Anyone else still holding this shitcoin?
Honestly whats the point, its fucking dead and not coming back. Should I just sell now while im at a 100% profit and put my money elsewhere?
Anyone else still holding this shitcoin?
Don't give in to the fud, and more importantly, don't contribute to it.
digibyte is experiencing a dip because they did not win the contest. The contest however wsa not the only reason they managed to get to the top 20. they will come around... Take a look at their website...
Plot twist: this is a FUD post.
Why does dgb get fudded so fucking bad? Like, way worse than the normal sour grapes fudding that goes on
I only have 1600 DGB, so losing them doesn't mean much for me.
By July it will be worth atleast 3k sats
Fudders begat fudders. I guess digibyte just had a lot of things in its future that people thought would magically make, or break its value, and so that was taken advantage of for better or for worse. Also, stellar quads.
I'm considering taking my dgb offline and store it. Then deposit the dgb's worth of funds back into an exchange for trading. It's going to take a while for me to see a profit from it so I'm going to hold for long.
Anyone have any educated predictions for this coin for the next year?
I sold. most twitter traders have confirmed we're in the Fear/Denial/Capitulation phase of a DGB bubble.
Worst case: Falls to 200 sats
Best case: It normalizes at 1000 sats
Either way I made sold at a massive loss and i had trouble sleeping last night. But at least I wont make anymore loss.
"Jared: We have made several great connections with several people at Citi, MasterCard, PwC and MSFT. As well as some government authorities." I guess all we can do is pay attention to these relationships DGB are attempting to foster.
You see, I don't have the balls to do that.
I would rather hold or if I do sell at a loss, I'll buy back at a low + the % I lost
that sucks bro...I managed to break even at least...
When ETH began to rocket I sold my DGB at a loss too. Put it into ETH and recovered most of my losses. Sucks, I really wanted to hodl strong, but the lows were getting lower every time it dipped.
Sold everything to buy the Stratis dip
There is someone holding 2 billion DGB through all of it. I have roughly 2000 DGB. I honestly feel comfy if even a Person like them isn't selling.
I wasn't in for short term anyways and if I would have sold right before the news.
Sorry to hear that man, maybe you can recoup your losses if it dips hard enough then rebounds. I have enough trouble sleeping at night wondering when the yobit p&d scams will end.
You know its probably an exchange right? It doesnt nesseccerily mean an individual has 2billion.
Same thing with a lot of other coins
>he doesn't know how premined DGB is
>exchanges hold a large chunk of dgb
really forces one to consider
I think it has a high enough profile/promise to rebound to a level where most can recoup their initial investment. I'm going to see where it's at at the end of the month and reassess. Don't let a volatile market make you soil your britches, folks.
honest question why does this matter?
Double top pattern, 1000 sats incoming
all those fudders and weak handers
bought at 105 sats still holding strong
this coin has some serious haters out there, not sure why the fuck, can someone explain
Not sure. I always see people on here going "I bought at 100 sats I don't give a fuck". Not everyone got in that early, though. Some people feel a bit burned by what happened the last couple of days.
The idea that one person (usually the developer) holds a big percentage of the coins scares people, that one day they might just sell everything, crash the market and disappear with a lot of money
On the flip side, if the dev doesn't hold enough coins, people say that the majority holder must be some whale who has zero connection to the product and will surely dump and crash the market one day
Holding 11k since it was 400 SATS. Dont really care if I lose couple of hundred because of this so im just holding
I'm wondering if this is the time strong hands get me killed
Either way I'm not capitulating
I'm wondering the same, but I *think* the worst is over. It'll be a long, shitty climb back up as I imagine a lot of hodlers will cash out when it reaches their break even price
Sell it and just put all your profits in XVG
someone has paid a lot of money for it. only half joking. my theory - something happened behind the scenes at citi and someone wants serious amounts of dgb for cheap. makes sense if you're a business that plans on actually implimenting digusign. the FUD is just slightly too organized and effectively done, all feels quite suspicious.
>sold at a loss
Thank you for contributing to others fat stacks
Normally I agree with you. Strong hands etc.
Not this time. DGB has no fundementals at all.
Better get out now.
also it seems to becoming from india, but from a high level enough space that the english is almost native-tier (ie, government/big business). have a feeling that will become relevent later. screencap this
>the FUD is just slightly too organized and effectively done, all feels quite suspicious.
OMG! yeah the government is behind it to make a better gain than you moehahaha and citi will risk losing license and name because of couple millions moehahaha.
They probably also infiltrated Veeky Forums :)))) whahahaha
You guys are insane. But thanks for the laughter ..
DGB is fud deal with it get out now! Many better coins to invest your money in.
I don't understand how it has anything to do with India ?
So much fucking denial in this post that it's hilarious. Take a look at what happened to XRP and how much it crashed down to what it was worth because it grew too much too fast. That's a coin with 75+ big well known financial institutions backing it. What does DGB have behind it? Sure there's potential but actual value of potential and the value of actual solid backing is very different.
The same thing happens with all coins. They go up and they go down. Seeing this dump causing loss in over half the value isn't absurd. In fact, it even happened with ETH. People fudded against ETH and look at where it is now.
Of course, I don't think DGB will ever get close to ETH, and ETH dumped after it was well over a dollar, but there is always a chance for comeback in any coin.
Let's face it the only people posting in this thread are all members of the same PnD discord.
If you think any Veeky Forums discord can pump and dump 300 million of market value you are a delusional and stupid.
is now the time to buy into DGB?
help im new
Probably not. Just watch the exchanges for a while and get used to the nightmare realm before you jump in.
>I've been watching this stock closely for the past week and it's not going anywhere ;:javascript.,