Is the Caucasus the perfect blend of East and West?
Is the Caucasus the perfect blend of East and West?
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what is western about them
They're to the west of me.
Circassian girls are qts
>tfw when you'll never be an Ottoman Sultan with a harem full of these...
why live Veeky Forums
>what is western about them
Roman, particularly the ERE, which is based in greek culture in then Greek Constantinople. Greek is considered Western
Christianity and white skin.
>so many Muslim qts and potential brides dead
It actually pisses me off. Fucking kuffar
t. an actual Ahmed
>white skin.
>implying it didn't originate in Anatolian farmers
u fookin wot m8
This. Same with Russian Slavs (which is majority of Russia)
She's the perfect blend of deez nuts in dat pussy.
>Is the Caucasus the perfect blend of East and West?
no but japan is
Japan is 300% Eastern
Japan is 100% east. They just modernized.
Not muslim but i do fantasize about bedding multiple circassian beauties aye
I like you Arabro, here, have some more nice circassian ladies
>japan isn't a westernised country
thanks based kafir
Westernized =/= Western
The core values of japanese society and it's culture are all asiatic
"Westernized" is not "West" mate.
>having a perfect blend of east and west is somehow entirely western
did you even read my post lads
The Japanese are culturally conquered by the West.
>having a bunch of western style skyscrapers makes you western
Might as well say Dubai is west
So is literally every nation on Earth
I did and respectively disagree.
East Asian here
I see no resesblence of "East"
If you mean the Middle East, that is a purely Euro-centric way of thinking.
The Middle East has more in common with Europe than it does with Asia pacific by far
Why are we immigrating to your coutries. Why aren't we shamed that pretty much we are wearing western clothes and technology whilst doing jack shit on our own. its fucking embarrassing. Also im high as fuck right now.
t. Bengali immigrant in canada
they're modernised at best
Philippine is more fit if you want truly westernised asian
>having western influences means you're not at least partially westernised
the hilarious part is that the west literally designed nearly all of dubai's infrastructure
Central asian is
The word I am colloquially referring to is eurocentric honestly. East historically relates to the Islamic middle east and their sphere of influence into India and Central Asia.
Holy shit, who are these women, and do they want a visa?
>the same type of sogdian ass tapped by Alexander still exists
So, Eurasian boys?
Why are caucasus uniforms so aesthetic Veeky Forums.
The music of Caucasus Russians is also awesome.
That's not how you use the word aesthetic.
>Implying it isn't aesthetic as fuck...
This. The Caucasus is a blend of East European and Middle Eastern.
What are the little cylinders on their robes?
they hold little daggers. probably just ceremonial
gun powder?
>Perfect blend of east and west.
>Everyone is a barbarian horsenigger mountain-asshole shitling.
Why is Angelina Jolie photoshopped into that exotic outfit?
It was actually the Khanz that ass tapped the Persian girls
> /int/ memes make things undesirable
Why are those girls Muslim ?
Gunpowder charges which became ceremonial once metal cartridge firing rifles were invented.
>once metal cartridge firing rifles were invented
Has there ever been a battle between oldschool matchlocks and full rifles
as a Tajik, this gives me PTSD
Wasn't Tajikistan basically the only part of Central Asia not > KHAN'D?
Yeap. In Central Asia and Tibet.
90% of people in the Caucasus are muslim
Central Asian borders were intentionally fucked by the Soviets, Tajiks have historically inhabited more land than they do currently throughout Central Asia with the highest concentration existing in Afghanistan, then Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Fuck you, Armenians are the Master Race
aren't you just gypsies larping as europeans?
We are Europeans larping as Europeans.
Sing Rabindrasangeet now.
Caucusus girls are top tier.
When you won't dance but you should
We westernized a long time ago, check Peter I, check russian culture past XVI century
It may not seem western enough to you, but imagine what it would look like if we didn't westernize at all and went full chinese isolationism
Christianity is an Eastern religion
Tajik from tajikistan?
It's a mixture of East and West.
biggest shithole in earth, what does armenia have beside 1915 SEEEEYYFFOOO!!! kek create a fucking identity of your own already XD
Armenia is literally too shit for even refugees.
Literally nobody asks them to take any
Fuck off Americunt
I really like the ethereal georgian music from Splinter Cell
armenians are the ugliest out of all the caucasus ethnicities