and shew your selves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of ye same your God, the true worshiper of the Highest. 13th Key
We don't in practice take the final step to consecrate; we believe more understanding is necessary of the other parts of the system to do this with safety and stability, but it does demonstrate how our theory leads to our conclusions. Fire is the consistent moving factor in all of these switches.
Our operations are driven by astrological and sidereal phenomena. Our Tablets have been charged by the invocation of the Kings and Seniors as well as by the Seals, all of which we believe can be tied directly to the previously mentioned astronomical phenomena. Summary of the directional correlations:
This is as we have argued before – is simply a theory, but one that has, if nothing else, the Platonic value of Saving the Appearances. Everyone must somehow ignore or resolve the apparent differences and contradictions that result from the various arrangements given for the Watchtower system and, if one assumes there is a correlation between the Keys and Watchtowers, then correlate the two together (our assumption is that the directions, numbers and ordinal values, given in the Keys themselves, are indicators of their directional and positional values). Our assumptions essentially resolve these difficulties one way or another, whether that indicates any kind of correctness, is a different matter. We merely desire to work within and internally valid structure; one which does away with as many inconsistencies as possible.
These are, for what it is worth, symbolic actions, meant to impress upon and the space we are working in something that is essentially metaphysical. Once the Tablets have been consecrated we then assume Reformed values.
There are also geometric considerations drawn from the 2 dimensional forms, that is the Round Tablet of Nalvage and the Great Tables, representing how the elements shift in the comparative planes and from there project onto the 3 dimensional space, defined by orientation and direction, that we have omitted from this summary, which is principally devoted to how the Tables may be seen to evolve through the 4th dimensionality of time.
Jacob Torres
I say ‘we’ in many places because I have not come to these conclusions alone but because others forced me to examine my operating procedures and have often worked with me in examining possible solutions to these issues. I also suggest that people examine Donald Tyson’s (Tetragrammaton & Enochian Magic for Beginners, and Scott Stenwick’ Mastering the Great Table, because both have independently identified the apparent underlying inconsistencies, esp. in the Golden Dawn attributions of the Keys to the Watchtowers, though their solutions and conclusions in these matters differ from my own).
“The Elements being far from their accustomed places, the homogeneous parts are dislocated, and this a man learns by experiment, for it is along the straight lines that they return naturally and effectively to these same places. Therefore, it will not be absurd to represent the mystery of the four Elements, in which it is possible to resolve each one into elementary form, by four straight lines running in four contrary directions from one common and indivisible point. Here you will notice particularly that the geometricians teach that a line is produced by the displacement of a point: we give notice that it must be the same here, and for a similar reason, because our elementary lines are produced by a continual cascade of droplets as a flux in the mechanism of our magic.” Hieroglyphic Monad: Theorem VII
Eli Stewart
A point of clarification regarding the hierarchical nature of some of the Angels. The Angels of the 7 circles of Heaven, goes back to Babylonian cosmology and 2 Enoch. The 7 who stand before God to Revelation. * Resources and library links to follow....
Genesis 3:24 - So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
>John Dee and the alchemists: Practising and promoting English alchemy in the Holy Roman Empire >Holy >Roman >Empire
Dylan Price
Josiah Powell
hi from /r/occult :3!!!!!
Isaac Turner
link thread
Ryder Davis
Intrigued bump for later
Carson Thompson
>the Sun rising at dawn, in the East, on the Vernal Equinox; which according to Tropical astrology is Aries, with Capricorn and thus Earth in the South, Libra and thus Air in the West and Cancer and thus Water in the North. This is what one finds in the Lesser Hexagram Ritual
It is not like that in GD. The sidereal attributions are based on the Kerubics, not on the Cardinals, which is immaterial for the overall assignment but important for justifying the GD rearrangements and modifications to its particular brand of Enochian reconstruction. On the other hand the Hexagram doesn't have anything to do with this, as it is not elemental in nature. Overall this might be a good explanation or reconstruction of the original system but being in 4c is a red flag for me, and I feel that shoehorning second-hand GD issues in detract from the result. Plus I'm not clear what the problem that motivates all this development is.
Luke Jenkins
Damn, I hope that I'll get around to understanding this shit one day. I'm still reading The Secret Teaching of All Ages, I don't dare crack open anything specific.
How long did it take you to be conversant in this stuff thoth?
Benjamin Morales
Does this mean that if you did a pentagram ritual right now with the Aquarian correspondences it would have more "oomph"?
>Plus I'm not clear what the problem that motivates all this development is. >Everyone must somehow ignore or resolve the apparent differences and contradictions that result from the various arrangements given for the Watchtower system and, if one assumes there is a correlation between the Keys and Watchtowers, then correlate the two together (our assumption is that the directions, numbers and ordinal values, given in the Keys themselves, are indicators of their directional and positional values). Our assumptions essentially resolve these difficulties one way or another, whether that indicates any kind of correctness, is a different matter. We merely desire to work within and internally valid structure; one which does away with as many inconsistencies as possible. >say ‘we’ in many places because I have not come to these conclusions alone but because others forced me to examine my operating procedures and have often worked with me in examining possible solutions to these issues. I also suggest that people examine Donald Tyson’s (Tetragrammaton & Enochian Magic for Beginners, and Scott Stenwick’ Mastering the Great Table, because both have independently identified the apparent underlying inconsistencies, esp. in the Golden Dawn attributions of the Keys to the Watchtowers, though their solutions and conclusions in these matters differ from my own).
Fifteen plus years.
Try it and see.
David Martinez
Bump for, perhaps, the pinnacle of Western Christian mysticism.
Leo Gomez
Anthony Hill
As if you would know anything about that.
Xavier Martin
Adrian Wilson
Anthony Williams
Cloud is good. Sayings of the Desert Fathers is great. The Tarot book looks sketchy. Theologica Mystica and Eckhart are great (Eckhart's Cloud is good too).
I'd also toss in Mirror of Simple Souls, anything Benedict/GD recommends, Heiroglyphic Monad, and a few others depending on taste.
James Jones
Jeremiah Turner
Please don't stop posting on this site, you're doing great work.
Even if this bit is over my head.
Haha i wish i spent my 15 years as focused as you appearently have.
Thanks bud.
Hudson Parker
Joshua Bennett
Snatched from page, well, seven.
Hunter Campbell
Snatched from page seven again because you got those beautiful quads.
Brody Barnes
You're doing the Monad's work, son.
Blake Miller
What work is the text in this thread from?
Jayden Murphy
Honestly , I'd contribute to the thread, but I don't know how. Anyway, bumped from page 6
Carson Myers
ur clueless
Hunter Wilson
Thanks guys.
A friend's notes.
Oliver Harris
Just procured a copy of Gordon White's Star.Ships.