Why didn't he just not invent white devils?

Why didn't he just not invent white devils?

hindsight is 20/20

it backfire
we wuz kangs
and now we wuznt

didnt he hate black people

He was to intelligent

Why didn't Frankenstein just not invent his monster?

nigga was too smart

>we need a myth for how out bad guy created white people
>why don't you just use Tolkien's myth for how Morgoth created the orcs?

On the Creation of Niggers (1912)
by H. P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Because of black guilt

Meaning that he felt guilty for his people were apes

Whites were fine until they started practising capitalism which led to systematic racism. I like how they revel on with latin phrases but conveniently forget that romans and greeks mingled with africans without prejudice or people getting emotional over mixing.

It's funny because if you look at actual facts you'll see that white people are the embodiment of godliness and darkies are the devil. It's civilization vs savagery.

"Systematic racism" isn't a product of capitalism. Try being white in Zimbabwe.

You see, when he invented the black man he had to filter out the evil from the kang. Thus, he split the good half and the bad half, and sent the good half to the shittiest part of the world.

Wooo I'm the faggot, the OP and I make bait threeeads

Yakub WEWUZ kek n'shit it's all in fucking jeeeest

fuck Veeky Forums fuck you, fuck me and fuck the sticky ruuuules

the cancer overflows containment, the Portuguese are mooooors

>can't discuss the legitimate Nation Of Islam religion, doctrine, and mythology on a humanities board

He was basically the Sauron of the Kings. A fallen angel. He did it to spite other blacks.

>White people are literally destroying the world out of their own egos

So actually if you are referring to the Abrahamic God they *are* pretty godly actually

He made whities to spit on his own race

Yakub was a genius, but with genius comes arrogance

Yakub works in mysterious ways


That is one DeviantART-looking negro.

>that Reddit spacing

>>that one user trying to make reddit spacing a thing

>reddit spacing

underrated post

Bumpin for Yaqub

>tfw too intelligent to hang out with niggers so you create your own race

Romans tried to conquer Nubia

But orcs are more similar to the savage races. This is indeed civilization vs savagery like in the Tolkien legendarium, however the SJWs are the ones tricked by (((Saruman))) into aiding the forces of darkness.

In NOI mythos white people arent civilized, they're cruel, cunning, and uncaring. This has nothing to do with real life, it's a fairy tale.

He grew up in a broken family. He had to suffer from faults he didn't commit. This filled his heart with hate and gave his personality a destructive trait.

>Using epik modern memes on a tolkien work

end thyself spawn of melkor

No, fool. You don't have enough knowledge of ancient faith to know that godliness, divinity, is represented by the light, the suns that make life possible and allow us to see. Darkness is the opposite, that which wishes to drown out the light and make everything cold and dark, and thus life impossible.

If there is a god he made it quite obvious which people are of the light and which of the dark...

>literally every country where you have a higher chance of getting robbed/raped/murdered is coincidentally full of these so-callee evil "dark" people, the chances even seem to go up the darker the average gets

Top hmmm...