Why is it so common amongst plebs to view history as a teleological narrative? A greal deal of neoconservatives still buy into 'end of history' type thinking, the liberal "left" seems to buy into it even harder, and the actual left seems to disagree only to claim that communism is the end of history instead.
Why is it so common amongst plebs to view history as a teleological narrative...
They've let ideology turn their minds into mush.
Because they're spooked as fuck, and erroneously view the historical record as though it were a a traditional literary narrative with a plot and protagonists vs antagonists
>the actual left seems to disagree only to claim that communism is the end of history instead
Well that is the endgame of human history.
Because they're plebs. The worst sacrelige is wht theythink history is on some sort of railway tracks - event A, led to event B which is why C had to happen.
Another result of weak analysis is when they say something like "Why id continent X underdeveloped" - well, somewhere HAS to be underdeveloped so that other places relatively speaking can be considered more developed.
>actual left
Did Hitler have a penis? If not, then why was he assigned male at birth?
>the liberal "left"
>actual left
Communists seem really hung up on this lately.
Because we live in a technologically centered world, the way people think about technology has come to be applied to social phenomena as well.
Nobody will deny that tech has progressed along a stead path from primitive to advanced. Is it so surprising that people would think that things like government and economics follow the same course?
Because we're pattern seeking mammals by nature. From a distance and without a great deal of study/interest it's easy to assume a Whiggish paradigm to be correct.
>end of history
Thats leftist, conservatives usually go with cyclical narrative, the typical strong men-good time-weak men-bad time
t. neutral ideologue
and I'm not sure which is stupider but that chart has me leaning towards cyclical
I never thought about it this way. That's pretty insightful.
Because liberals are more right light than left.
should be obvious when they call people who disagree with them as ''on the wrong side of history''
That's the most reddit picture I've ever seen here.
What is the point of this image? Not only does it misrepresent historical periods, it also has no progression from one stage to another. Why are the numerous old systems necessary if they're the same? It's unnecessary. It goes like this: A A A B C
Stupid people and their stupid graphs.
the fact that neocons act that way is one of the reasons they're slowly losing grip to libertarians and outright fascists. Imagine basing your political ideology on the fact that the people you're aligned against are objectively correct and all you can do is try to lose slower than your side would without you
I am unable to respect anyone using fascism as a general term since it's so extremely overused by left wing groups to describe well anyone they do not like even if it's other left wing groups
anyone who feel the same?
that's just flat out wrong
neocons love accusing the left of relativism and nihilism
Christian heretics in the Middle Ages loved the idea of "Last Judgment" so much that they transferred it into the realm of historical reality, instead, instead of post-apocalyptical eschatology.
Everything else was a consequence, from liberals believing they could immanentize the eschaton with political action, to communism and their "scientific laws of history" that guaranteed the triumph of future communist society, it was all a result of a Christian heresy the Papacy couldn't root out.
It's a result of the Enlightenment, not the Middle Ages.
I used to be a Marxist until I realized that this is a massively retarded oversimplification of history. Read Kolakowski.
>Q: We are told that the communism is already seen at the horizon. Then, what is a horizon?
>A: A horizon is an imaginary line which moves away each time you approach it.
Marxist ideals
The conflation of relativism and nihilism is in itself just meme propaganda for moral absolutists.