Fuck all the cryptocoin edition
NEW GUIDE: drive.google.com
SHOPIFY: 1.shopifytrack.com
MORE: dropshiptips.com
Fuck all the cryptocoin edition
NEW GUIDE: drive.google.com
SHOPIFY: 1.shopifytrack.com
MORE: dropshiptips.com
Other urls found in this thread:
check that website yo
I've just posted my first facebook ads.
Got a few likes and shares and reached a few hundred people
When is it okay to expect sales before i kill an ad? a few days? a week? Got nothing yet. Only one visitor
>invested $200 on my website
>not a single sale yet
Fuck you Veeky Forums
>fell for dropshitting meme
>try to make a site
>sell jewelry online importing from china
>no sales
>ask Veeky Forums for advice
>everyone looks at the site and makes fun of me
>try to change site
>corrupts and doesn't work
>$200 on ssl certificate
>$100 on site security
>$100 to register domain name
>fuck this bullshit meme
>go back to school to finish accounting degree
>destined to crunch numbers and make financial reports until death
>$200 on ssl certificate
>$100 on site security
>$100 to register domain name
Just use shopify lmao
Usually a few days,
post your site
jesus christ you can get all those features for $29/month with Shopify....
What's a good niche?
It was cheaper to pay $100 than it was to pay $29x12. Then all those other costs kept coming up. Sunk cost fallacy man.
Time to learn about tax credits. Keep talking shit, pussies.
you had it for 12 months and no sales? How shit are you
No it was up for like 2 weeks. Then I posted it here. You cowards talked shit. I tried to improve it but it got corrupted. Now it just displays an error message.
Have fun managing other people's wealth for the rest of your pathetic life.
>Too retarded to use shopify
>bitch on biz about lack of success
>Didn't pay $12 for a domain name
I did $10k in sales last month selling gook shit to people like you. If you don't like it, go gamble with the next DGB.
>Posting anything personal to Veeky Forums and expecting it not to get ripped to shreds even if it isnt necessary
There are plenty of places online that you can ask for advice where you'd actualy get constructive criticism. Veeky Forums definitely isn't that place
>I did $10k in sales last month
Post dashboard
"It was cheaper to pay $100 than it was to pay $29x12"
Bruh shopify is worth
Looking for a niche myself. Around how many stores do you think indicates one that's not saturated?
>Fuck all the cryptocoin edition
How did Veeky Forums get so bad? It used to never be more than ~70% cryptoshit when I used to browse it daily. Now I can barely even find a thread that ISNT cryptoshit
It truely must be the worst board now. Its all literally shilling
this was a mistake. A .com is always better even if you have to pick a more unusual name.
To be fair though moot founded Veeky Forums as a reaction to all the crypto shit. I agree though. We need a separate crypto board for Veeky Forums pass users, it will improve Veeky Forums and allow the people here who actually have a little bit of money to talk crypto in peace.
Suck my 8 inch dick.
>made 5 times this from crypto
stay mad nocoiner rofl
When the crypto bubble bursts he'll still be making money tho
post store link
prove it
10k sales is how much profit??? 5k?
probably about 9.2k profit
Unlike you and your life savings, I'll still be earning steady income that will be scaled up to $25k per month next year.
>Have fun gambling your wagecuck savings
Around 7k
not gonna scramble to use your referal links till i see a bit more than something inspect element could knock up in 2 seconds
Not gonna happen.
fuck off stop making ds the next norm. i just want my income to keep rolling brah
how are you doing?
what are some things you guys are selling ?
I live in a city with a large gay community. I should of got some rainbow flags , dildos, etc to sell.
perhaps next year I can really sell some flags etc.
I live by 2 big universities. I could perhaps sell asians some Chinese shit.
If this is how you want to make your crust that's fine but if you're not putting most of your gains into Bitcoin I'm not sure why you even bother.
it was posted in a thread a few months ago:
Many others have done much better than me
does this guy have any products at his house that he sends ?
or are most guys just sending from china?
We are a website dedicated to the fashion of motorcycles. We are passionate riders who love looking as good as there motorcycles. Whether you are a weekend cruiser or a daily driver, we have the selection for you! We want our clothing to show that we are riders! When I got my first motorcycle I remember how frustrated I was at the high cost of good looking clothing for my bike. From there the dream was born. Our team has hand picked every piece of clothing you see. With more to come! So become a loyal follower as we embark on the journey of fashion, culture, and motorcycles!
don't the products take like 2 weeks to get to the customer though?
yea so what
I gave you advice for that site, you said you would give me royalties remember. :c a shame that it failed. I thought it had potential.
I still remember the 'Be Fatale' crap, it got stuck in my head. Also, did you ever resize your logo?
that's mean
I'm too poor to have someone design my website, so I just decided to try shopify's 14 day free trial.
I wanted to get the nav. bar to overlap my hero slide, but I couldn't get it right. My nav. bar hid behind the hero slide, and it messed up the headers on my other pages.
Btw, how did you guys figure out what taxes to charge? Since you have to charge different taxes depending on origin v. destination states in the U.S., see any special, local, state, and county sales taxes that may have to be added onto the taxes, etc.?
you can't figure this out and yet expect to make money.
>not being able to place the nav-bar on top of a hero slide in shopify's debut theme correctly signifies that I won't be able to make money
How are the two related? I already fixed my nav-bar, I just wasn't able to get it how I wanted it.
If you are referring to the taxes, I have an idea of how it works, but I have no idea how others are able to correctly charge taxes that follow every states' laws.
I watched some videos about how people charge taxes when their nexus is in the states, but some morons believe that they have to charge their state's sales tax on everyone (including out of state).
here is my question
do you have product at your house that you ship inside your country?
or just do it all through aliexpress?
