stop having sex
it's degenerate
Stop having sex
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I'm not having any
Wow I guess I am Inpi
( involuntarily Pious)
Does this include imaginary sex with cartoon women or is that cool?
How can i stop if i never started?
Your mum didn't think it was degenerate when I fucked her hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
2d women is ok, there's literally nothing wrong with anime
Sex within marriage is the most fulfilling.
>he says, on Veeky Forums
I know I shouldn't feel like this, but I do feel like a degenerate for wanting to have sex. Why do I feel so filthy.
Religious upbringing? That's pretty classic at least.
Nope I love sluts too much
Probably because you covet something that can never belong to you. All those pornstars you will never actually have sex with.
Stay away from (((porn))) and pray more. God wills that you will be with Him.
I will never stop and there's nothing you can do to stop me :)
>"Go forth, be fruitful, and multiply."
OP is a heretic
This thread is heresy
I did laugh user
t. plant worshipper
>>sex is degenerate
You're an idiot.
Wasn't brought up in a religious household, my parents actually converted to Judaism when I was 8 or so, but made it clear that while my siblings and I would go through all the rituals, go to Jewish-Sunday school, and all that other stuff that we were more than capable of making our own decisions. So we were more Jew-ish than Jewish, I suppose.
I dunno how Jewy they think they are now, since after a year or so going to temple just pissed my conservative-minded dad off to no end. Still did the rituals 'n shit at home but I get the impression that my dad liked the ways of thinking presented by the texts more so than a desire to belong to an identifiable group. I dunno I'm talkin' out of my ass right now I'll have to ask him about it sometime. Long story short my parents are wish-washy about faith and my household growing up was secular save for the commercial-holidays.
Watching so much porn that porn-stars become something coveted by me isn't something I'd thought of as a possibility, I'll have to chew on that one a bit. My porn habits are admittedly regular in practice, though I do prefer homemade for the lack of dialogue. Though sometimes grabbing the equivalent of a big-mac in the form of a high quality production Brazzers video is what the little guy wants.
but it is
>Veeky Forums
Y'all niggas here are too autistic even for Veeky Forums standards.
>Reproduction is degenerate
>Mutual consensual satisfaction that harms nobody is degenerate
it is, you fucking degenerate
Proverbs 5
15 Drink water from your own cistern,
running water from your own well.
16 Should your springs overflow in the streets,
your streams of water in the public squares?
17 Let them be yours alone,
never to be shared with strangers.
18 May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 A loving doe, a graceful deer—
may her breasts satisfy you always,
may you ever be intoxicated with her love.
20 Why, my son, be intoxicated with another man’s wife?
Why embrace the bosom of a wayward woman?
Social behaviors are guided by contemporary norms. If social propriety dwindles, consent then lacks a guiding discretion. The very act of pseudo-consent affirms our pseudo-culture.
So I should drink my own piss.
Thanks, dad.
Shut up Dad!
really fretzels my pretzels
It's not my neighbors wife so i haven't a thing to be concerned with.
Er. No. The sex outside of my marriage was actually better.
Why would you urinate into your cistern?
Much of the free love tradition reflects a liberal philosophy that seeks freedom from state regulation and church interference in personal relationships. According to this concept, the free unions of adults are legitimate relations which should be respected by all third parties whether they are emotional or sexual relations. In addition, some free love writing has argued that both men and women have the right to sexual pleasure without social or legal restraints. In the Victorian era, this was a radical notion. Later, a new theme developed, linking free love with radical social change, and depicting it as a harbinger of a new anti-authoritarian, anti-repressive sensibility.[2]
According to today's stereotype, earlier middle-class Americans wanted the home to be a place of stability in an uncertain world. To this mentality are attributed strongly-defined gender roles, which led to a minority reaction in the form of the free-love movement.[3]
While the phrase free love is often associated with promiscuity in the popular imagination, especially in reference to the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s, historically the free-love movement has not advocated multiple-sexual partners or short-term sexual relationships. Rather, it has argued that sexual relations that are freely entered into should not be regulated by law.