>then he claimed the Christian Trinity wasn't polytheistic
Then he claimed the Christian Trinity wasn't polytheistic
His name? Albert Einstein.
Well, you have to be patient with Christians. By and large, they're either not very well read on their own scriptures, or not very bright. (or both) I mean, they also insist that there are no contradictions in the Bible, when the Gospels can't even agree on what Jesus's last words on the cross were.
Go on......
Every religion does this. Judaism has mountains and mountains of traditional scholarship to try to make sense of their scripture, Islam has the doctrine of abrogation because they can't admit the Koran has contradictions, etc.
>He bow before a cube
Fuck off, pagan
> then it said that holy soldier of a Lovecraftianly powerful being got scared of a puppy
Well we have questions that aren't discussed in our holy book. is Jesus a man or divine, or both or none? We don't know, the Bible never addresses these things, our priests had to sit down and debate these topics and come up with answers themselves. And what they came up with was: he's simultaneously all three and none.
In short, they couldn't come up with an answer and made up gibberish.
>God should be easy to understand
>he worships three Gods and bows before a stick
What's wrong with you?
Is it autism?
E = Mc^2
God is energy, the Father is mass, Jesus is the speed of light, and the holy spirit is 2
>my religion should make sense
>come at me sir I'll show you how knights duel
>God is energy, the Father is mass, Jesus is the speed of light, and the holy spirit is 2
I nearly pissed myself laughing.
Scripture teaches the trinity.
Not exactly.
The Trinity is a theological position taken because the scripture doesn't make sense.
>He bow before and cicle around a cube
>He also worship a meteorite and believe that this meteorite can save him.
Somebody hasn't read the gospel of John.
You are aware that the best Christian theologians have come up with in two thousand years is "the Trinity is a mystery", right?
Why have I got to explain the basics to you?
Do think it's necessary that a being like God should be understandable to the Human mind? From my perspective I think God being not able to be fully understood would actually be a prerequisite when talking about a being that is not constrained by the laws of the universe we live in. He could be shaped like a 7 dimensional cube for all we know, would you dismiss that as "I can't imagine what a 7 dimensional cube would look like therefore God cannot be shaped like one"? Seems like you having trouble wrapping your mind around the Trinity isn't a strike against it at all
the cube is the house of god on the earth and is analogous to where god resides in the heavens as the angels worship him
the meteorite is a piece of heaven.
You seem to be getting a bit confused between two separate concepts....
1. It says it in the Gospel of John &...
2. It makes sense
The trinity is not a mystery, though. You're just memeing it as polytheistic.
Shy should it be anything other than a mystery?
The Trinity is such an elegant solution that makes the contradictions in scripture perfectly congruent though. There is a reason it's survived over 1600 years of theologians studying it.
The meteorite is a piece of rock leftover from the early gravitational contraction of the solar system.
The Father is God, the Son is God and the Spirit is God, yet there are not three Gods but one God
>Do think it's necessary that a being like God should be understandable to the Human mind?
This is an open admission it doesn't make sense.
Have you considered following a religion that makes sense?
>three Gods
One God
Three persons
>I disagree with two thousand years of Christian theology and I can't articulate why other than some Veeky Forums slang
It makes perfect sense when considering what the Bible says. Remember that the Bible is the word of God himself.
No, if I thought I was wise enough to decide for God what He is I would be a pagan (like you) and worship idols
But I don't want a god invented in my mind, I want the True and Living God who has revealed Himself in scripture
>you shouldn't commit these sins on earth, wait until you get to heaven then you can commit all the sins you want
Which religion is that?
Are you aware of what being a person involves?
Explain your understanding of what a person is.
>Remember that the Bible is the word of God himself
The bible is NOT the eternal Word, which is Jesus
>then he claimed praying to dead saints and mary wasn't polytheistic
They are the same being
They are not the same person
I used word. Lowercase.
You also used himself. The bible is not a person, it is a book
>weird strawman greentext that bears no comparison to the post it was replying to
Errr, okay.
You were asked to explain what your understanding of a person was.
Go ahead.
We're waiting......
You are not a Christian if you do not profess the Nicene Creed and the Trinity Doctrine.
Do you have a question about a specific?
How is the religion implied by your attached picture make any more sense than the one you were attacking?
Neither the Nicence Creed or the "Trinity Doctrine" declare the Trinity as something that is comprehensible and understandable.
Try a little bit harder and get a bit more acquainted with Christian theology.
That doesn't make it untrue.
What is your personal understanding of what constitutes a 'person'?
Is that the best you can do?
I'm not seeing what you want. The trinity can only be understood through faith.
This question is too broad and vague to be answered
It is incredibly specific.
No, it isn't. If you want an an answer, ask a question which has an answer.
Your daily reminder:
Jesus was a Jew.
(Why aren't you?)
I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.
Isaiah 43:11
Literally pagan tier, stop worshipping this stone
>(Why aren't you?)
If you, though a Jew, act like a Gentile, how then can you ask the Gentiles to act like Jews?
You are aware that what you just said is objectively untrue.
Nice plebbit spacing.
I'm sorry, makes sense? Have you read literally every single Hadith? Because they sure as fuck don't all make sense.
Islam doesn't let women pray when they're menstruating, and thinks ingesting pork and alcohol make a person unclean.
Thanks x
What does this mean? >They are the same being
>They are not the same person
...if the entire concept of "a person" is "too broad and vague to be answered?
>Islam doesn't let women pray when they're menstruating, and thinks ingesting pork and alcohol make a person unclean.
There's nothing wrong with not letting women pray when they are unclean you polytheistic cuck.
>שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יהוה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יהוה אֶחָד
Deuteronomy 6:4
It means they share being and not person
Agreed. That verse proves Christianity is monotheistic.
The Church used to burn heretics at the stake who claimed that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost were three different gods instead of three distinct Persons in one God, you Saracen whores.
Because Christianity is a sect that branched of off Judaism?
Jesus delivered a speech on the cross and the Evangelists recorded whatever statements they remembered. That's the benefit of having multiple points of view. Different people give different weight to different things and together you can get a fuller perspective.
That's a step up from having your holy book whispered into the ear of a pedophile warlord by Satan in a dark cave where no animals or icons were allowed becomes demons don't like them.
Explain how it is logical, and why God would be offended by the natural process he gave to women?
That actually makes sense, unlike the Trinity
*tips fedora*
The difference is that Christians have the Bible and the writings of the Church Fathers, of which the Bible is the ultimate authority. The Pharisees have their Talmud (the "Oral Torah") which they give equal footing to or even precedence over the Tankh (the actual Torah and the rest of the Old Testament). Likewise the Saracens have the Hadiths which some sects consider authoritative alongside the Koran while other sects don't consider authoritative at all. The Talmud is the lens through which Satan perversely interprets the Bible, while the Koran is Satan's parody of the Bible, while the Hadiths are Satan's interpretation of his own work. The Church Fathers are considered less authoritative sources than the Bible, but because Jesus came to give us a Church and not just a book, and explicitly handed down authority to that Church, the Church Fathers are considered authoritative, but not as much so as the Church's official doctrines about the Bible.
proves christianity is heresy
better than worshipping a pedo and bowing before a box
>he worships a pagan rock
Bro it's literal astro-science. Let's not try to say the earth is the center of the universe again.
> not that specific poster
Another one line christfag bait thread.
How refreshing.