Ah, never mind, you haven't even started a website. I will just say that the products that I plan on selling fall into the "cute" niche. Although I'm currently using social media to attract more followers. Hopefully I can turn some of the into loyal customers.
Just find a specific group of people you can attract online. Goth, slut shops, anime, specific animals, specific cartoons, etc.
I still haven't started my business, I plan on picking out products from Aliexpress, and shipping them directly to customers. Although since it is common to run into scammers on Aliexpress, I am making sure to investigate the feedback, amount of orders, ratings, etc. that the sellers have.
I believe drop-shipping has less risks than holding inventory because by holding inventory you are making the assumption that the good is going to be sold.
Not sure if you are going to use a platform like shopify to make a website, but if you do, it is extremely helpful. There are tons of apps that you can insert onto your site that should drive up sales (such as a review add-on, timers for call to action, live purchases, coupon add-ons, pop-ups, etc.)
I'm doing this just to experiment. If I am able to make a few sales during the first month, I'll probably continue for the next month. As far as I know, having a niche, social media, reviews, a professional site, etc. are big factors in getting sales. Also, generating organic searches should be one of your top priorities. I'll focus on advertisements later on, as I'm using social media so far to build trust with people.
100% use Shopify
READ THIS dropshiptips.com
I need to learn more about how to automate sales with Oberlo, I tried to connect the products from Aliexpess there with my website, but it just made a total mess, and the descriptions were terrible. Is there a way to connect already listed products (on my website) onto Oberlo without having to link them first from there [aliexpress]?
this is my situation
>buy from aliexpress
>get item in like 30 days
what if my customer starts complaining?
sometimes it doesn't even fucking send.
Just be honest about it on the product page. I put the "Shipping time" between 2-4 weeks (because apparently epacket takes longer now due to the increased amounts of people using it).If the customer complains, you can reference the obvious shipping time that you listed. If they do not receive their item during the listed shipping time, then I would try to offer them free shipping so that sale might not go to waste.
Worst case scenario, you try to avoid making an angry customer, angrier, and you provide a full refund (shipping included), and then you contact the distributor and request a full refund. Remember, the customer isn't aware about your business being a drop-shipping business so avoid saying that "the distributor I got this from sent your item late."
You can edit product descs in Oberlo.
tell them to be patient
source your shit from us suppliers only.
Doesn't that lower your profit margins? I did some research on some of the products I plan on selling (in regards to U.S.v. Chinese prices), and in some cases, it's 10x cheaper to get the products from China (same quality, material, etc.)
I know that, but whenever I selected the products from Aliexpress, Oberlo clumped all the products up into one section, I don't know, I might have just gotten mad at all the mess it made, and gave up on it lol.
>get item in like 30 days
Isn't that taking a longer time now though? I read some complaints about people having their epacket shipped products get sent months later. I know it's more reliable than the other shipping methods though.
>some people complaint, so it's bad
People complaint about everything, but e-packet is definitely better than standard shipping method from Ali.
I know that, but It seems like there are more complaints about the shipping times increasing (supposedly a lot of people say it's because epacket is getting more popular). Just to be on the safe side, I extended my "Shipping time/arrival" to 2-4 weeks, even though on some of the products it says it'll arrive within 2 weeks.
I never said it's bad btw.
what gook stuff are you guys selling?
dropshit crypo wallets and miners onto normies
what kinda clothing?
cute clothing?
im fucking dont do clothing, just browse aliexpress until you find something
im not selling anything im just asking what you sell chill out
im chill, i was warning you don't do clothing it sucks balls
When drop shipping the duties and levies is handled by the customer if customs want to tax them right?
Considering selling some Chinese phones right now.
im what all you stupid fucks would call a "drop shipper" i guess but ur all doing it incredibly wrong
find a client that needs somethin in bulk n sell it or just find some gimmmicky hit
i bought dog toys from ali baba for like $1 each, sold em to a bitch with a mobile pet washin station for $10 each n she sold em for $15 each that was my most profit in a single sale
u need clients b4 u buy ur shit shops dont go out and buy shit and hope ppl buy they reasearch and find out wat ppl want and they sell it to em
Not gonna ask about your niche but how much did you spend on advertising once your found it in the beginning?
holy shit just tried to read through this thread
stop trying to make ur stupid little gay fucking websites tghat need hundreds of fucking dollars and looking for ur queer little niches LOOK FOR FUCKING CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS AND PEOPLE THAT WANT THINGS THAT ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO BUY THEM IN BULK THEMSELVES THAT;S HOW YOURE GONNASEE ANY REAL FUCKIN CASH LOSERS
I spend around $300 a week on ads.
That falls into more of the import/export side of things. The issue is finding stable clients. Long run there's more money potential, but you'd need a decent reach to make it.
fuck long term bitch flip each n every order by emselves why the fuck would u invest any money into something u dont even really NEED to invest into anyway?
>Fuck long term
Bet you gamble on shit ICOs. You sell your DGB in time?
Lol this post is hilarious. 5 stars sir
Come back here when you fix your keyboard and have $10k in revenue a month.
>Street peddling chink shit
yeah yeah sure thing mr 10k/day mr ceo ;)
triggi digg'd bitch
why are there so many dropship shills on Veeky Forums when theres no money in it what so ever, why would anyone buy from a dodgy site when they can buy from ebay you fucking mongoloids
cos its all 1 big fantasy for these dumbasses
Idealistically its about building a brand. And evolving to holding physical inventory. Take a look at phonebibi.com. Worth 2m. Simple dropshitting site.
yeah what a brand this phonebibi is buildin look at them reviews