How many of you have heard about The Battle of Cartagena de Indias (current Colombia) of 1741 ??

It was the major defeat for the British Navy and Army in centuries.

A fleet larger that the Invincible Armada (over 30.000 military personnel and 189 ships) let by Edward Vernon tried to capture the city of Cartagena, defended by 5.000 Spaniards under Admiral Blas de Lezo. The British even minted some gold coins before the battle.

The coins "The pride of Spain humbled by ad. Vernon" never saw the light and King George II for ever forbid history books to talk about the defeat. Brits still don't know about this.

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Los CASTELLANOS como defensores de LA FE CATÓLICO siempre hemos estado iluminados por EL MISMISIMO ALTÍSIMO.Por está razón nuestras HUESTES y BUQUES siempre han realizado EXCELENTES HAZAÑAS desde los tiempos de LOS CANTABROS Y NUMANTINOS.La BATALLA DE CARTEGENA solo es un ejemplo de que DIOS siempre estará de nuestro LADO.Pero DIOS nunca podrá PERDONAR las ofensas de las garrapatas ARAGONESAS, los JUDEIDIZANTES CATALANES,los puercos VALENCIANOS, las mofetas BALEARICAS,las perras VASCAS Y NAVARRAS,las vacas GALLEGAS, los gitanos MURCIANOS,los moros ANDALUCES y ,que Dios me perdone por lo que voy a decir, los LEONESES. Y DIOS nos castigó por protegerles por lo que perdimos NUESTRO BENDITO IMPERIO. Cada día rezo a San Fernando rey cruzado de estas nuestras SANTAS tierras y a DOÑA Isabel de Trastamara para que resurezcan y nos guien a la gente de BIEN, LOS CASTELLANOS, a una nueva época dorada de FE, CULTURA Y PROSPERIDAD COMO ACOSTUMBRABAMOS ANTES DE TENER QUE AGUANTAR A LA CHUSMA DE ESTA ESPAÑA SIN MORAL NI VALORES.

If catalans are so bad why don't you let them secede?


>If catalans are so bad why don't you let them secede?
Por mi como si invitan a toda Timbaktú a su pocilga PROGRE



In the end they got their vengeance by financing the Spanish American wars of independence and establishing relations of financial domination with the new South American republics.

The eternal anglo always win.


Is this from a Sabaton song or something?


I'll be whistling that intro all day now

This is actually really interesting thank you for posting user

>by age 25 or 27, depending on the sources, de Lezo had lost his left eye, his left leg below the knee, and the use of his right arm.

British defeated by a HALFMAN

>Brits still don't know about this.

I'd heard about it at some point.

Blas de Lezo's statue currently in central Madrid. The thing is Spanish have only recently re-discovered the figure of Lezo, not to the taste of everyone, because he happens to be Basque and set Barcelona on fire during the 1708 civil war.

>Pero DIOS nunca podrá PERDONAR las ofensas de las garrapatas ARAGONESAS

Ven y me lo dices a la cara.

Its funny how complete shitholes like Peru,Mexico and Colombia were the pride of the Spanish Empire and the developed latin American countries of today were just outposts.

>he happens to be Basque
That is relative. His family was a cadet branch from the Pachecos that were the biggest Castillian noble family in Spain only tied by the Mendozas and the Alvarez de Toledo. His family just lived in the Basque country as they chose to be sailors as they had little land.
>and set Barcelona on fire
He was releasing the city from the H*absburgs. He was just doing his duty

>At the beginning of the fourteenth century, Castile was suffering from unrest caused by its civil war, which was fought between the local and allied forces of the reigning king, Peter of Castile, and his half-brother Henry of Trastámara over the right to the crown.
>The war lasted from 1356 to 1375, prolonged because Peter of Castile lost his throne to Henry of Trastámara. The war primarily took place on the border between Castile and Aragon, namely Aragonese border towns such as Teruel, which fell to the Castilians.
>In 1357, Castile penetrated Aragon and conquered Tarazona on March 9; on May 8, they arranged a temporary truce.
>At the beginning of 1361, the Castilians conquered the fortresses of Verdejo, Torrijos, Alhama, and other places. However, the peace of Terrer (sometimes called the peace of Deza) was negotiated on May 18, 1361, in which all conquered places and castles were returned to their original lords. Bernardo de Cabrera, ambassador of the Aragonese king, negotiated the peace. Peter IV married his daughter Constance to Frederick III the Simple.
>Literally losing to the losing side of a civil war.

>Colombia were the pride of the Spanish Empire
Not really. It was mostly Mexico,Lima and specially Cuba. The lose of Cuba was the biggest lose of moral of Spain as a country for 50 years. Cuba was the jewel of the crown and was mostly inhabited by Spaniards. It was prosperous,wealthy and people saw it as Spain not a colony.