The American Civil War is the most __________ war. Fill in the blank

The American Civil War is the most __________ war. Fill in the blank.

Morally straightforward

Morally questionable





How so?


White men killed white men to free the negro. You cant get more cucked than that

Overrated 'morally'.
Although it is a bit underrated in terms of affecting war technology, strategy, and tactics.

Deadly (in US soil)

I couldn't agree more, in regards to technology. In 1862 alone, 240 patents were issued for military weapons. And that's to say nothing of the development of ironclads.

>How so?
So many southern military geniuses supposedly
Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Stuart, Forrest
they made plenty of mistakes (Forrest might be the exception) and Jackson might have actually been batshit insane

"We think we are a wholly superior people. If we'd been anything like as superior as we think we are, we would not have fought that war. But since we did fight it, we have to make it the greatest war of all times. And our generals were the greatest generals of all time. It's very American to do that."


Jackson was definitely batshit insane, but so are you if you believe Southern military prowess is overrated.


blatant example of how Yankees (who are corrupt, freedom-hating traitors) have constantly tried to take our God given rights as pure-blooded Americans. Every night I pray to the Lord and ask if He may punish the godless Northerner city folk somehow. The Yankees couldn't accept that states' rights existed for a reason, so they went to

B a s e d


Emancipation is the demand of civilization.



Friendly reminder that the Union is literally the most evil government in existence and that we fought to stop its wicked reign before it began.

t. George "Attack? What's That?" McClellan

>literally try and secede from your country because the new President won't let you have slaves
>get anally anhiliated by the rest of your country
>still being butthurt about it

o im laffin

t. nigger loving Marxist

>anally anhiliated

You call killing two Yankee pigs for every one of ours lost despite the Yankees having the advantage in technology and numbers anally anhiliated?

Jesus, you Northerners get dumber by the post.

I genuinely look forward to the day we string you fucking parasites up from trees like you so richly deserve.

Death to the Union and death to ALL Yankees

So why'd they lose?

Most irrelevant

Nobody has a right to own other people. Pick your own cotton, Cletus.

>two yankee pigs for every one of ours

Oh! I love revisionist history!

>Start a war against a foe you openly acknowledge as numerical and technologically superior
>You're dumb

The more accurate question is: why did it take the North so long to win?

>if you believe that blacks are human beings, then you're a NIGGER LOVER


It didnt take the North very long to win. Look at any other civil war on a relatable scale and you'll see that the American one didn't really take that long.

They always float the 300k number not realizing over half of that wasn't even deaths related to battle, but disease. What can you expect from Confederacucks though?

The union had twice as much soldiers that the confederates, yet the casualties are almost even, how?
Honest inquiry, I have always overlooked the civil war.

Im not an expert, but I'd guess that it was because battles back in that time period were pitched, meaning that they were just a bunch of soldiers lined up, so you didn't get the same benefit from having more soldiers than you would on say the Eastern front of WW2.

It should have been over as soon as McCuckllan landed in Virginia. Lee wasn't even fucking in charge then.

WW2 was pretty much the first war in which raw battlefield manpower didn't matter as much as industrial output.

>Southern apologists have now reached the point where they're arguing "Well, why didn't you beat us even faster and more comprehensively?"


Because you don't take the entirety of your forces into any one battle, and the entire war was fought in the south.




The trick to winning a war is to burn civilians

Nobody's apologizing except Forrest. I'm just saying, it's undeniable that the South had all the military talent.

>being this much of a complete and literal autist and general failure of a human being

Either that or a really good troll.

So much so that they lost the war, lmao

Southerners were more experienced and battle tested because a lot of them served in the Mexican-American war. Northerners had far better equipment and supplying because they weren't a thirld word peasant shithole like the South.

>its undeniable that the South had all the military talent

except it lost the war and almost all of the major battles?

like you do realize that defenders are supposed to have a better K/D ratios, right?


>almost all the major battles

Are you high?

they had 1/4 of the population, of course they were going to lose if the union was able to keep up the war effort. There's a reason that no southern leader with a brain wanted to secede at that time. Nevertheless they still way outdid themselves, the war should've been over by 1862 if the union had any competent leadership.

It seems like literally everyone who had something to say about the Civil War was a rhetorical genius. Even simple lines like Lee's on why he chose to fight for the South are more emotionally charged than anything in American public discourse since John F. Kennedy MLK. And on top of that you have Walt Whitman and Lilacs.



contradictory to the beliefs of the founding fathers' notions of self-govt.

>No Treason


America became a nation and an empire in the wake of the war.

You do know that Lee, Jackson, and Grant hugely praised his logistical AS well as tactical abilities as a commander right?

too bad Jefferson Davis was a turbo autist who tried to run the show himself. Say what you want about Lincoln, he did the best he could to put the most qualified in positions of power

American Civil


Best answer.

Because Union commanders tended to believe that Confederate forces at any given theater were much bigger than they actually were and so commited their forces piecemeal, out of fear of total defeat. They would send one brigade, and when that bridage was defeated they would send another, rather than use their numbers for the best. Funniest thing is that this wasnt even the result of Confederate intelligence and spies, but rather union spies and scouts themselves tended to inflate numbers to ridiculous amounts. The also feared defeat for political (McClellan) and profound psychological reasons (Rosencrans) and that added to their lack of willingness to take risks. It wasnt until Grant took higher command that the Union became aggressive and attacked the confederates without regards for casualties (much like Lee had done during the Seven Days battles) while Sherman brought down the war to a civilian level and destroyed everything in his path.

>ywn order your men to affix bayonets in desperation and see Company B tear the rebs a new one out of nowhere

Incompetent generals leading the Union and the greatest military minds of the U.S leading the south. Nearly the entire war was fought on Confederate soil as well, which meant that they understood the terrain better and had the advantage of simply defending their strategically important targets. Just my armchair theory, though.

>Robert E. Lee was a great gene-

The American Civil War is the most northerly aggressive war.

Is it safe to say that the American Civil War was the goriest war in modern history? Just in terms of mutilation and those sorts of gruesome detail, because of the nature of the weapons used.

Also, The Battle of the Wilderness was pretty metal.

>both armies listened to the sound of 200 wounded men burn alive, alongside the skeletons from The Battle of Chancellorsville a year prior
>meanwhile, 2000 amputations a day going on behind the lines

I wish this meme would die.

Why do you hate fun?

world war one... still using the same tactics as the civil war but with machine guns and tanks

Men weren't really blown the fuck up and torn apart in WWI quite like they were in the Civil War, though. They just died to shitloads of shrapnel.


It's a shame they couldn't remove the flag these backwards and treasonous southerners still raise.