Which civilization is the best?
I'm proud of my Siamese civilization :)
Which civilization is the best?
I'm proud of my Siamese civilization :)
They are about as advanced as the Mesopotamians
Actually no we were literally as advanced as Indians because we are an extension of Indic civilization :)
Siam is probably the stand-out, but the whole region is better seen as a single culture-area rather than a series of geographically limited states.
Yeah but each region has its own unique culture, architecture style and language
Angkor wat is only 4 hours from my house
I think Khmer and Javanese civilization is most interesting.
Siamese is great but we lost most of our heritage when Ayuttaya got nuked
Iirc, Siem Reap literally means "Defeat of Siam" or "Siam Tears". The Khmer sound very badass
>not posting superior buddhist javanese temple instead
Island SEA is so underrated
i think most people only knew about the khmer because angkor wat
Lost Izalith obviously.
Ironic since not soon after that we ended the Khmer civilization kek
its just that Srivijaya was more of a lose confederation than a kingdom or civilization
I guess you could say the malays were srivijaya and the javanese were majapahit
"""""""thai""""""""land a shit
We wuz Knights!
This game is absolute shit.
First of all no Siam or Burma wtf?
Also Vietnamese are not even SE Asian civilization.
They use Cham civilization under the name Vietnam which is ignorant.
It's the equivalent to calling the Byzantine empire "Turkey"
No u are malayshit
tell me about Hindu-Buddhist rivalry in the srivijayan empire Veeky Forums
all i know is that the buddhist shailendra dynasty built the borobudur while the hindu sanjayan dynasty bult the prambanan
Hinduism and Buddhism usually gets along. Syncretism was widely practiced and still is.
The tenggerese in East Java are people from Majabahit who escaped Muslim persecution and continued the Majapahit customs
They practise a syncretism of hinduism Buddhism and animism.
Thailand and Cambodia also has this syncretism.
its an age of empires game m8
the "malay" campaign was about the javanese majapahit prime minister who ironically ended the malay srivijayan empire
the expansion is fun though
>Also Vietnamese are not even SE Asian civilization.
Vietnam is in Southeast Asia. Unlike others however it is heavily Sinicized owing to its history as a Chinese province and afterwards, as a heavily Sinic-influenced Empire/Kingdom.
Javanese here, Thais are based
Basically what an ideal SEA monarchy should look like
There's Burma, and not putting in Viets in the game will create many loopholes in storyline, as opposed to Thais which will only come in later century
you get that argument in every SEA thread, its probably the same Indiaboo who thinks if you're not Indianised, you're not SEA
It began in the red River Delta which is boarder line East Asia
It expanded southwards quite recently
Same as how Russia expanded east into Asia.
Is Russia a Asian civilzation? No
The Siamese migrated from China and their language is closer to southern chinese langauges than other SEA languages. At least Vietnamese is an austo-asianic language.
It's about culture more than language
The Burmese and Thai did not expand south as a kingdom but as tribes that eventually assimilated local Mon-Khmer customs and expanded south
We are basically heirs to the Mon civilization because not only does Mon blood run in our veins but we absorbed thier civilization fully.
Let's look at the facts:
Burma & Thailand
>Most of vocab is Sanskrit derived
>Indic architecture
>Brahmic scripts
>Indian clothing
>Indian mythology (Ramayana etc)
>Chinese drives vocab
>Chinese architecture
>Chinese characters
>Chinese religion (Taoism etc)
Saying Thai & Burmese are East Asian is like saying the Seljuk and Ottoman Turks were Central Asian.
By the time Seljuks entered Anatolia they were already Persian in appearance and culture. Even thier language was 80-90% Arabic and Persian vocab
>Saying Thai & Burmese are East Asian is like saying the Seljuk and Ottoman Turks were Central Asian.
I didn't say the Thai were east asian. My point was that by adding all these specific qualifiers so that Vietnam isn't SEA while the other ones are is stupid. Vietnam is in SEA, therefore they're SEA. The Ottomans aren't central asian because they aren't in central asia.
maybe in modern geopolitics is ok to call Vietnam se asia, but when we talk about history we might as well not.
