>be chinese
>love heroin
>blame the english
Be chinese
They used to get their wives hooked on opium to stay loyal
I don't know what Qing were all bet out of shape about. The Chinese had been selling psychotropic tea to step nomads for centuries.
>The Chinese had been selling psychotropic tea to step nomads for centuries.
Is this true because it's kind of a big deal considering the narrative that "Chinese were good boys, they dindu nuffin" involving opium.
Poor Little Yellow Boy
Anyone have the document where Han Chinese were fucking so many boys the wives got jealous?
>someone did something bad to willing buyers
>this makes it okay for
>this makes it okay for an entire government to invade someone and make them buy drugs against their will
It's true and no it's not a big deal. I was joking about caffeine. Caffeine is a psychotropic and addictive drug, but that doesn't necessarily put it anywhere near the level of opium.
>against their will
Chinks love heroin.
Have you done opium?
t. Gong Zwhen Han, 4th-generation American-Chinese
No, why?
Then how do you know what you're talking about?
Reading words meant to convey thoughts. It's all the rage.
>against their will
Oh, well then you're wrong and they're both psychoactive substances with varying effects depending on dose and user.
>you're wrong
That is only true if they are identical, which they aren't. You are losing your knack for perfidy, albion.
Supply and demand ;)
You said they were on different levels. Of what, taboo or dosage effect?
>we do not want you selling opium in our empire. leave
>lol no ill invade you and keep selling drugs in your empire
That isn't against their will? With an idea of consent like that it's no wonder you Brits let Rotherham happen.
>make wild claim that user is wrong because he hasn't done opium before
>gets called out
>throws asking up follow up questions as bait
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, fool me... you ain't going to fool me again.
The point being that they're both from the ground, one is a bean and the other is a flower. One brings you up and the other takes you down. Both can kill you if you take too much. Why are Americans allowed to get rich on coffee and pharmaceuticals but Afghans have their poppy fields burned?
>Be Britain.
>Acquire Hong Kong.
>Original signatory government collapses.
>90 years later.
>Return it to people you didnt break the deal with like cucks.
As pain killers, and not anywhere near the scale of opium wars
The PRC is the legitimate inheritor of the RoC's treaties. The RoC is the legitimate inheritor of the Qing Empire's treaties. This was recognized by the UN in 1947 and 1972.
>hurdur let's just start a war halfway across the world defending a city from 1.2 billion people 10km away