Was Buddha white? After all, high caste folk in his times were probably rather pure Aryans relatively untainted by Dravidian blood.
Was Buddha white? After all...
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He was, he's commonly described as having blue eyes.
>curly hair
Nobody haze me for this. After giving it much thought, the original Aryans who came down from Ukraine probably looked closes to modern day slavs. So yes.
>Was Buddha white?
It doesn't matter: such questions are what in Buddhism termed is 'Acinteyya' - that is, questions or concerns that are completely irrelevant towards the goal of enlightenment.
People are obsessed with phenotype because they're interesting and awsome.
Not everything is "WE," mate. At least one Buddha is described as a blue eyed barbarian. en.wikipedia.org
Define White. Having White skin? Having certain facial traits? Both?
The historical truth about Bodhidharma is so clouded by legends, interpolations, and popular accounts that it's impossible to even ascertain if the description of him as "blue-eyed" is even supposed to be a literal description, and not some legend or later development.
Okay I'll bite, what race do you think Buddhs was?
Botn in Nepal, so probably indo-Scythian
Does it matter?
"Pure Aryans" is a meme. India wasn't invaded by Ukrainians, instead Indo-European languages slowly entered the subcontinent over the course of centuries.
Sanskrit arrived in India around 2,000 BC, about 1500 years before the Buddha was born.
Why is everyone so obsessed with race?
Siddhartha himself probably wouldn't have approved of that.
One, white people ain't Aryans second, there are Indians that have blue eyes
He was probably from the area that's now modern day Iran. The Shakyas (as in the first part of Shakyamuni, a muni being a wise person) came from that region.
You can have a historical/anthropological/geographical interest in a religion without caring a fig about the doctrines or rules internal to it.
Kill yourself you fucking idiot
>One, white people ain't Aryans
Define White. Depending on how you do Aryans may very well be White people. At least some of them.
Not for the reason you don't approve of it.
>a historical/anthropological/geographical interest
Nice try faggot but every fucking "was x white" thread boils down to "wah shitskins can't be sophisticated!"
>the reason you don't approve of it
Why, that's rather assumptive of you
the caste system came to exist for a reason
The brahmins called him a black human being
Blue eyes originated in the Middle East. Middle-Easterners and Indians can have blue eyes. Even some native Chinese do. The same mutations that cause blue eyes in Europeans can really appear anywhere, it's just that the frequency varies due to natural selection. There are even Australian Aboriginals with blonde hair that isn't believed to be caused by intermixing.
I cannot believe people would try to reconcile Buddhist teachings with the ignorance of white supremacist movements. Racism is clearly a form of attachment and a barrier to compassion, as evidenced by the anxiety and anger it inspires in racists.
You can be white without being from Europe. Novelty idea I know.
He was a middle-easterner. They can have blue eyes too.
We literally know where he was born. Lumbini Nepal.
Buddha was an Indo-European, and is by the most tangible metric, white
>Doesn't have a clue about Indo-European population distributions
>Calls others ignorant
O im laffin
Fuck off you retard. Not everything you don't understand is "white supremacy", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.
Buddha is also referred to as Sakyamuni - which translates to Saxon monk. He was Polish.