Why the hell are people so triggered by antinatalism? Not having children is literally the most moral thing a person can do. Life is suffering, so why would you want to impose that suffering on someone else?
Why the hell are people so triggered by antinatalism...
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>Why people so triggered about a bunch of cunts telling me what to do in regards to a personal matter?
idk op.
Its not as if you'll ever face the problem of whether to have children or not.
because having children has been thought of as a beautiful thing as well as a necessity for several thousand years
>life is suffering
a lot of people don't see it that way
>Life is suffering
If your life is not worth living, then end it. My life has, thus far, been worth living, and if I were to have a child, their life would most likely be worth living as well. Because I don't live in a third world shithole where everybody is dying of starvation, malaria, or AIDS.
>Not having children is literally the most moral thing a person can do.
Is this an >Objective morality : ^ ) meme or what? What is morally right for you, will be morally wrong for someone else.
The only real biological constant within all life is the fact that it exists to do 2 things: to survive and to reproduce. This is the only 'purpose' of life other than purposes we assign to ourselves. If you wish to become a genetic dead end, fine, but you can't countermand the biological imperative of every living thing just because 'muh happyness' (unless of course you just simply kill every living thing on Earth).
>Why the hell are people so triggered by antinatalism?
Because you're saying all life is unworthy. How would a black man react if you tell him his entire race needs to be exterminated? He'll probably just stab you and continue raping your wife, but the reason he'll do that is because no one likes being told what ought be done with their own bodies, or that they ought not exist, and that's what antinatalism tells people.
Also because its an unrealistic, cringey as fuck fedora tipping ideology. Its the Anarcho-Capitalism of moral ideology.
Eh, life if pretty fucking awesome imo.
Got my dick sucked after waking up and now I'm gonna play some LAPD futurecop on PS1.
Top shit.
>If your life is not worth living, then end it
FFS, antinatalism is not about lifes worth living, its about lifes worth starting!
Which is a fucking difference!
Then don't have children.
Hopefully, over a few generations, your kind will be weeded out.
There is substantial evidence that almost every life has more pleasure in it than pain, and virtually no evidence for the contrary. The only reason people think pain is more common is because they have poor memories.
Antinatalism is just another kind of ridiculous self-serving pessimism that's arisen in the past century or so. The only reason perspectives like this exist is so weak-willed people can live with the contradiction between their narcissism and "their belief" that the world is fundamentally bad, instead of doing something to reduce the level of bad that's actually around.
Aww shit son that is a kick ass game. Top tier taste.
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mom I hurt my finger today life is so horrible waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Literally the main argument of antinatalists.
>Because I don't live in a third world shithole where everybody is dying of starvation, malaria, or AIDS.
>implying you can't live a crappy life in a first-world country
>you can't countermand the biological imperative of every living thing just because 'muh happyness'
OP isn't forcing anyone to not have children, OP's only telling you that it would be the moral choice. people have the will to do it or not.
Life is obviously selected to perpetrate itself. It doesn't matter if it experiences more pain than pleasure. Most people will always rationalize it to keep going.
>The only reason perspectives like this exist is so weak-willed people can live with the contradiction between their narcissism and "their belief" that the world is fundamentally bad, instead of doing something to reduce the level of bad that's actually around.
Of course. If the effort-reward ratio is so skewed why would you reproduce and make someone else work for it?
Suffering is good.
Most people are dumb, sociopaths, or both. So they will continue to have children regardless.
It is hilarious how the natalists try to argue with the antinatalists, the latter of whom are like an enemy in the middle of war threatening to commit suicide. It's not just the antinatalists who shouldn't reproduce, then, but even many of the natalists, such as for instance all those who try to argue with the antinatalists.
The successive decline of religion, nationalism, sanctity of blood ties and institution of marriage, have created the Individual — unknown to lower cultures or earlier phases of the master race's culture — who is, like all advances, something of a double-edged sword, which many use to advance and improve their lives (or, more correctly: the future of their genes), but which others flail about and cut themselves with. So on the one hand the individual no longer feels a responsibility towards his gods, nation, tribe or family to reproduce, because these are outdated, marginalized institutions — and JUSTLY marginalized (since their era has passed precisely because the culture has advanced beyond them) — that no longer hold any authority over anyone but a minority of backwards losers, but on the other hand, the philosophy that is destined to replace them — that of the Overman and the Eternal Recurrence — has not yet had sufficient time to take hold and lend reproduction a new meaning — a stronger and more glorious meaning than it has ever had! — and as a consequence the meaning of reproduction in the general culture is currently lacking to such a degree that — for the first time in history — a growing number of degenerates are even campaigning for its destruction (anti-natalism). As a result of all this the majority of the population seems to have turned over completely to hedonism, and the last thing on their minds is to undertake the laborious task of propagating themselves — which is of course a good thing, because in this way the hedonists are removing their failed genes and gene configurations from our gene pool.
>FFS, antinatalism is not about lifes worth living, its about lifes worth starting!
>Which is a fucking difference!
No, if life is not worth starting, this implies that it is not worth living. Because if it were worth living then it'd be worth starting.
There is no difference. Every argument for antinatalism is an argument for suicide.
>OP isn't forcing anyone to not have children, OP's only telling you that it would be the moral choice. people have the will to do it or not.
Saying a choice is moral and forcing a moral choice upon someone is only a matter of degree of force applied (i.e. a little for, in argumentation, versus a lot of force, in application).
This is because you are telling someone what is moral in THEIR life. You can easily say 'This is what is most virtuous for myself' but the second you start talking in moral absolutes, or telling someone what is most virtuous in their life, you accept that you are trying to force your moral standards upon them. Whether or not those standards are followed is only a matter of how far you are willing to go in forcing them.
If OP was saying 'I will never have children because I, personally, do not feel it would be the moral choice' the only response I, or anyone else could give would be 'Ok'. But he isn't, he's talking in moral absolutes, saying not having children is the most moral thing 'a person' (implying ANY person) can do.
> natalists
idiots who fuck because of natural instinct and want to find a rational justification for it
> anti-natalists
losers who are being weeded out by means of natural selection and want to find a moral justification for not being able to reproduce.
Sort yourself out
>Why the hell are people so triggered by antinatalism?
Because it is the very definition of having failed at life.
>your kind
Yeah, i agree, all the people who have other opinion then me need to die out.
Source please? Even during my happy times, I always thought my life was 90% suck and 10% good.