What can Veeky Forums teach me about them? What was common and what was unconventional? I often hear about persistence hunting being employed by humans but that sounds so absurd, we're so much slower than other animals that we would quickly lose sight of them if we they aren't injured.
Pre-historic hunting strategies
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pit traps were a huge thing and were used for generations... you would dig a big ass hole in the ground, build fences around it like a funnel and then get a party of guys together to chase big game into the funnel. these pits can still be seen in many places today.
Why do people who question persistence hunting think that humans HAD to walk slow after an animal? That's not what the technique was about. It involved constant instances of someone running up to the animal to make sure it didn't have time to rest, we moved in a group to secure some tired-ass beast of burden. If we can track it well enough, we don't need it within our line of sight, and as time goes on it just becomes easier and easier to follow it. The range of human endurance that beats out the other animals in efficiency ranges from the walk to the jog.
surround that bitch like a true og loke
humans are extremely slow.
An Arab horse can run at over 40km/h for 5 minutes, we can't even do it for 3 seconds. We'd simply lose sight after the first charge.
First off, we weren't chasing and eating Arab horses. I get that you're trying to show off a faster animal, but that's not even what we'd try to eat. Either way, we definitely still were able to capture the Arabian horses too even if we didn't eat them, given that we ended up riding the fuckers. Someone at some point had to capture those first couple 40kh/h machines.
Second, they can leave your line of sight. Hunting isn't /that/ basic, in fact the whole concept of tracking is for when the animal leaves your line of sight. We got good at this shit, dude, we could absolutely find the beast after it charges into the bushes to hide. The thing is that the animal is retarded, it doesn't use all its energy to make sure it escapes then and there, it just runs away enough to be away from us, which leaves it close enough for us to find it, spook it, and get it running again.
C'mon guys please... Consider the tactical aspect. You can easily construct a pen beforehand, and chase after the animal in such a way that it is forced to run into the pen. I came up with that in 5 seconds, of course you could use different strategies besides just "Run after the animal hurrr".
>Someone at some point had to capture those first couple 40kh/h machines.
just the foal
So you can totally accept the idea of corralling a 40km/h beast like the Arab horse into a small pen, but the idea of humans following one after it leaves their line of sight is too much?
I'm so god damn confused over how you're picturing these humans. How can they lead a horse away from them into a pen, but not chase one down? If they start chasing it, it'd just run away like you said, right?
>it'd just run away
without entrapment and/or throwing spears and rocks at them, probably
stupid strategy that must consume a ton of energy
>We'd simply lose sight after the first charge
That's why a huge component of persistence hunting is also being able to track efficiently. It's not just running. It is running & tracking combined.
Who says they weren't throwing shit at the animal? When they found the animal they didn't just throw their arms in the air and go charging at it screaming. They probably tried to nail the thing in the head, and if it didn't die it at least got up and moving again which was good enough for the humans.
It's not about speed, it's about stamina and knowledge of tracking.
No animal can run for as long as a human
Litteral retards.
Need to see it happen?
We are the best long distance runners on the planet, even better than caribo since we can carry water.
Our body is adapted for running at maximum efficiency at any given speed
hahaha just shoot the damn game nigga like make a bow and arrows nigga hahaha
We are built for long distance running.
>Bow and arrow
hahaha just let your livestock piss on your hay nigga like extract saltpeter nigga hahaha
Why didn't hunter gatherers just eat their children?
They might have, if things got bad enough, you can always make more
>evolutionists larping: the thread
This video explains how hunting was done