Was Jesus black?

Was Jesus black?

>Feet like burned brass (brown chocolatey skin tone)
>Sheep's wool hair (aka, an afro which is only found in people with some African ancestry)
>Was hidden in Egypt (which is black/brown)

He was a light skinned black, all the evidence points to this.


Akiane's depiction of Jesus is the most accurate.





>kang of kangz

def black


Incredible whitewashing to be displayed here. Notice, for a start, that Jesus is depicted with long-hair, which was specifically called out for being bad by Paul (who wouldn't have done so if Jesus had long hair)

And someone born in the Middle East being white is just ridiculous

>his head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire, 15 his feet were like burnished bronze,
Only the color of his hair was described, not the texture of it. And for the feet: it only described his feet, which would be black/brownish after walking around in the sand all day. And wasent this passage supposed to be taken as symbolic rather than a literal description of what Jesus looked like?

Of course he wasent white, but he definitely was not black.


>atheist attempt at ridicule to make him look dumb


>>Feet like burned brass (brown chocolatey skin tone)
>>Sheep's wool hair (aka, an afro which is only found in people with some African ancestry)

1). Both are prophetic verses from Revelation. Not description of the living Jesus.

2). His hair is described as white as wool; not wooly in texture.

>>Was hidden in Egypt (which is black/brown)
Brown, not black.

>He was a light skinned black, all the evidence points to this.
There is no evidence that he was racially different from any other jew at that time. If you want the closest modern-day approximations to how the ancient israelites looked, check out modern-day Samaritans and to a lesser but still strong degree people from the Levant like Syrians, Palestinians.

>And someone born in the Middle East being white is just ridiculous
Jesus was a Levantinian Jew, which is close to Mediterranean
pic related is native Palestinian

What kind of peoples made up Galilee at the time?


not white as in northern european. Not black either. Check out levantine people today and especially Samaritan. There is no way Jesus would have looked much different from that.

Most likely not different from the people there now. Modern-day Samaritans, Levantines are the closest approximations. Unlikely that Jesus would have looked much different from that

Jesus was Semitic. He was not black. Why is this a debate?

everyone love we-wuzzing jesus for some reason.

>>Was hidden in Egypt (which is black/brown)
kek this is what your Egyptians thought of you negroes