Guys, I need some help. I'm making a story where the world has evolved to our modern age without guns dominating the battlefield in the early 1700's (I think?) and I am no real expert on the subject. This is just an aspect of my story, but a rather important one, as I do have a newfound passion for both guns and medieval weaponry, history as well. I'm not sure whether or not I should post this on /k/ or Veeky Forums, So I'm posting it on both. If you need to ask me any further questions, please do so. Let's have a smart discussion, alright?
An alternate modern world
>without guns dominating the battlefield in the early 1700's (I think?)
I can tell you're no expert. I think you've already proven you're not ready to begin alternate history fiction; why not just read about history for a few years instead?
Why the fuck do you faggots always come here? This board is for historical discussion, not for talking to us about your boring, unoriginal fantasy world and your dumb role-playing and your convoluted "what-ifs?".
i don't see what this thread has to do with furries or fat fetishism
Do I need to be an expert? To clear things up, it is not exactly like our world in general. I do plan on reading about the related subjects, but I am also aware that I will most likely have to rewrite many things as time progresses. Nevertheless, having this idea of mine just sit in the back of my head without any development would drive me mad, so I am starting that learning process quite soon, with Veeky Forums's "experts" being my first initial place to ask.
Go away.
oh well :^)
Well, I do think that the story has quite a bit of originality in it, as there's lots more to it. This is just one aspect of it, which I may or may not change. It's not related to role.playing either, as that's just not my thing.
Unless you have a specific topic about history you can fuck off to Veeky Forums for writing advice.
Well, the general topic is weapon development throughout history and the "what-if" aspect of the lack of guns.
>Well, I do think that the story has quite a bit of originality in it
Don't flatter yourself. Also, this thread isn't Veeky Forums-related.
Opinions are opinions after all, and I'm not going to force my own (biased) personal thoughts on the story on you.
I do think that I am at a point where I can write well enough to make a legible and comprehensible story, but writing skills alone are not enough to make a great story.
If it's not Veeky Forums related, then we shall let it die.
Every reply you've gotten has been a variation of "go to another board" and "this thread doesn't belong here", but here you are, bumping your thread. Can you take a hint?
>Guns not dominating
Where do we draw the line again. 1200? 1100?
1700 is extremely late, and by then, there exists mass produced artillery.
This thread does not belong on Veeky Forums.
But to actually answer your dumb question, you'd have to have no silk road and no mongol invasions so gunpowder wouldn't reach Europe and the Middle East. Also you'd be relying on the Chinese to continue not bothering to develop firearms into something capable of dominating the battlefield. And if the world has "evolved to our modern age", chances are Europe has contact with fucking China, and can develop firearms just like it did in reality.
In short, the only way to do this is to have gunpowder never be discovered. Even then, other explosives could be used, so have no explosives ever be discovered. And without any kind of explosives whatsoever, the world most certainly has not "evolved to our modern age".
Your scenario is dumb and impossible and you should feel bad.
the fuck is that supposed to mean?
It's a smug smiley face.
I can see that.