Digibyte team
Digibyte team
>no JUST hair and eyes
you dun goofed son
Why does the guy on the left have such a small head?
It needs a bit more autism for me to be comfortable investing long term.
I fucking bought 17k Digibyte at 1700 sats. Can someone tell me about how long its going to take until it reaches 17k again? Honestly I don't even want a profit anymore I just want to get rid of this fucking trash.
I'm not asking for a fucking fortune teller by the way, before someone gives me some fucking "TO THE MOON THURSDAY" kind of shit, I just want a general assumption based on common sense and trends that I clearly don't have. I just don't want to hold these heavy ass bags anymore.
Well first you said 17K sats, that would be 17000. So you're new to crypto and this is probably one of your first losses. However selling DGB right now, would be a very foolish decision. Grow a pair.
Honestly, dude.
Probably a year from now after it hits 200 sats and the memes begin again, the next time someone with 1000 btc decides to pump for fun, or if the Microsoft goes full banana and ditches MS points for DGB.
Yeah, I just started really recently, I think on the 30th. Pretty much all of my BTC is wrapped up in DGB, but I've learned a lot from this. I just regret that I can't keep trading with the money now that I feel like I can do something with it. I split a little bit of my initial purchase off and bought some waves with it and I've doubled that money, but it's incredibly depressing. I just want to get rid of this DGB without too much of a loss.
they look like pinheads
Agreed. Poor team fundamentals here. Far right asian could be autistic but nothing really impressive.
Sorry that post was meant for you. I'm just tired.
Five cucks.
kek this is why it will never be 1700 again. Think of all the people out there that are just like you and will dump the minute it scratches 1500
Yeah but that's why I'm banking on retards like me that don't learn anything from this. You could say that about any currency. Why would you buy before a pump if you know it's just gonna dump? Why would you invest in something called Dogecoin? Or Niggercoin? Cryptocurrency doesn't work if it can't be built on the bodies of the mentally retarded.
You mean all those greedy bastards for whom selling at 2.4k wasn't enough? Yeah, right. People that didn't sell are in it long term.
> you're a greedy bastard if you sold at 2400
Oh get over yourself, this much salt is surely lethal.