Was two nukes enough?

Was two nukes enough?

No, all Japanese should have been exterminated.


We needed to use at least a dozen nukes, and use them against the Soviets.

The Japanese were no threat to America. Instead of putting an oil embargo on them over their colonial ambitions in Asia, driving them into the arms of the Axis and provoking Pearl Harbor, we should have sided with them against the Red menace and stayed out of the European theater altogether.

given their aggression in the south china sea, clearly not


two nukes was all we had.

Clearly yes, it got them to surrender without the need for prolonged siege and starvation.

Nah... Anime was born, and that just shows you that two bombs wasn't enough.

you're mistaking Japan with China

Why was the second nuke necessary?

yes, they make us anime now, it all worked out very well.

No we needed to drop at least one more on Moscow. Sadly though Truman didn't have the stones to do what had to be done, while he had the chance.

Quality thread OP.

are waifus the only good thing to ever come out of Japan?

They didn't surrender after the first one.

Anything worth nuking is worth nuking twice.

But seriously, we were going to keep nuking them until they surrendered; we just didn't have any more bombs ready. We'd have nuked Germany too if they weren't already out of the war.


nukes are like martinis-- three's too many; one's not enough.

What the hell happened to this board?

It was slow as fuck and filled with actual discussions. Now it's one line bullshit threads, champaign socialists, and Jesus freaks.

Yes, other than killing Japs, the nukes were meant to scare the Russians from invading japan. And we all that the U.S. is the only country that can take credit for wars they were barely involved in.

Yeah, but I still don't understand the mentality that it took 2 to surrender but not 1.

You'd think that people in the Japanese Government in 1945 would fall into one of two categories:

1: Never ever surrender under any circumstances whatsoever, I'd rather see my entire nations burned than give up

2: There are circumstances where I might consider surrender.

I don't see why the balance of decision was still in category 1 after Hiroshima, but then switched to category 2 after Nagasaki

Nice doubles.

>then switched to category 2 after Nagasaki
Well, in that time the situation on the mainland had turned even worse against Japan, and the second nuke just reinforced that we now had the capability of destroying Japanese cities with apparently ridiculous ease.

The bomb is not the sole deciding factor in the Japanese decision to surrender; most of the government was already in your second category by the time the bombs actually dropped. The Japanese take forever to do things that they know they have to do but don't want to.

Can you have enough of your favorite thing?

It's what it took for them to surrender. Now their our weirdo buddy who's into strange sex stuff and robots.

This too