How could europé have prevented a fully muslim anatolis?
How could europé have prevented a fully muslim anatolis?
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Uniting against the Islamic heresy as soon as Arab armies appeared in Mesopotamia.
Persian cooperation would help.
>How could europé have prevented a fully muslim anatolis?
by not raping Constantinople during the 4th crusade
It is the Byzantines fault for being utterly retarded.
First they enter a 20-30 year civil war after Manzikert and then they massacre the Latins like utter retards.
So, Isaac II Angelos declares himself an enemy of Frederick Barbarossa, who bashes him, goes across into Anatolia only to wipe the floor with the Turks and capture their capital city.
If the Byzantines were allies at that point, Frederick would have likely gave all that territory to the Byzies and they would get the entirety of Western Anatolia, but no.
Because Byzies are retarded.
Also, Manuel could have retaken it, but fate chose failure.
The two empires tried to cooperate to some degree but muslims prevented them from doing so.
Anatolia was already half muslim and growing by then.
yes, but the 4th crusade managed to politically fuck up western anatolia to the point of the balkanization of the ERE, with multiple christian nations in the area, leading to pointless infighting
the economic damage was crazy, during the sieges they essentially tore the city apart, especially any sort of ability of defense
these effects essentially crippled the ERE and its successors to the point that complete muslim conquest of anatolia was inevitable
By not losing at Yarmuk.
This is a big maybe but,
Funnily enough by not having a Crusade.
Byzantine Emperors had a tradition of Christianizing the nomads, Alexius Komnenus especially tried to Christinized turkish elite and some, not all but some, converted even fought with ERE/Crusaders.
But post Crusade turks were firmly established in the muslim side. Persian culture also penetrated their administration.
That is an utterly ridiculous claim.
Byzantine Emperors had a tradition of Christianising small amounts of Turkic troops in their service, not entire tribes lol.
Without the crusades, Constantinople would have fallen in the 12th century.
You're on the right track, but it's less to do with Christianizing than making them accept the Emperor and the Byzantine state as the supreme authority in Anatolia. The Seljuk Sultan had reached an accord with the ERE on that account, but with his death and the death of the Turkish general of Nicaea, chaos ensued which allowed the gradual establishment of a Sultan of Rum, someone who by his very title presumed to be independent of the Emperor. Like what happened with the kings of Armenia and Georgia, the Crusader States, the Bulgarians and Serbs, and the Normans of Sicily, this undercut the authority of the Roman crown that they could never again reverse.
No, what would have happened is that some other Byzantine noble would overthrow the emperor and take his place while everyone in the Balkans and Anatolia scrambled to form their own independent principalities and fight each other for a few years.
This is really stupid and uninformed. Like 90% of the internet you believe that the 4th crusade was the sole reason of the fall of Constantinople and the Turkification of Anatolia
However this is entirely false. The Battle of Manzikert 1071 is what lead to these events as Turks started settling in Anatolia afterwards and could easily defeat the Byzantines in battle 200 years before the fourth crusade.
They could simply have BTFO the roaches, but the dumb Byzantines refused again and again to convert to Catholicism.
They seeked their own doom and got what they deserved.
If the greeks weren't total retards and went 'muh megali idea' we would have let the few million anatolian greeks live here.
Ataturk was always for civic nationalism so as long as they saw themselves as turkish citizens no porblems would have happened.
Also maybe natural multiculturalism as it was could have prevented the current shitshow made by that retard erdogan.
Except that did not work at all, ever.
Even Orthodox Christians under Byzantine rule would revolt regularly and be a pain in the ass(Serbs, Bulgars etc.) let alone foreign peoples who already converted to Islam.
You are speaking nonsense.
Basically everyone who was not Greek/Roman caused problems and hated the Empire.
Byzantium still could have conquered Egypt and Palestine in the 11th century, if not for a badly mismanaged recovery that neglected the army and the defense of Asia Minor.
Byzantine manpower in the early 1000's was enormous. They could field a massive army.
Giving the Muslims Anatolia in exchange for Iberia was a good trade man, come on,
>Muh Manzikert
Spot the illiterate. Manzikert itself is meaningless, Alp Arslan didn't colonize Anatolia and neither did he want it. Revoking the Theme system was a crushing blow to Roman security in Armenia and Anatolia, allowing small amounts of Turkroaches (who hated Alp Arslan, mind you) to settle in Asia minor. Even after establishment of Rum ERE still had decent chance to reconquer it, as Komnenoi restoration happened, effectively BTFO'ing everything around. The thing is, Komnenoi family still failed to achieve most of their goals, and while leaving Empire much stronger than it was after 1071, they didn't reconquer much of Rum. Now we go back to 1204, where the Turks were on verge of total collapse, Mongols going to genocide Muslims in a matter of two decades. The Greeks would have easily crushed every single beylik, but then the Latins came (and they DID deserve the massacre), dismantled the empire and destroyed the infrastructure of pretty much everything, leaving Constantinople a fucking shithole.
>B-but oyy vey! They still survived 300 years!
They spent three centuries reconquering cities owned by retarded Latins who had no idea how to manage more advanced lands than their own. And even after becoming almost as big as before 1204 they still lost to the Turks, because meanwhile... Turkroaches reorganized and became stronger than ever, while Constantinople post 1204 remained a backwater famous only for it's walls, since the strategic location and muh trade route didn't matter that much by now, considering Turks were already in Europe by then.
But they were cucks
You will never achieve anything with cucks even with millions of them
Actually, I recently stumbled upon a very well done video about what actually happened in the 30 year period after Manzikert, I advise everyone to watch it as it is fascinating and quite facepalm inducing(basically, the Byzantines are utter retards);
> They spent three centuries reconquering cities owned by retarded Latins who had no idea how to manage more advanced lands than their own.
Except how we have even Muslim sources praising Latin administration.
Heck, they turned the city of Acre from some fishing town into one of the richest cities in the Mediterranean in a span of just 20-40 years.
Latins get an undeserving bad rap.
Especially considering that the adjacent Muslim warlords were no better in any way.
By not destroying Ottoman empire which led to the creation of Turkish nation state which led to the expulsion of muslims, turks, greeks and christians from both Greece and Turkey.
Not sacking Constantinople
greeks nation state would still be fatal for greek citizens fate in ottoman. it was beyond turks' reach
You didn't read what I actually wrote. I said simply Christianizing a people didn't work, you needed to acculturate them into seeing the Byzantine power structure as the one true, legitimate hierarchy with no contenders.