You wake up in the Congo Free State

You wake up in the Congo Free State
What do?

get on a ship back to America ASAP.

How did the mentality of whites change so fast? Just a century ago they were colonizing the world, but today they're afraid to speak up in their own countries.

Get me a young Black concubine.

I'd give them a hand.

The self-suicide of WWI and WWII

Millions of men killed. the brave warriors died out and the merchants survived.

white guilt

Go down in history as the guy who coined the phrase "The Heart of Darkness"
Fuck you for aggravating my inferiority complex Joey.

It's more complicated than that. Certain strains of thought (liberalism, egalitarianism, secularism) which have existed since the early modern period, when taken to mean certain things have the effect they do now. The precedent of modern liberalism didn't come out of the blue, it's just how it's spun.

Am I a chocolatier or a chocolate man?

A journalist from America

What year?


Colonialism was possible when it was guns versus spears. The disparity in technology between colonialists and natives made it possible to control large swathes of land with relatively limited military resources (although it's worth pointing out that smart manipulation of local politics also drove a lot of colonial expansion).

Once native populations were able to procure relatively modern arms of their own, and certain 20th century ideologies started uniting native peoples against the colonial powers, this became increasingly difficult. It's one thing to gun down spear-chucking primitives, it's another to deal with AK47-wielding guerrillas engaged in asymmetrical warfare.

There's a sense amongst some white nationalists (not that I'm accusing you of being one) that liberal intellectuals stabbed the colonial empires in the back. That colonialism was going amazingly well until self-hating whites at home brought an end to it all. There's a resistance to soberly appraising colonialism for what it was. I hope you don't fall into that trap and view it through the rose-tinted lens of nostalgia.

Create Ancapland.


>Implying libs didn't stab us in the back
And how do you suppose those nigger got guns. I sure as he'll know for a fact they couldn't manufacture them. For Christ's sake, they can't even move gravel around right.

>Colonialism was possible

>Implying "colonialism" ended

Whites are quperior in every way to Shitskins, especially when it come to army, Whites are disciplined while Shitskins aren't and tend to flee (see : Iraqi Army)

if people think this phenomenon doesn't exist, compare pre-war japan to post-war.

>What is mass-conscription?

Be comfy with natives


The French, Dutch, and Portuguese all tried to hold on to their colonies. Didn't work out well at all, with them suffering tens of thousands of military casualties each and massive financial losses for no real return. Even when they technically won the war militarily (e.g. Portuguese in Angola) rather than being flat-out beaten on the field of battle (e.g. French in Vietnam), they were unable to capitalize on any gains they made. When the conquered people, ingested with nationalism and more heavily armed than before united and resisted, the colonies ceased to possess whatever economic utility they may have originally had. So even in the event they COULD keep them conquered, they wouldn't want to.

For Portugal war expenditures reached 40% of their annual budget at one point iirc.

Breed as many Congolese women as possible so that perhaps in 2017 they have enough white DNA to sustain a middle class and the country wont be so shit.

Are you retarded? Colonialism ended because the US wanted African people to act as anti-communist Banana Republics, and thought that making nations of them that would raise their own militas was easier and less taxing than sending US troops to every single square mile of Africa. Certainly less damaging if the USSR decided to use nukes instead of invasion forces.


>it's almost as if race doesn't determine your worldview or personal behaviour

Population shifts left whites unable to make the world see things their way, and whites became too complacent and too addicted to peace and high standards of living to do anything radical, terrified they might lose them.

The /pol/shitstains are too numerous now, I can't go to any board or thread without you faggots parroting the same shit without any fortified to think for yourselves and develop your own ideas. Is there abt history board I can go too to just discuss history not some crackpot shit ideology seeping into every discussion?

>how do you suppose those nigger got guns.
chinese, soviets and competing imperial powers
and before you go
>those were all liberals!
we're not using your retarded american definition of "liberal" which encompasses everything that hurts your feelings. communism is the furthest thing from liberal

Enjoy your AIDS

T. Poor little DESTROYED leftist

Pic related

>early 20th century

>XD haha those leftist cucks were buttblasted!!!11!!11

Pathetic. Only thing you faggots know how to reply with, as if discussions are a game to "win" bunch of fucking children

Do you derive joy in the impediment of knowledge and learning? Why do you like shutting down the discussion of history on a board dedicated to history?

Dude, I was referencing Heart of Darkness. How the fuck is that being a /pol/ shitstain?

>be glad I'm white


(Austria to be more accurate)

>Nazi Germany
>Soviets 1945-1955
>China 1945-1965

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe it has more to do with other factors than
>le the real men all died!

>with them suffering tens of thousands of military casualties each
2000 military dead in Indonesia lmao vs 200,000 shitskins killed

Doesn't matter how many of them you kill. If you lose the war, it's still a waste of resources.

Go back to /int/ you deluded Moroccan

Pretty much this, the death rate of white men ins the Congo was pretty damn high

>Invade a poverty stricken county and fight farmers with ak47s in the jungle
Lmao we killed more of these shitskins hahaha we are so superior XD


reddit is calling for you

>LMAO YEA GO ON REDDIT HAHAH Veeky Forums is the bastion of free thought and rationality Hahah

You and several people that replied to you should go tell that to Afghanis, Iraqis, Somalis, Serbs, Kenyans, Vietnamese, Koreans, Syrians

Calling 'whites' oppressors or assertive or ascribing a general trait to 'whites' is fucking stupid. Different technologies and paradigms shaped the world, slavs were getting fucked by Turks during the early Victorian period. More recently it's corporate and petrodollar 'oppressiveness' instead of Western European imperial projects

No you dumbass, KD ratio doesn't determine 'success' irl. Life isn't a fucking game, maybe stop jacking off in front of screens and read a book

In wars different sides have different strategic goals and whichever side succeeds in getting their strategic goal which compromises the other sides, wins, eg the Vietnam war

The US has been shitty at asymmetrical warfare and they literally didn't have a consensus about counterinsurgency until 2011