>less than 0.5% percent of the world's population at any given time
>over 75% of the world's money is under their sphere of influence
how did they do it?
Less than 0.5% percent of the world's population at any given time
>over 75% of the world's money is under their sphere of influence
[ citations needed ]
[ stormfront and youtube are not citations ]
God's chosen
over 75% of the worlds gdp is in the western world
The Ashkenazi practise Judaism but they're not "Jews", they're Europeans who have been ruthlessly bred to excel at finance via centuries of pogroms and legal prohibitions on them earning a living "honestly".
High IQ and ruthless in-group mentality.
You realize Jews segregated themselves in ghettos originally because they couldn't live certain distance apart from the rabbi, right? Don't blame goyim for their state, certainly not entirely.
>they couldn't live certain distance apart from the rabbi
What changed?
>ruthless in-group mentality
which was only aided by universal anti-Semeticism
>over 75% of the world's money
Also, why do stormfags use images with ultra orthodox, payot and kippah jews instead of pic related? This is what wealthy and influential jews look like.
all jews except beta israel are bad
they practice their religion
they don't go into politics
they don't go into finance
just, peaceful
please disprove the fact that jews and the state of israel have total influence over the western world
the holocaust was a total freak accident that the jews never banked on happening, and accelerated the zionist agenda decades, maybe even hundreds of years forward
>Jews used their tragedy to gain
>literally nobody else EVER done that before or since then
>this means it's OK to hate Jews
>this means Holocaust was justified
>what it didn't happen anyway
You have anything new to add stormfag?
>less than 0.5% percent of the world's population at any given time
This isn't even true, it was higher than that before the Holocaust. I remember reading it was greater than 2% in the days of the Achaemenid Empire but I have no idea how anyone would know.
As for this meme that they've accomplished a disproportionate amount, I would say that this could be more readily ascribed to the English and later on Scottish populations - what percentage do they never surpass?
I don't think it's a pol lie that the Jewish Diaspora has historically been guilty of denying gentiles basic reciprocity, being exploitative and extortionate when they can get away with it which has consistently yielded both the enmity and wealth of their hosts.
The usury stuff is interesting, Andrew Roberts tries to exonerate them of this in his Napoloen book by saying how can they be guilty of something their victims consented to? I don't buy this for a moment, it's an unscrupulous practice and has historically been righteously taboo, especially when you consider the gross and historic over representation of Jews, guilty of wanton nepotism, incumbent in powerful financial positions from Venitaian traders to Court Jews to Rothschild subsidiary agents to offices in national and global banks.
There is no shortage of evidence that they have routinely conspired and colluded against others, that this has been near perennial and ubiquitous, but because modernity has somehow been defines as a revulsion to Nazism and everything they stood for - we are not allowed to speak ill of the ill.
Look at what labour statistics you can find now that can be broken down by ethnicity, you are sure to find an abundance of Jews in the sinecure positions, they are more likely to be power brokers, the arbiters of truth etc. I wonder how many Jews dig ditches in the USA, or how many of them drive trucks.
Right now there are 3 Jews on the SCOTUS. 1/3 of the most powerful judicial seats goes to a people who are but 1/70 of the population...
And yet the media and the academic institutes (who boast similar disparities) are growing more brazen with this narrative that White/Germanic /Protestant/Masculine culture is what we should personify as the archetypal power figure, uniquely responsible for the problems in the world and intrinsically malevolent.
Do you know how many seat Anglo-Saxon Protestants have on the SCOTUS?
not a stormfag, i'm just interested in history and how a genocide was capitalised on to further an unrelated agenda
Why do jewish threads attract the most retarded posters?
Also, ask me normal questions and I will answer.
t. Israeli
how do you feel about israel being the spiritual successor to nazi germany
I don't believe it to be "the spiritual successor to nazi german" since there is a huge ideological difference between the two. I view Israel the antithesis of nazi Germany and a living proof of Hitler's inability to understand the world properly.
Very average high IQ in general but especially verbal IQ. That's it.
I have jewish friend who is the most eloquent, persuasive and articulate motherfucker I've ever met; dude can pull a crowd-moving speech out of his ass like its nothing.
Their IQ makes them disproportionately successful in every field they put their minds into. There is no conspiracy, they're just genetically smart and articulate as fuck.
the different face of a coin is still the same coin
Mods! too many jew threads
*high average IQ
oy fucking vey
>make a million /pol/ threads outside of /pol/
>people complain
You faggots are fucking insufferable.
i will make more
if you try to stop us, even more will come