C-SPAN Presidential Hiatorians survey


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I fugged up the title

I would replace Kennedy with Jackson.

good list except truman

and LBJ should be replaced with Nixon

Adams and Jackson were GOAT fuck LBJ


>FDR third


Neither were bad, but they were hardly transformative enough to be in the top 10

full list

>Lincoln 1st
>Washington 2nd
>FDR 3rd
>Theodore Roosevelt 4th
>Dwight D. Eisenhower 5th
>Truman 6th
>Kennedy 7th
>Reagan 9th
>LBJ 10th
>Obama 12th
>Clinton 15th
>George H. W. 20th

These are all far too high.

>Polk only at 13
He got elected to solve the Oregon Country disputes, annex Texas, and cut tariffs. He did all three, and left after one term. I'd put him in the top 5.

Washington and Lincoln should switch because Habeus Corpus, FDR should switch with Theo because I think he contributed heavily to the government's current size. Truman, Kennedy, Reagan, and Johnson are all too high, if it wasn't for the drug war, and not pulling out of Vietnam soon enough, I'd have Nixon above all 4 of them.

but Nixon wanted to pull out with honor
(which happens to be my technique for unprotected sex)

Nixon was pretty based aside from starting the whole -gate meme

>Reagan not bottom 10
>Kennedy cultism even though he did jack shit
>Jefferson top 10 even though literally everything worthwhile he did was before his presidency

Into the trash it goes.

Nixon was elected partially due to his intent to end the Vietnam war, but he ended up secretly increasing some military activity.

Heavily responsible for the War on Drugs and the rise of the police state (along with Herr Reagan).

>Obama greater than Madison, Monroe, and Polk
>Grant greater than Garfield, Coolidge, and Nixon
>Carter greater than Nixon

It seems to be official that Coolidge, Polk, Monroe, Garfield, and Nixon are the underrated Presidents. Nixon can be debated due to the exposure of corruption (Watergate), and the failed War on Drugs

This list is nothing more then bs moral posturing.
Lincoln shouldn't be #1
Kennedy literally did nothing.
Reagan was just a smooth talker
Johnson and Eisenhower should be dropped to the mid tier.

LBJ could be replaced with just about anyone

Washington, Jefferson, Teddy, maybe Kennedy, maybe Reagan but none of the others.

>FDR anywhere near the top 10
fucking PUKE

What's your top 10, user? And did they do anything on the scale of defeating fascism or restoring the Union?

good those are good things fuck you hippy

>lincoln higher than Washington
People are retarded.

Protest music is always the best under right-wing governments.


>what is vietnam war

OK, I agree with that

Point taken but Woodstock was technically in '69

That's true...

>police state

>Obama at 12
Good fucking grief

Washington deserves to be top 10, you can possibly argue for jefferson, lincoln, or roosevelt. Rest should not be top 10, probably not top 20.

There have to be 10 people in the top 10.

Says who

>no polk
>no nixon

>just a list of the most popular presidents


ah, I see you read my post

This, he's under Obama

>Lincoln runs a platform that will guarantee southern secession. Rated as number 1.
>Buchanan attempts to keep the south and north together. Ranked dead last
Really makes me think.

Polk and jackson will never be top 10 in a poll because they were mean to indians.

Who cares about the Indians though? They all either died or got so boozed up and locked in reservations most Americans won't see one this year.

People who take the time to vote for shit like this do obviously.

>manlet jew proto-SJW


>Wilson almost made the top 10


Hes up there because of the league of nations. I do think the argument should be made(which is chiefly ignored by his supporters of him being important) that the united states became a central figure in global economics following the war. This in itself is a very critical development, many would go so far as to say the US went from a unimportant extra in a play to center stage.

Regardless of whether we fought or not the US was going to take center stage afterwards, don't really see what they has to do with him.

>I can't enjoy music from people I don't like

>Better than Polk

Well they're the experts and they know more than us.

Nobody knows who Polk is. they maybe mention him once in us history classes.

He's just about as irrelevant as Buchanan


His approval ratings were lower than
Bush in 2008

How can anyone believe he's one of the best presidents ever? Ask any elderly fuck who can still remember him. They'll all say he was fucking terrible.

Somebody already replaced him with Johnson


>100% certain Lincoln in #1 because "abolished slavery"
>Washington and Jefferson, #2 and #7 respectively, are slave owners

How do historians actually weigh the good vs bad in presidents?

