I did it biz, I finally bought some BTC, I was here when you faggots were shilling at like $0.5 a fucking coin and i didnt buy, i was here when you faggots shilled ETC and I DIDNT FUCKING BUY
ah well, Im on board now
Good on you user-kun! trade well~
It's okay user. Welcome aboard.
It's not your fault. We've been raised in a cult of the education industrial complex. Education is more revered in our fucked up society than money.
If you take a risk and succeed, that's considered evil and bad. Oh but if you're a good cuck and get into $100k debt to complete your masters degree, then we throw parties and celebrate in your honor.
I'm at the age where my friends are all graduating college. I made $250k in the last two months and no one gives a fuck. No one is throwing parties in my honor, nobody is congratulating me. No, to them it's invisible money and I'll always be the college drop out to them who failed school. Parents point at me and tell their kids I'm a bad example and that they should stay in cuck school to be """successful""".
This is exactly why Trump didn't get 80% of the vote, because of this stigma against success, risk taking and hard work. We're bred to be servile, pathetic cucks afraid of our own shadow and we attack anything that tries to uplift us or hints at a change in the prerogative. And to this day I'm still afraid sometimes, not really as bold or as much of a risk taker as I should be.
Thanks lads. Any other coins I should take a look at? thinking I will split 5050 into ETH and maybe IOC.
Congrats, but maybe not the best timing considering how high BTC is right now
>I made $250k in the last two months and no one gives a fuck.
How much have you cashed out?
Good on you my man, interesting times ahead for sure.
If you are interested in having a punt on something a bit riskier, I'd suggest sia. It's got good fundamentals, hasn't done anything crazy recently, and is cheap enough that you can pick up a reasonable amount
And to all the STEM majors. Good luck feeding your family on your wage slave while you pay off your student loans forever and licking the boots of your SJW boss every day for the rest of your life. One false move, one bad conversation and you're done. You're just there to slave away and do menial tasks for your slave masters that may pat you on your head once in a while.
This is how I used to view success in the past. A stable income, no risk taking, no adventure, no individuality. This is not what America was built on. We are pioneers and this is our new frontier. Humanity is rising. The ideology of socialism, control freak regulation is dead.
>Cashed out
normalfag detected
>waaaaaaaah why aren't my normie coworkers or parents impressed with my crypto gains when I haven't cashed out at all
newcoiner here making an account on coinbase to trade some of my bongs into coin, preferably ETH
I have about 5k saved up and was wondering how much of that should be used on trading crypto, i want to start by maybe spending 100-200 bongs on ETH to test the waters and understand the fundementals of trading.
Any advice? I don't want to be wagecucking for minimum wage the rest of my life or i might kill myself
how about you get the fuck over yourself?
With $250k in crypto, you can start a fucking business; That's two if not three yearly software developer salaries... What the fuck are you waiting for?
I have another income source so I don't need to withdraw.
This isn't over yet. Once big business adopts this in 10 years I'll be the one on top
My advice is: Keep at least half in something stable (btc, ethereum, even monero). Go play with the rest if you want. If things go down, don't panic sell, and don't invest more than you are willing to lose
And never, never buy a coin on yobit
I'm not talking about withdrawing the lot of your crypto; I'm talking about using those gains and the knowledge you have about money management to start an entrepreneurial ascent... You know; Like capitalism intends.
>And never, never buy a coin on yobit
funnily enough i was looking at that
What about coinbase? can i make a wallet on coinbase as well as buy and sell coins?
Might I suggest coming to the LBRY? w-we're nice
user! That's exactly right. i learned more in the library reading on my own than I did in the education system designed to prepare me for factory work.
...I still liked wearing a school uniform though....
>BTC, I was here when you faggots were shilling at like $0.5 a fucking coin
So, never?
I don't know much about coin base sorry, I use poloniex
My warning about yobit is for 2 reasons; it's shady, and it's a breeding ground for all the bullshit scammy coins. You've probably seen a bunch of threads here "only 5 sat on yobit!" "Paper thin walls!" "Thx OP I just buy 100btc worth!!". Then they fuck off with someone's money, never to be seen again.
There's huge money to be made if you get super lucky, but the shitheads out there are absolutely aware that everyone is looking to get in early for the next big thing. And you really don't even need to take the risk, look at the phenomenal returns that the "safe" investments are giving
This is pretty much what I want to escape. Nearing the end of my stem study, want to find another way.
Will invest in coins once i earn another weeks wage, being in Aus slight difference but not many.
my advice if you buy right now is dont freak out if it drops 40% in the next few days it will probably go back up
sorry to put you down, but it's too late to make any kind profit. enjoy getting my bags of overvalued coins you retarded newcoiner piece of crap
Veeky Forums didnt exist when bitcoin was 0.5$ a coin, and i doubt it even was that low ever
also its Ethereum (ETH), not Ethereum Classic (ETC)
and most importantly, why the hell would you buy bitcoins now, the fork is in 1.4 months, it will dip so hard its unbelieveable, sell that shit and buy back in, in august
Coins that are going to moon real soon:
Get in before Critical mass.
That is my final advice to you user
I'm sure he meant /g/ also bitcoin was much lower than 0,5 back then
>We're bred to be servile, pathetic cucks afraid of our own shadow and we attack anything that tries to uplift us or hints at a change in the prerogative
Absolutely correct because we live in a society directed by females and cucks
sad to see that darwin's theory no longer applies to humans, you failed abortion.
You're literally the biggest fag I've seen on here ever. Show some fucking love for the new guys and stop hating yourself so fucking much you cuck.
ARK for long term holding
Finally, someone who actually fucking gets it