They were more involved with the chinese in clonflicts etc.
The only se asian civ they faught were the cham
>They were more involved with the chinese in clonflicts etc.
>The only se asian civ they faught were the cham
You don't even know what you're talking about
Are you even SEA?
why are their temples so goddamn awesome?
Ar rook same.
Seriously, I know they're not, but visually I can't see notorious differences.
well they faught us thais and khmer but that is rather recent.
Im talking about
We pretty much out-did the continental Indians in terms of architecture
Angkor wat (Wat Pra Vishnu Lok) is the largest Vishnu temple on earth
Prambanan(Shivalaya) is like the 3rd largest Shiva temple or something
isn't Laos basically mini Thailand? they and Cambodia shouldn't even exist desu
>We pretty much out-did the continental Indians in terms of architecture
lmao no
you need more than hindu-buddhist temple to do that. mughal architecture is god-tier
pick one
Laos to Thailand is Germany's equivalent of Austria
Why Khmers shouldnt exist?
Their culture is gone pretty much but they are like the Greeks of our region
pre-colombian se asia pic related
>the autism never ends
They're Indian
You gonna dismiss all Mughal architecture as not Indian? so Taj Mahal isn't Indian?
More like Poland to Germany
>Why Khmers shouldn't exist?
They're niggers
saying Mughal is indian is like saying pic related is African architecture
Mughal was a stain on Indic civilization with ugly persian style domes and women starting to cover their bodies etc
fuck those persianised mongol-turk shit fucks
Polish are not ethnic German retard
Out of those definitely the Javanese
Because Laos isn't even equal to Thais like German and Austria are and the only reason they exist is because French created them as ex colony state out of annexing Thai territory and reviving Lan Xang identity, which are already dead prior to French Invasion
However much you hate them, thats not how it works dude
mainland SEA>island SEA
Lao and Khmer and Malay identity never died dumbass.
Yes they would be assimilated by now if the French didnt come but when the French came their identity still existed.
Hell, we still speak Lao in northeast thailand. My hometown was founded by a laotian prince and we still call ourselves Lao.
dumb ass farang
>they would be assimilated by now
You already are
There's nothing good about modern Khmers and Malays are Muslim cucks
FACT: Filipinos are the MOST POWERFUL civilization on earth
i went to cambodia once
look no offense or anything but it was a shithole
well Khmer pretty much copied all of Thai culture
Everyone knows khmers are shit
You should probably get out of Myanmar before the Buddhists slice your throat
Don't know if it's on topic but what's up with Thailand and transgender/crossdressing? Is there any half decent literature on it?
It's not a Thai phenomenon. It's a regional thing. Bangkok is just a hub for gays and trans
From Persia to Cambodia the idea of a man with a woman's should was rather widespread.
Even in Islamic Iran trannies are totally accepted.
*Soul, not should
As a result of the megalithic legacy of South-Southeast Asian mixed people from Indonesia and Philippines west to Zimbabwe some of my ancestors the Malagasy until European colonialism reserved stone to the creation of Megaliths and Funerary buildings :3
I'm still interested in literature on that topic if you're still here, any recs?
how did they managed to get all the way to madagascar anyway?
Idk but I remember watching a documentary on how Iranian trannies get government supported sex change operations for free.
Among Southeast Asian civilizations, Vietnam is the best, undoubtedly.
On a global scale, I love many civilizations: India, China, Ethiopia... I'm not capable of deciding which is the best.
Its either early Khmers or Thais, they're the largest and the richest ones in SEA, Viets got upper hand on technology early but they're quickly catched up by others
The one with slant eyed people.
Well pre-srivijaya Negrito sea people like the ancestors of Moken, Moklen and Orang Laut had been sailing along the monsoonal winds for about 4k years the monsoons can take you all the way down to northern Madagascar.
It seems by the time of Srivijaya, Austronesians had already begun using a direct ocean current system that cuts across the Indian Ocean. They dominated the Negritos there and the rest is history.
>India, China, Ethiopia
one of those is not like the others