>guided the US out of one of it's biggest financial crises.

Wasn't Grant's administration riddled with corruption and cronyism? I vaguely recall being in high school and being told he has "one of the most corrupt administrations of any predisent."


this is what I get for being exhausted on the internet

Was also the most scandalized president in American history. More than Garding, more than Nixon.

>Bill Clinton higher than Madison
>Bill-"Democrats' Reagan"-Clinton is #3 for economic management
Clearly the people who made this are MUH SURPLUS boomers. Did the historians who made this pop boners when he played the sax or something?

in what way?

Only if you follow right wing news or live in a conservative area. If you follow left wing news or live in or near a city, Obama is talked about like a saint.

>guided the US
Huge overstatement. The bailouts were a bipartisan move started by the Bush administration. It was also literally the only memorable and lasting thing that he achieved, (that was positive.) I'll spare you the long list of shitty policies. There's no defense for him being that high. He should be somewhere in the low thirties.

>huge overstatement
>overhauled the credit system to make it more transparent
>passed the dodd frank act to prevent another financial meltdown.

The amount of corruption in Grant's administration was without predisent

Fucking Garding

Only if you follow right wing news or live in the states which carry a majority of electoral votes

Still waiting on those scandals bub

>International relations metric
>Monroe and T. Roosevelt are top ten

Imperialism is bad m'kay.
>inb4 /leftypol/

overhauled the credit system to make it more transparent
Not the cause.
>passed the dodd frank act to prevent another financial meltdown.
The only positive and lasting policy of his entire 8 years.

Anyone care to venture a guess where Trump will be on the list after his term(s) is over?

Meme answer: 1st or last

Actual answer: Too early to say, but likely lower half

>Reagan above Johnson

absolutely disgusting

Gotta try and make the retard Conservatives think they aren't biased somehow I suppose

>Obama 12th
>Andrew Jackson 18th


Probably 19 or 23. Just a guess.


>FDR 3rd
A couple of dicksuckers made this, right.
That fucking cripple literally appointed himself a dictator.

>LBJ that low on the list

Kennedy is so highly regarded simply because of his iconic death. The man wasn't in office enough time to make significant changes and had his fair share of blunders.

They rank him that high probably because of his improvement of race relations, and handling of cuban missile crisis.

But any sensible president would have done the same. Most people ignore that he started Vietnam.

>Lincoln suspends Habeas Corpus
>#1 president, so much freedoms, go 'merica!

>Reagan, Kennedy, LBJ and fucking Obama all that high
>Obama higher than Polk or Madison at all
>Le Jefferson Meme
>Arthur that low, especially under shitty Presidents like Hayes or Benjamin Harrison
>McKinley not in the top 10
The shit with Obama being so high at all makes me believe that there was more than a little political bias going on here. Jackson is overrated but I'm guessing he's low more because MUH INJUNS than his shitty economic policies that destroyed the economy for a decade.

I mean he's my favorite President but he wasn't President for long enough to really count. Guy with a lot of potential and ending Roscoe Conkling's political career is pretty A+.

Also getting on Nixon for Watergate yet praising Obama when he just had the intelligence community illegally wiretap Trump's transition team which was then used publically as a political tool to get his National Security Advisor fired is fucking rich.

>Lyndon "Bloo bloo my legacy is completely fucking up the Vietnam War" Johnson

>FDR 3rd
>Eisenhower 5th
>Truman 6th
>Reagan 9th
>Lincoln 1st

bad opinions desu

Anyone have the pic of LBJ intimidatingly towering over a senator

>Lincoln over Washington

Instantly wrong

>LBJ anywhere near the top 10

what the fuck is wrong with liberals

The great thing about that is the only thing you can give credit to Clinton for is re-appointing Greenspan. Collapse of the Soviet Union meant less money needed for the military which could then be reinvested back home (something that would've happened under any President) and, more importantly, the tech bubble. Once that burst, the economy slowed pretty hard during Clinton's second term before going into full blown recession at the very end.

That's not to mention things like ordering Desert Fox and Infinite Reach to distract from the Lewinsky bullshit or the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 to "protect the Albanians" with trumped up genocide charges because, apparently, the Serbs weren't going along with US economic policy.